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Obama denies Trump claim he wiretapped him during campaign


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what's really childish about all this... is how trump and many folks will talk about "Obama" as if he were just a person.... and talk about places like "China" as if it were some kind of small toy or naughty dog you can rap on the head....

but I do get it.    

or that "we" alone fought some guy from WW1 named Adolph Hitler in some kind of weird slugfest and "rescued" the world from that one guy... without the Russians by the way... 

I get it. all.

because some folks can also believe that a guy died, rose from the dead and was the son of the Creator of the Universe... and telling and believing that story is normal and quite okay... so then everything is about super evil and super good guys.  keeps things easy to figure out.  EXCEPT now we have several of these ignorant whatevertheyare in the White House itself.. including the guy with the nuke PIN code.

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2 minutes ago, mesquite said:

This is an opinion piece with zero facts to back up what's being said.  Pick a more reliable source for your info.  Total BS.


Zero credibility.  Even had a hooker listen in to his conversations with then president Clinton! LOL  Great guy....



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13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

This is an opinion piece with zero facts to back up what's being said.  Pick a more reliable source for your info.  Total BS.


Zero credibility.  Even had a hooker listen in to his conversations with then president Clinton! LOL  Great guy....




12 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


I failed to find "proof" that Obama tapped Trump. I did hear an "opinion" based on no facts.

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Try listening to it again, this time with ears and mind "open."  Let's face it; your guy is going down.

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8 minutes ago, mesquite said:


Try listening to it again, this time with ears and mind "open."  Let's face it; your guy is going down.

I did.  Loved that part where he's trying to get you to click on his link to food that's unhealthy for you.  Great click bait.  And you fell for it! LOL

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8 minutes ago, mesquite said:


Try listening to it again, this time with ears and mind "open."  Let's face it; your guy is going down.

You are completely out of your mind, stop listening to Alex Jones, take a walk out and see the real world.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You are completely out of your mind, stop listening to Alex Jones, take a walk out and see the real world.

Dick Morris correctly predicted President Trump's victory, as an example.  His background includes working for the Clintons when they were in power.  Anyway, as I said, your guy is going down.  Maybe he and Hillary can share a unisex jail cell, Trump's nod to the libs.


BTW, I got the same kind of feedback here on TV when I predicted Trump would win the primary and when he would win the general election. 


I'm sure you guys will scatter when Obama ends up on trial.

Edited by mesquite
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This thread will be re-opened, but please keep in mind the topic is about the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower by Obama.   Reasonable  remarks which surround the issue of wiretapping, surveillance and other aspects directly related to the topic are permitted.   Gratuitous posts about politics in general, the election, Hillary, Bernie and others are not.


Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed.


You have been warned.  

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6 hours ago, mesquite said:

Dick Morris correctly predicted President Trump's victory, as an example.  His background includes working for the Clintons when they were in power.  Anyway, as I said, your guy is going down.  Maybe he and Hillary can share a unisex jail cell, Trump's nod to the libs.


BTW, I got the same kind of feedback here on TV when I predicted Trump would win the primary and when he would win the general election. 


I'm sure you guys will scatter when Obama ends up on trial.

Just decided to  take a quick glance at your predictions. Here's one dated june 14

"Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump. It's called a political campaign and election which the Clintons win in any November 99% of the time. As soon as the delegate votes are counted at the national convention in Philadelphia Trump is toast. Burnt toast by November. They sure didn't win in 2008 "

And I didn't even need the NSA to prove you're not honest.


And here's your final pre-election post about the election dated Oct 27. 

"There is no stopping Trump. Even if he loses the election, he has millions of followers. Clown-nose-wearing political genius Bill Maher finally gets one right and fears that Trump will start his own television network should he lose. "

Talk about self-immolation.  I think Trump is your role model.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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21 minutes ago, Scott said:

This thread will be re-opened, but please keep in mind the topic is about the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower by Obama.   Reasonable  remarks which surround the issue of wiretapping, surveillance and other aspects directly related to the topic are permitted.   Gratuitous posts about politics in general, the election, Hillary, Bernie and others is not.


Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed.


You have been warned.  

'are' not?  sorry don't ban for a little fun na?

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One of the gracious things Trump did during the inauguration period was to thank Obama for the assistance he provided in the preparation period following the election. It really was a grace note. It also cemented a tradition of signalling continuity by previous Presidents showing up for the inauguration and also not criticising the current President in office (a tradition likely to prevail even though under stress). What will have appalled the political establishment including the intelligence agencies is unfortunately a President who will lash out and throw absolutely anyone outside of a loyal circle on the bonfire when his own position is under serious pressure. That prior grace note was seemingly carelessly thrown away like a piece of confetti. But not quite. Trump faces an intelligence community which seems to his team to be remaining more loyal to Obama than him in his wishes and that wish is to get into bed with Russia. For Trump there is nothing to defend with the pre-election meetings. To stop all this he is going after Obama to show the intelligence crew and the rest of the Beltway crew who is boss. There is a weird logic here. Whether it all ends up as train wreck who knows. Russia is the totem. Keep that in mind and the whirling dervish can be seen through the fog.

Edited by SheungWan
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On 3/7/2017 at 11:07 PM, jaywalker said:

How anybody could think Hillary would be better is beyond me.


How anybody can believe that the Russians had an impact on the election is beyond me.


The right & main-stream media starts screaming about "Evidence", yet have failed to produce a shred of evidence that the Russians affected the outcome of the election.


If former President Obama DID do what President Trump is saying, he needs to be in Leavenworth.



It's "The seriousness of the charge".


We have to investigate!


The left has been doing it for 50 years or more!


The new President has barely been in office 6 or 7 weeks & the left is LOSING their MINDS!...(Not that they had much to begin with).

