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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy


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Interesting responses. However as  usual  maintain the self imposed illusion of  what  governance is  about. I do  not  defend the legitimacy  of a  militarially  imposed jurisdiction but rather  point out the undeniable . 

It would  appear  that  many  prefer to  support the unprincipled devolution of society unto criminal  chaos yet  complain ever so bitterly   about the necessity mostly  due to the curtailment of the  chaos  they have long taken advantage of ! Tuff excrement!




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22 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Interesting responses. However as  usual  maintain the self imposed illusion of  what  governance is  about. I do  not  defend the legitimacy  of a  militarially  imposed jurisdiction but rather  point out the undeniable . 

It would  appear  that  many  prefer to  support the unprincipled devolution of society unto criminal  chaos yet  complain ever so bitterly   about the necessity mostly  due to the curtailment of the  chaos  they have long taken advantage of ! Tuff excrement!




Who are you talking about and do you have any supporting evidence that  many  prefer to  support the unprincipled devolution of society unto criminal  chaos?

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7 minutes ago, baboon said:

Who are you talking about and do you have any supporting evidence that  many  prefer to  support the unprincipled devolution of society unto criminal  chaos?

My  comment is my opinion  mostly in reference  to those  who label/ignore  anything positive the  current  regime  has  initiated yet in deference quote  and  quip the  philisophical illusion  that  "democracy" as a principle is  derived  from the aspirations of those  who  manipulate  the ignorant   mass without  reference to or  appeal  of opinion of them on  anything  other  than based on deception.

Individual crass aspiration  need  be  tempered  by  consideration  of the  continuity of social order. 

I  feel no  compunction  to provide specific evidence in support of my  opinion . Shoot  me  ! :stoner:



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1 hour ago, Dumbastheycome said:

My  comment is my opinion  mostly in reference  to those  who label/ignore  anything positive the  current  regime  has  initiated yet in deference quote  and  quip the  philisophical illusion  that  "democracy" as a principle is  derived  from the aspirations of those  who  manipulate  the ignorant   mass without  reference to or  appeal  of opinion of them on  anything  other  than based on deception.

Individual crass aspiration  need  be  tempered  by  consideration  of the  continuity of social order. 

I  feel no  compunction  to provide specific evidence in support of my  opinion . Shoot  me  ! :stoner:



Apologies. I missed the "It would appear" part of your post. I don't agree with you, but that is your point of view and I am all for your right to express it whether I like it or not. I am also against any government who would seek to repress such opinions not to their liking and have you jailed or deported. Point conceded. 

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7 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

My  comment is my opinion  mostly in reference  to those  who label/ignore  anything positive the  current  regime  has  initiated yet in deference quote  and  quip the  philisophical illusion  that  "democracy" as a principle is  derived  from the aspirations of those  who  manipulate  the ignorant   mass without  reference to or  appeal  of opinion of them on  anything  other  than based on deception.

Individual crass aspiration  need  be  tempered  by  consideration  of the  continuity of social order. 

I  feel no  compunction  to provide specific evidence in support of my  opinion . Shoot  me  ! :stoner:



Polite tip.If you want to express an opinion try and avoid the long winded and stilted phrasing which I imagine you believe to be an academic style.Few people will have any clue what you're trying to say.

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9 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

My  comment is my opinion  mostly in reference  to those  who label/ignore  anything positive the  current  regime  has  initiated yet in deference quote  and  quip the  philisophical illusion  that  "democracy" as a principle is  derived  from the aspirations of those  who  manipulate  the ignorant   mass without  reference to or  appeal  of opinion of them on  anything  other  than based on deception.

Individual crass aspiration  need  be  tempered  by  consideration  of the  continuity of social order. 

I  feel no  compunction  to provide specific evidence in support of my  opinion . Shoot  me  ! :stoner:



The continuity of social order is absolutely vital to any society and yet democracy can be a hindrance. as an example, mass immigration is needed by almost all Western countries if they are to maintain their social security systems (health care, pensions etc.) the Western adults don't produce enough children to keep the system going but the mob sweeps away all concerns and demands an end to it,politicians are only too happy to ignore the warnings that social science has been giving about this for for tens of years. What happens to society when in 20 years pensions are no longer payable because there aren't enough workers paying into the system, the NHS is already collapsing. I have read that the very rich are already preparing for the ensuing chaos by buying homes in New Zealand.

