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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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4 hours ago, DGS1244 said:

Agree. The taxi driver has to accept some blame as he was at fault as well. Thai law 'give way to the right'


You start of well in your post. But there is no 'give way to the right' in Thailand. On top of that, this has nothing to do with giving way but with merging and speeding.

Edited by stevenl
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4 hours ago, sumrit said:

The blue pickup driver did nothing illegal, he had right of way. It was the taxi driver that made the illegal manouvre and caused the accident


He was driving recklessly at high speed approaching  a built up traffic flow ... not paying attention to his surroundings and adjusting his speed like any sensible driver would do. He's most certainly at fault here. 

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5 hours ago, akirasan said:

Crazy, they just don't seem to care.

A lot of times I'll overtake people on the open road on my bike only to have them fly past me when I get to a village and slow to 60.  They just hurtle through at the same speed they were previously doing.  

Do they think their vehicle acts like a magical safety barrier?  

You're attributing the thought process to Thais' driving when it simply may not be there.

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This video perfectly illustrates why it's terrifying to drive in Thailand. At any given time, some pick-up could come flying out of nowhere and land on you - no amount of defensive driving can stop an idiot taxi and idiot pick-up driver playing chicken on an overpass above you. Hopefully these types of viral videos can do what the police can't/won't and encourage people to slow down and not be so jai lon behind the wheel. 

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6 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Until there are severe civil and criminal penalties enforced Thais have no fear for their actions and mandatory consequences....


the part i don't get is their inability to value their own life let alone others...


the gov needs to address that question of why not....

Impossible, you are thinking the people who are leading, and working at the government are better??

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5 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

When you come up from behind someone to pass you have to assume they do not see you and drive defensively or you are asking for trouble.  The pickup approach from the blind spot.  Anyhow it's great that videos like this are becoming common.  Maybe Thais will start to drive better even if the government doesn't do anything to help.  

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7 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Incredible footage ... the guy in the blue truck was diving too fast and not only endangered himself but other people. Luckily, the other drivers did not pay a price for his recklessness and stupidity. 

Not only was he driving too fast but trying to overtake others in the SLOW lane


What a Moron

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1 hour ago, Kabula said:

You are cold and heartless in my opinion.


You would look very foolish if the passengers were the driver's children under the age of reason.  The passengers could have been blind, autistic, retarded, or were not aware of the driver's habits and just entered the vehicle moments before.  


The driver could have had a stroke or a heart attack that caused the accident. If the proximate cause of the accident was a medical condition, the driver could not be held legally liable in the  absence of negligence.


Your response is dark, evil and thoughtless in my opinion.  

That's your opinion....I think if you are stupid

enough to associate, and ride with wreckless

driver you suffer the consequences.....You believe

all these drunks, druggies and just plain stupid and

wreckless drivers have medical conditions?  I am not

that naive!!


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They driving all the same, from high to low, it makes no different it is a "professional driver" like a trucdriver, or a policecar driver, they all driving the same way, like "who does me anything, I'm the king of the road" 

Oh yes about the policar, they have a red flashing light, and they feel more important.

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5 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Looks like he refused to slow down and allow the taxi to merge. Instead he tried to go around the taxi and got boxed.


I see this so many times. Usually a big 4 door pick-up, Fortuna or very expensive car. Taxis do have a habit of "drifting across, not always signalling, and expecting you to give way" when they merge. Indicate, manoeuvre and sod everyone else. 

But most people would break, maybe flash lights or honk to show them that looking for merging is a good idea, and that would be it. Some just refuse to slow down, and will insist on overtaking regardless of the consequences, safety, other road users etc. They will not slow down or give way - they are much too important. 

Sadly the consequences can be fatal and often for innocents. Need some harsh sentencing and regardless of who the culprit is.

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A split second before the impact, Taxi looks like it jerks to the right.  Perhaps our Taxi idiot thought he was going to teach Mr. Pickup a lesson.  Truck just had to tap the brakes a bit to let the Taxi idiot go but seems their fragile egos got the best of them.

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7 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Until there are severe civil and criminal penalties enforced Thais have no fear for their actions and mandatory consequences....


the part i don't get is their inability to value their own life let alone others...


the gov needs to address that question of why not....

Perhaps equally important would be for the courts to value people's lives and provide proper sentencing for gross negligence that endangers lives instead of community service and suspended sentences. The whole Thai society is rather flippant about the whole issue if the sanctity of life 

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5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Yes but 4 brand new tyres for sale, only 10 seconds of air miles on them...

One appeared to break off and go flying down the road.... ill bet someone already nabbed that.

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8 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Incredible footage ... the guy in the blue truck was diving too fast and not only endangered himself but other people. Luckily, the other drivers did not pay a price for his recklessness and stupidity. 

Yes i agree but also in uk we sat siht for brains and i hope he or she died then can never do again

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5 hours ago, Wiggy said:

Red plates on the pick-up as well. Brand new and now straight to the scrap yard. Oh, and I love the way the taxi stops in the middle of lane 1 rather than pull onto the shoulder. Obviously clueless. TIT.


Won't go to the scrappy.  Just shunt and weld and then like tens of thousands of other poorly repaired pick-ups you will see it again crabbing down the highway somewhere.  Probably turn it into a Song Taew so that when it breaks apart again a few innocent school children will get hurt or worse.

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7 hours ago, Get Real said:

Pick-up Airways have started their traffic I can clearly see.
However, this was just luck for everybody else. What a crazy driving!


What about the passengers ?

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5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Fully agree, It looks to me that the taxi pulled onto the highway from the slip road straight in front of the pickup. However, having said that, the pickup driver is undertaking traffic, driving too fast in the inside lane, and most importantly, as we all know, has no inclination or training to read the road ahead. Or maybe it was the "Me,Me,Me, Mentality" .......this is my bit of road so s*d off......

If you have no or very little common sense, all the training in the world is not going to do you much good, most of the Thai drivers and M/C riders will learn how to make a car/MC go and stop and be able to steer, they learn how to do this from someone else off road or on a very quiet road. they then take the car/MC out on the road, have no idea of any road positioning, don't realise at road junctions that they have to wait till the road is clear before entering the main road, do not know what mirrors are for, and in the case of M/C riders, and even the odd car, that you should not drive/ride on the wrong side of the road. etc etc etc.

All this is down to common sense which most Thais do not have. we just need to accept that is the way it is here and it is not going to change, even if the police were to enforce the laws regarding road safety.

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5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Sorry, I forgot undertaking is not actually illegal here.......as Sumrit has pointed out......

It is just as well, as so many idiots hog lanes instead of keeping to the left. although there can be an excuse for this as many inside lanes are ruined by heavy overweight trucks.

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5 hours ago, sumrit said:

The blue pickup driver did nothing illegal, he had right of way. It was the taxi driver that made the illegal manouvre and caused the accident

A lot would depend on what speed the pick up was doing, but yes, the taxi was clearly at fault.

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5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Sorry, I forgot undertaking is not actually illegal here.......as Sumrit has pointed out......

Clearly the taxis fault here in Thailand. From what I see the taxi boxed in the pickup.  

No foresight and anticipation on either side mind you. 

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4 hours ago, sumrit said:

Must have been too busy when you got your 5 year licence you will next time....................unless they're too busy again :biggrin:. That's where I saw it, but my mate said their TV was faulty when he went there.


Several years ago (probably more than ten) I seem to remember that there was a 'Thai Highway Code', I think pinned somewhere on Thai Visa but is appears to have been removed. It was a very basic Highway code but I know undertaking rule was in there.

Driving and riding is more about common sense than rules and the law, 80% I would say.

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