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Flagged at Swampy. Tourist visa hassles. Ed Visa recommendations?

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Add me to the list of people who have been stopped at Swampy when coming back into Thailand. Have got a load of SETV and 30 day stamps in my passport and have spent most of the past few years in the country.  Never any hassles before.  This time I didn't have an SETV. 


Single, with Thai partner but not married,  I'll get a retirement visa in a few months, so was planning on doing a couple more hops over to neighbouring countries to get SETV to cover me until late August when I turn 50.


10 days ago, I was with my partner and her Mum in the Thai lane, coming back from holiday in New Zealand, they went through before me and then Immigration officer gave my passport a through looking through and asked if I was working here.  ( I'm not )   No other questions but she called a supervisor and i was taken off for a friendly chat.  He just asked about what I was doing here.  Told him, live with my missus and her Mum and explained that I would get retirement visa when I can.  He didn't ask for any proof of onward ticket or cash - which I didn't have anyway.  But end result was a note in Thai on the 30 day stamp saying next time I had to get a visa.  


As even people with SETV are getting knocked back, I am planning on getting an Ed visa from a language school in Pattaya and then using that to tide me over.  Any recommendations for cheap school that can fast track the documents as I'd have to leave be 26 March .  


I'll attend classes, if required, but am just doing it primarily for the 3 month visa which I can then renew for an additional 3 months which will take me up to retirement.  So quality of teaching isn't paramount.   it's a means to an end to avoid the current hassles entering the country on tourist visas.

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I read a thread that Thai count the day after your 49 birthday as you being 50 - you are in your 50th year.
Before paying out on ed visa it might be prudent to find if your local immigration will give you a retirement extension.

Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

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5 minutes ago, Nick ZepTepi said:

I read a thread that Thai count the day after your 49 birthday as you being 50 - you are in your 50th year.
Before paying out on ed visa it might be prudent to find if your local immigration will give you a retirement extension.

It does work that way for visas and extensions. The 50 years is counted from your date of birth.

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It does work that way for visas and extensions. The 50 years is counted from your date of birth.


Just to confirm - correct if I'm wrong.

I enter on a standard SETV before my 49 birthday.
I have my 49th bday a couple of weeks after entry.
When I go for a extension to that SETV if I do the right paperwork I can get a 1 year extension based on retirement age.

Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

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2 minutes ago, Nick ZepTepi said:

Just to confirm - correct if I'm wrong.
I ener on a standard SETV before my 49 birthday.
I have my 49th bday a couple of weeks after entry.
When I go for a extension to that SETV if I do the right paperwork I can get a 1 year extension based on retirement age.

That is not what I wrote.

You would need to be born in 1967 to be 50 years old this year. Adding 50 years to the year you were born is how it is counted.

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Cheesyd I also turn 50 in August and my recommendation is just ride it out on SETV's until then. I made the unfortunate mistake of going on an ED Visa in 2014 right after I got divorced and right before they did that ED visa crackdown. I paid for a one year course and although I enjoyed the classes, I loathed getting the extensions. Going to Changwattana for the ED extensions was a total nightmare and I am sure the situation has not changed much from then. It went from 3 month extensions to 2 month and the wait times were 4-5 hours at least. I regret ever going that route. I think the school that I went to no longer even offers ED visas as these new rules decimated that segment of their business.

Just go to Laos and get one or two more and you are there. (Unless they change the visa rules again before then)

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53 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

That is not what I wrote.

You would need to be born in 1967 to be 50 years old this year. Adding 50 years to the year you were born is how it is counted.

Agree, your first post about this " It does work that way for visas and extensions. The 50 years is counted from your date of birth. " was confusing. " It does not work that way for visas and extensions. The 50 years is counted from your date of birth. " would have been better.

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easier to get a retirement visa with a good agent than apply for a ED visa. Costs about same, but less hassle and much easier and quicker. No need to apply for any tourist visa abroad.


Edited by Munotlaw
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