Much like Trump, you are inventing "facts".  Nobody said the Russians affected the result of the election.  All the intelligence agencies agree the Russians attempted to influence the election.  Indications are that the Russians are attempting to influence upcoming elections in Europe.  If nothing is done to stop them then they will continue until they succeed.  That is why everyone who cares about democracy wants an investigation of Russia's contacts with the Trump campaign, involvement in hacking, and any other attempts to affect or discredit the election.


While the intelligence agencies agree that Russia attempted to influence the election, none of these agencies have supported Trump's claims of illegal wiretapping of Trump Tower.  Until there is some evidence that the wiretapping occurred, there is nothing to investigate.


The new President has barely been in office 6 or 7 weeks and has lost his mind, probably long before taking office.  Not that he had much of a mind to begin with.

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On 08/03/2017 at 11:07 AM, jaywalker said:

How anybody could think Hillary would be better is beyond me.


How anybody can believe that the Russians had an impact on the election is beyond me.


The right & main-stream media starts screaming about "Evidence", yet have failed to produce a shred of evidence that the Russians affected the outcome of the election.


If former President Obama DID do what President Trump is saying, he needs to be in Leavenworth.



It's "The seriousness of the charge".


We have to investigate!


The left has been doing it for 50 years or more!


The new President has barely been in office 6 or 7 weeks & the left is LOSING their MINDS!...(Not that they had much to begin with).

It seems it's beyond you ?

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6 days later, no more clarity from Trump on wiretapping claim


Six days after he accused his Oval Office predecessor of wiretapping him, President Donald Trump on Thursday again avoided questions about the charge, leaving his aides and allies still-struggling to explain his Saturday-morning broadside.



Looks like we might see Trump's tax returns after all. From the above article:


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who sits on the intelligence committee, said she also wants to include Trump's tax returns -- which the President, bucking longstanding precedent, did not release during the campaign -- as part of this investigation.


Trump keeps digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself.

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On 3/8/2017 at 1:34 PM, mesquite said:

Frist, Morris gives no supporting citations for his claim of "proof". It is fact that in June the White House asked for a FISA warrant and was denied. However, the reason for that request was anything but political. From an article in The Boston Globe; "... the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The FISA court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.’’ (https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2017/03/05/fact-check-trump-evidence-for-obama-wiretap-claims/oSHof4WnmSArOznSjCy6DI/story.html) Note that the FISA court did not comment on the merits of the request, but asked the DoJ to "narrow its focus". Morris, in a fit of hyperbole, then goes on to insist that the Attorney General would never make a FISA request without Obama's direct approval. BS. It is the AG's responsibility to investigate threats to the US, and members of Trump's campaign team making "irregular" contacts with Russian authorities merits at least a serious look at what's going on. The AG, in the act of fulfilling his responsibilities, would be well within the parameters of his responsibilities in acting alone. I have no doubt that Obama would have been kept apprised of what was happening, but Morris's insinuation is that this was initiated by the then President. If it were Trump's AG Sessions looking into Obama administration officials' contacts with foreign states I somehow have difficulty believing you'd be "outraged" were he to request a FISA warrant to do so. Again with the hyperbole, Morris asserts, "Thank God (the FISA court) turned it down", but again offers no supporting evidence as to why the request wasn't valid. Sorry, this pathetic little video not only doesn't pass the smell test...it reeks, and your offering it up as "proof" of your contention is, at best, desperate.


Your contention that Dick Morris's silly fact-free assertion is "proof" is, to be overly kind, ridiculous. It would be nice if at some point you gave consideration to offering up fact-based data that wasn't so easily debunked. Sorry, but thinly supported opinion pieces from those with an agenda don't cut it. And kindly don't attempt to assert that Morris is "liberal". Dick Morris is a neo-liberal at best, meaning, for those unfamiliar with the term, that he is a conservative in Democrat clothing.

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The WH clown train will just keep on going. Now they will just try to bury this wiretapping claim with the onset of time. They are hoping that by trying to move on, people will just tend to forget the outrageous wiretapping claim spewed by the fraudulent POTUS. And knowing this circus of an administration, there will be some new issue that will hit the news and this wiretapping claim will get buried under a new deluge of crap.


This is typical behavior from Donald. Spew some random garbage, let it create some sort of frenzy and then walk away like he didn't do anything. What a turd and waste of space he really is.


Sean Spicer tries to walk back wiretap claims by comically repeating ‘I’m not aware’ 10 times



White House Spokeswoman Walks Back Trump Wiretapping Claims



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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

The WH clown train will just keep on going. Now they will just try to bury this wiretapping claim with the onset of time. They are hoping that by trying to move on, people will just tend to forget the outrageous wiretapping claim spewed by the fraudulent POTUS. And knowing this circus of an administration, there will be some new issue that will hit the news and this wiretapping claim will get buried under a new deluge of crap.


This is typical behavior from Donald. Spew some random garbage, let it create some sort of frenzy and then walk away like he didn't do anything. What a turd and waste of space he really is.


Sean Spicer tries to walk back wiretap claims by comically repeating ‘I’m not aware’ 10 times



From that link.  He seems to be now saying they are not aware of a wiretap on Trump.  Unreal.  These guys make themselves look like fools.



“But the question is whether or not [Trump] is the target,” Brennan pushed back.


“And the answer is we’re not aware,” Spicer remarked. “I don’t know how much clearer we can be on this.”



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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

From that link.  He seems to be now saying they are not aware of a wiretap on Trump.  Unreal.  These guys make themselves look like fools.



However, the fact is that there's not a single one of them that has to try very hard. These grasshoppers have learned well at the feet of their master. A genuine circus of fools.

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