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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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Just now, Jingthing said:

This is getting tedious. Time to disengage. Keep up the "good" fight to deny basic civil and human rights to your fellow Americans that happen to be transgender. 

I didnt realize their basic human rights to use the bathroom at all we're being taken away.

Thanks for the news on that one :cheesy:

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12 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

They should all grow up and become men. They are not being taught that achieving manhood is just as much a psychosocial process as a biological progression. They get their education  from females who became young women after their first period, and have no practical concept of how a male becomes a man.

...oh boy...

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5 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

My original response to you was removed so heres an extremely simplified version.


Pushback is voting for policy and supporting those who's values align with our own. Simple.


ACTIONS define us. It seems that these days especially on university campuses and dozens of left leaning youtube channels nobody is taught the difference between actions and words hence why many students would think something so bizare as words are the same thing as violence. So i understand why you would think words define us instead of actions.


Mansplaining is just another term to try to delegitimize concerns and arguments of men that don't toe the line of the liberal agenda. Try again, it doesn't work in the real world.


You are posting on social media primarily with the use of text. That means the here you are defined by your words. You define yourself as fringe right. Your interpretation of violence is your own. There is nothing in my post that remotely makes any connection to violence. Just your fake outrage against robust protest by those you believe are inferior to yourself. A threat is a statement of intent. No need to bunch your panties over that.


You claim that actions define you. Nobody knows you. You post anonymously. You use words to convey your asinine thoughts on politics and society. Where are your actions? They are present here in the form of words. Not difficult for even people of a less than stellar education to understand.


Your concerns being delegitimized by the reference to mansplaining? If I am to have a limb amputated because of my hereditary diabetes or if I am not be denied access to equal treatment under the law for being gay or trans, then I do not need some blowhard puffing about what I should and should not be doing to conform to your sense of morality. You believe that you can blame me for needing to amputate a limb because you assume that I am not obeying your versions of dietary rules? Yo assume that you can deny me employment because I am a member of a minority that does not conform with the rules that your mommy and daddy told you about boys and girls? That is mansplaining. It does not delegitimate anything. It exposes the arrogance and selfish self interest of the patronizing pretensions of the low brow mind offended at uppity non conformists. The plaintive bleating of the old white straight nobodies about PC is affirmation that 'it' works entirely effectively in the real world.


You get in the face of someone and mansplain to them you will very quickly get a real world response. That's why the gutless will only do this on social media. They will only use words. Because such actions have consequences and such cowards are too vain to suffer a broken nose.


Go mansplain privilege and reverse racism to an African American. Please post a picture of you taking ACTION. Until you are put back where you belong.

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2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Dude? Did you just assume my gender?? Talk about oppression and bigotry.

Every time someone makes the silly claim that Trump is "Extreme right wing" i literally laugh out loud involuntarily. I can't help it.

You do understand that millions of disenfranchised liberals and independents support Trump right? I can name you dozens of liberal youtubers with huge followings off the top of my head that support at least some of Trump's policies, while still maintaining a liberal position.

Ah you guys still don't get it. And that is why Trump won and why he or Pence will win again in 2020. Go ahead, keep painting him and his constituency as 'extreme right' but prepare to keep losing.


Where are all these liberal Trump supporters? They didn't come from Bernie's camp. They simply don't exist. You claim millions and offer to cite dozens. Fringe reactionaries with conspiracy theories and one trick ponies.


They do not exist.


The most boring thing in the world has now become being told why Trump won.


Trump is the Tea Party's wet dream. Whatever his personal political beliefs may be and I do not believe anyone will ever truly know them because his beliefs are entirely self serving, his ability to implement his polities relies on the Legislature, who are Right Wing, many of them extremely so because of the gerrymandering that has infected politics for so long. You may want to rethink your position if you are seriously buying into the Cult of Trump as a Movement and a change in paradigm.


