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Sturgeon says autumn 2018 would be 'common sense' date for independence referendum - BBC


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On 10/03/2017 at 0:05 PM, baboon said:

That sums it up for me. 'We're going to do this again and again until I get the answer I want'.

You could have actually written: 'In fact she will want an independence referendum every time something happens' and left it at that...


A bit like Violet Elizabeth Bott from the Just William books. The difference is that Bonnie Langford was and still is a good actress.



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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Whilst you may be certain of your belief, in the absence of any verifiable data to validate your certainty, it is meaningless. 


Why would we take oil out of the picture? Will you also exclude the financial sector that is mainly resident in London? Oil is a contribution to the UK exchequer, mainly from Scotland, going back 40 years. You can exclude whatever you wish to make the figures represent that which you want to harp on about, but the facts remain the same. 


Of course - the oil price is a volatile and generally cyclical value, completely out of the control of the UK, but despite the several oil shocks in my lifetime, the UK has benefited significantly from Scottish oil fields. 


The SNP campaigned for the scrapping of the Barnett formula - blame Westminster for rejecting that one. 

I see that, as usual, you have neglected to deal with all the points I made, just those you have your trite responses to.


You have ignored the verifiable facts that public spending per capita in Scotland is second only to that in Northern Ireland, and that, according to the SNP's own figures, even when including oil revenues Scotland receives more public money per capita from the treasury than it pays in.


You can blame the Barnett formula for that if you wish. But the fact remains that your original implication that Scotland's net contribution per head to the exchequer is greater than the rest of the UK's is the usual Salmond/Sturgeon spin.

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 5:53 AM, RuamRudy said:

Clearly many more Scots feel differently to your friends:


STV poll: Half of Scots would vote for independence

"Half of Scots would back independence if a fresh referendum was held tomorrow, a poll for STV News has found.

The survey, conducted by Ipsos MORI, shows a rise in support for independence as the Prime Minister prepares to trigger Britain's exit from the European Union later this month."


When the 2014 referendum campaigning kicked off in 2012, support for independence was around 25%. Now with the next referendum not even confirmed, the starting point is 50%. With the slow-motion car crash that is Brexit, and the utter shambles that is Labour virtually guaranteeing a Tory government in Westminster for another decade, I think more and more Scots are waking up to the fact that the real danger ahead is to remain in the UK and be dragged down with it.  

Half the Scots?.... and probably near 100% of the English who are so bored with the whole saga.

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