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Forget the hyperbole. See I can use long winded words too. Thailand is controlled by the military. That is a fact.

Thailand is the most peaceful in many, many years. Sure everyone, especially the civilian and former political scammers are not happy but who gives a rats about them.

There is the most infrastructure development in my area I have seen in 10 years. Drains, swamps, roads and power poles are being renewed or replaced.

The political situation does not affect me nor any farang.

Get over your opinions and make the best of living here that you can, except most of the negative posters are based overseas. We Thai living farang can see through you. 



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12 hours ago, soalbundy said:

The continuity of social order is absolutely vital to any society and yet democracy can be a hindrance. as an example, mass immigration is needed by almost all Western countries if they are to maintain their social security systems (health care, pensions etc.) the Western adults don't produce enough children to keep the system going but the mob sweeps away all concerns and demands an end to it,politicians are only too happy to ignore the warnings that social science has been giving about this for for tens of years. What happens to society when in 20 years pensions are no longer payable because there aren't enough workers paying into the system, the NHS is already collapsing. I have read that the very rich are already preparing for the ensuing chaos by buying homes in New Zealand.

You  are probably  correct about almost  all  you state. To  maintain a top heavy system as is  applied does  indeed require reductions  in mass social support. But with a little  research I am left  confused as to why  the  very rich  would  be investing in  New  Zealand domestic property  when it is priced disproportiatly high  relative to domestic disposable incomes. Or is  that perhaps  a  confusion with the  fact it has one of  if  not the  highest  Central Bank  rates in the  world? Or is  that the cause of it?

The  very  rich  may avoid some aspects of  chaos  in doing  such  but  will likely be prepared  to suffer the  isolation .


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14 hours ago, jayboy said:

Polite tip.If you want to express an opinion try and avoid the long winded and stilted phrasing which I imagine you believe to be an academic style.Few people will have any clue what you're trying to say.

I  make  no apology  for  what you term long winded and stilted. If it  bothers  you then  ignore  my  comments entirely.

I  have  no cartoonist capacity to  make it  easy  for  some people. 


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4 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I  make  no apology  for  what you term long winded and stilted. If it  bothers  you then  ignore  my  comments entirely.

I  have  no cartoonist capacity to  make it  easy  for  some people. 


Trust me, a lot of us will choose not to read the total crap that you spew

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8 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Trust me, a lot of us will choose not to read the total crap that you spew

As  they  may  choose. I shall  continue  to  read  and comment  without  direct  insult.

What  i  find strange is that despite perhaps a different approach I agree  with much of your viewpoint.

Such  is  life.

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1 minute ago, Dumbastheycome said:

As  they  may  choose. I shall  continue  to  read  and comment  without  direct  insult.

What  i  find strange is that despite perhaps a different approach I agree  with much of your viewpoint.

Such  is  life.

And I shall attempt to moderate my speech. My Thai wife is appalled at my comments to you. That is not the Thai way she lectured me. And I agree. Lets meet half way, just say things in plain language and keep the post to 4 sentences or less. Cheers 

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I  make  no apology  for  what you term long winded and stilted. If it  bothers  you then  ignore  my  comments entirely.
I  have  no cartoonist capacity to  make it  easy  for  some people. 

I am not suggesting you apologise for your inability to express yourself clearly, simply suggesting that if you wish to be understood follow George Orwell's advice to keep it clear and simple.

Clarity in writing is not to be despised, not least since it usually reflects clarity in thought processes.

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2 minutes ago, jayboy said:


I am not suggesting you apologise for your inability to express yourself clearly, simply suggesting that if you wish to be understood follow George Orwell's advice to keep it clear and simple.

Clarity in writing is not to be despised, not least since it usually reflects clarity in thought processes.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Mr  Blair  I am not. Nor  am I simple.  I am  Dumbastheycome.:stoner:

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