Thank goodness with the election in the Netherlands and soon elsewhere we can finally shut out the Brexit/Trump noise and consign it to the dustbin of history. Poor fringe Right. Won't be able to slag off trans people, gays, African Americans or muslims any more.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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20 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

So what you're essentially saying is that any truths that hurt peoples feelings aren't allowed here? Why am I not surprised? 

These people need legitimate help with their disorders. But in an increasingly decadent society that sweeps health issues related to obesity under the rug and promotes 'body positivity' rather than good eating habits/health, I can see why you would react in such a way.


You have absolutely no business telling anybody what trans people need.


You have no qualification. Your opinion is entirely based in prejudice against such people. Classic mansplaining. Playing right into the hands of the Religious extremists who want legal protection for hate speech.


It is interesting that journalists are starting to report a link between sex offenders and proponents of these bathroom bill.





Advocating for discrimination against trans women seems to be helping sex offenders prey on women. How about them apples?

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

I just learned that those of us with differing opinions should not respond to Jingthing with those opinions in any threads and that he will not continue the conversation if he doesn't think it's going his way. Doing so will result in his private messaging you about his disengagement from the conversation then blocking you from responding. Just a tip for those that haven't already experienced this.


It is against forum rules to discuss the content of PM's in an open forum. Second time today you flagrantly ignore the rules in your attempt to attack or diminish someone in advancement of your extreme right views. First it was the liberal use of the Alt Right codewords like Cuck, MSM, snowflake etc. Now it is kindergarten level 'tattle-tales'.


I would probably enjoy a debate with a fringe right white supremacist who had some small ability to present cogently but it seems like most of you are so infantile that all we get is the same old code words over and over, sometimes blazoned across pictures of dead actors or other graphic images.


I believe your post attacking another member and revealing the content of a PM should be removed and you should face consequences. And the fact that you attempt to justify this behavior through claiming rights to a different opinion is craven and cowardly. If you have an opinion that my life should be marginalized because of the presumed superiority of your life, then you deserve significant time in Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell, appropriate for such treachery against fellow humans.

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2 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

A nation is as long as it keeps its morals remained and if their morals gone they are gone with the wind.


Moral, like this guy?

Married Republican legislator who voted for anti-trans bathroom bills is caught with an underage boy: m.newsok.com/article/5541688

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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

Check what the peer reviewed studies state.


There are absolutely no peer reviewed studies that say trans females are created by female teachers who became female because of the biological fact of ovulation and so consequently had no need to 'work' to become female.


This is probably the most insane attempt to justify a bigoted view against trans people that I have ever seen. I would love to read these peer reviewed studies but since you provide no links, then we can presume that they do not exist.


Or do you mean the peer reviewed studies that say that gay people are suffering a mental disorder that can be corrected by electroshock therapy. Or studies presumably peer reviewed by religious nuts that claim that you can pray away the gay in conversion therapy (aka torturing gay youth).


Non scientists using the phrase 'peer reviewed' to make their ideological junk science sound valid. Real scientists know that peer review is only one small part of the universally accepted scientific method and you conclusions about the causation of transgender people is most definitely not part of this.

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I hate any subject that starts with a Poll of Americans. 

I have never been polled. I know I am only one person, so OK.   But, I served 22 years in the U.S. Military . I was in the same outfit for 20 of those years.   I have kept in contact with hundreds of them on Facebook, Twitter, what have you. I asked if any of them were polled.  Nope! was their answer.  Just who are the people that got polled?


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Just because you espouse the tenets of the far left does not give you the right to address criticisms of your positions with ad hominem attacks. Furthermore, I suggest that you take some second year English courses.
Try to Stay focused.

No one cares, what you suggest!
Where are the facts, backing up your BS?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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2 hours ago, kowpot said:

I hate any subject that starts with a Poll of Americans. 

I have never been polled. I know I am only one person, so OK.   But, I served 22 years in the U.S. Military . I was in the same outfit for 20 of those years.   I have kept in contact with hundreds of them on Facebook, Twitter, what have you. I asked if any of them were polled.  Nope! was their answer.  Just who are the people that got polled?


