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'Moonlight' wins award as best picture after Oscar flub


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7 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Just watched Moonlight. It shouldn't have been on the nomination list. Quite bad. Terrible racial stereotyping that would have been reviled if it was made by whites. Bland, unintelligible dialogue. No original ideas. Absurd story in which a pre-pubescent kid is identified as gay - mainly to push the agenda of discrimination.  Fine for what it is, which is a sullen and bitter art-house film.


Clearly the Academy chose it for their own PR agenda - to show there is no white bias in the industry after last year's roasting. For political reasons, it would be impossible for them to choose La La Land, a frivolous song-and-dance film about privileged white folk, over any serious film about black folk.


We've always known that the Oscars were all about the industry making itself look good, but evidently the PC era isn't over yet.

I saw Moonlight as well and I liked it.   I haven't yet seen the competing films, so I can't compare, but Moolight did not strike me as Best Picture worthy.   I don't have any black gay friends nearby, but it would be interesting to hear their take on it and how well it is portrayed.  


It was a bit slow moving and at times it was difficult to discern where it was going.  

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On 2/27/2017 at 5:50 PM, Prbkk said:

This stuff-up will come as no surprise to anyone who has had dealings with PwC.

I had to laugh when the news was reporting about how the reputation of PWC might suffer because of the movie awards screw up. Absolutely no mention of their collusion to cook the books of Fortune 500 companies. The ignorance of people never fails to astound me.

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