Not this girl.  Oh, the irony.



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Just out of curiosity. If a transgender commits a crime and  goes to prison, which prison do they go to? The one they relate to? Or the one that specifies which gender is on their birth certificate? I really don't know, that is why I am asking this question.


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Found it.  According to MotherJones.com  Prisoners in the U.S. are still being assigned to prisons according to their  genitalia .  From one of the most liberal news agencies there is.  Thought that would make it easier to swallow.


Funny how Obama never stopped that from happening.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mother Jones
Mother Jones magazine March April 2014 cover
Editor-in-Chief Clara Jeffery
Categories Politics
Frequency Bimonthly
Total circulation
First issue February 1976
Company Foundation For National Progress
Country United States
Based in San Francisco
Language English

Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is a left-wing and politically progressive American magazine that does independent and investigative reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Clara Jeffery serves as editor. Steve Katz has been publisher since 2010. Monika Bauerlein has been CEO since 2015.[2][3][4]

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4 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Found it.  According to MotherJones.org.  Prisoners in the U.S. are still being assigned to prisons according to their  genitalia .  


Funny how Obama never stopped that from happening.

At least he started somewhere!

Now it's up to your darling Trump, to follow in his footsteps!


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30 minutes ago, DM07 said:

At least he started somewhere!

Now it's up to your darling Trump, to follow in his footsteps!


Nobody wants to walk in his footsteps.  No telling what you would step in............................................

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4 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

Just because you espouse the tenets of the far left does not give you the right to address criticisms of your positions with ad hominem attacks. Furthermore, I suggest that you take some second year English courses.


Try to Stay focused.


Still waiting for those peer reviewed articles that back up your absurd claims about how transgender people are 'created'.


You may wish to actually read a more scholarly article on the use of ad hominem in rhetoric as you clearly have no idea what it means. Critique of what is said is not critique of the person saying it. There is no ad hominem in the post to which your refer.


Mere diversion away from the call for you to provide those studies that clearly don't exist.

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35 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

Sexual orientation is rooted in genetics and environment:



I find it curious that a subset of the population , who represents 4% of the populace, feel justified in making such a disproportionate amount of noise when confronted with the nurture side of the 'nature vs nurture' argument.*

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture


This topic is about transgender issues. Not sexual orientation.


Protections under the law apply to all persons no matter what proportion of population their particular minority comprises.


Please try to stay focussed.

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2 hours ago, kowpot said:

Just out of curiosity. If a transgender commits a crime and  goes to prison, which prison do they go to? The one they relate to? Or the one that specifies which gender is on their birth certificate? I really don't know, that is why I am asking this question.



Apropos of nothing of course.


Mere diversion. Your posts refute your claim of interest in trans issues.


Got something to say on topic?

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28 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:


From your link: "When the attack on the person is relevant to the argument, it is not a fallacy".


Now that we have established that you have no clue about the correct use of ad hominem, you may cease this diversion and focus on providing those peer reviewed studies that you claim demonstrate how  trans women are created by other females starting their menstrual cycle.


Such an outrageously bizarre claim warrants evidence. You claim evidence exists. Provide it.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

Sexual orientation is rooted in genetics and environment:



I find it curious that a subset of the population , who represents 4% of the populace, feel justified in making such a disproportionate amount of noise when confronted with the nurture side of the 'nature vs nurture' argument.*

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture

Wikipedia is your source of facts?!


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Well, they definitely need to set some legal ages to pee alone as well.   I was in the men's room and a father came in with his daughter and let her use the toilet.   This is absolutely unconscionable.  

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Well, they definitely need to set some legal ages to pee alone as well.   I was in the men's room and a father came in with his daughter and let her use the toilet.   This is absolutely unconscionable.  

Yeah. I feel violated just thinking about it.
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6 minutes ago, Credo said:

Well, they definitely need to set some legal ages to pee alone as well.   I was in the men's room and a father came in with his daughter and let her use the toilet.   This is absolutely unconscionable.  


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