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White House says Trump did not know Flynn was representing Turkey


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17 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Before Trump took office, Flynn's lawyer contacted the presidential transition team about his work for Turkey to ask what he should do, Spicer said. The lawyer was told "it was up to the personal lawyer to work with the appropriate authorities ... to determine what was appropriate and what was not appropriate in terms of filing," Spicer said.


Actually, Mr. Spicer, no. When you are nominating someone to one of the most security sensitive positions in the world, it is YOUR responsibility to "work with the appropriate authorities" to determine whether or not the individual is suitable. Your boss FAILED to do what is required. His "advisors" FAILED to meet their responsibilities with regard to safeguarding the nation's critical information by placing it in the hands of a man who's loyalties were not with the US. It is YOUR so-called administration that has shunned every single effort to compel them to follow well-established security protocols meant to prevent just this type of debacle. Trump is a failure, and every member of his so-called administration is likewise an abysmal failure. Trump's lemmings wanted someone outside of the system to take over and run the country. They got what they wanted, and this is the result. How many more failures will we have to endure before this buffoon and his legion of idiots are removed? America can't afford the risks that he is exposing us to.

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13 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Amazing to me how often Trump & friends trot out "We didn't know....", "Who could have known....?" and all the variations as if this "explanation" somehow is adequate... Oh, I understand, you can't be held accountable because you claim stupidity as a defense... You're fired, all the way top to bottom.


Don't forget that ever-popular dodge, "I don't remember...", and it's first cousin, 'I don't recall...".

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Flynn is making Oliver North look like a choir boy. It looks like he was able to put his lobbying income to good use?


Flynn Paid Ex-FBI Agent in Clinton Email Scandal for Lobbying Work


Former national security adviser Michael Flynn paid an ex-FBI agent at the center of one of Hillary Clinton’s email scandals as part of his lobbying work, newly filed financial disclosures show. The former agent, Brian McCauley, signed a retainer agreement worth $28,000 with Flynn's consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group, last fall. McCauley is perhaps best known for a controversy that broke in October 2016 -- just two weeks after he signed the retainer agreement -- that some say cost Clinton the election. At that time, he said a State Department official had asked him to ensure that one of Clinton’s emails not be deemed “classified” – a move that would spare her from liability for the email being on her private server. McCauley’s statements about the incident at the time were used as ammunition by Republicans to argue the State Department was protecting Clinton, though he later said he had initiated the “quid pro quo” agreement with the State Department official, not the State Department.



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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Unbelieveable. You give a guy a job as National Secutity Adviser, and you haven't even looked at his CV?

Forgive my stupidity, but I thought that was absolutely the first thing you are supposed to do.

I would suspect that even McDonalds do that, but it's not important for this level of job?

Maybe they played golf together?  Or shared locker-room jokes about women? That would make Flynn a perfect candidate...

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19 hours ago, the guest said:

For a man who says he knows everything, he doesn't really know much at all.

And he pee'ed in the punch bowl.  


13 hours ago, stevenl said:

Agreed, but Trump does not need advice from FBI. He knows his people, and knows they are trustworthy.

Actually, in a warped way that's partially true.  Flynn is one of Trump's flunkies, yet Flynn is trustworthy in the sense; he lied on several levels about his involvements with Russia and Turkey (and other things?) in order to shield Pence and Trump.  Flynn fell on his sword, but the sword is going to pierce through his body and stab Trump and Pence also.


13 hours ago, stevenl said:

Unfortunately it is not humour, but the way I think Trump's though process works.

Trump is only part of the ineptitude coming out of the WH.  Pence is head of hiring.  He's chief vetter.  Pence is not only a habitual liar, but he's bad at his job. Look at the inept crooks he's ok'd. 


6 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

"Trump and his administration are lying or incompetent" Why not both? ? 

....and dangerous and career-stomping, if you talk to the hundreds of people he's fired and/or not paid for work done.

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20 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"We trust people to fill out the forms that they are required to do so in an honest and legal manner, and in this case he retroactively filed the forms he was supposed to do," he said.


I think I will make up a fake resume and submit it for a WH position. It appears that they don't check on anything. Heck, maybe I can get a top level cabinet position.


They must be an extremely gullible bunch of folks.


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Maybe the administration needs to copy the current standard of vetting for refugees to ensure that people in the most sensitive appointments are properly checked. All I can say is thank God it's not the other way around.

Edited by Andaman Al
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It shouldn't have taken much vetting to know that Flynn was a nut. I mean the guy basically said 1.6 billion people were infected by the "vicious cancer" of Islam. That alone should have prevented him from taking that office. the fact that they knew in January that he had lied about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador and still did nothing. And we also now know that Mike Pence was warned about Flynn's Turkish lobbying as well before he took his post. Trump's people don't care about vetting. They care about getting their people into positions of power and then trying to cover up their tracks to keep them there.

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Rep. Elijah Cummings wrote then Vie-President-elect Pence a letter on Nov. 18, 2016 advising him, among other things, that Flynn was in the employ of this Turkish-lobbying entity.


http://pics.mcclatchyinteractive.com/news/politics-government/article137865803.ece/BINARY/Cummings' letter to Pence


So it would appear that Pence may have "forgotten", or else he was not being forthright a few days ago when he claimed he "just learned about this today"?


Playing fast and loose with the truth is rubbing off on the young padawan.

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21 hours ago, RPCVguy said:

Congress formally notified the head of the Trump transition (Mike Pence) BEFORE they made Flynn the National Security Advisor. This is the same time as the AP and multiple cable news stations were also reporting the story. The lies are blatantly obvious in print and broadcast video.
Pants on Fire is too simple a reply. Try this as a chance to see some of the video.


Even worse, it was mentioned on Fox news as early as November 2016...



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On March 11, 2017 at 7:22 AM, stevenl said:

Agreed, but Trump does not need advice from FBI. He knows his people, and knows they are trustworthy.

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No he doesn't. That's what this is all about. He know's health care deals too. "Believe me folks. It's going to be so good. Everybody's going to get great plans." Except for the 24m  without!

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No he doesn't. That's what this is all about. He know's health care deals too. "Believe me folks. It's going to be so good. Everybody's going to get great plans." Except for the 24m  without!

That one went right over your head.

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On 3/11/2017 at 8:14 PM, Andaman Al said:

But if he did not know what does that say about him and the administration. For the President it is easy, when he has a short list of 3 people for National Security Adviser, he picks up the phone and tells Director FBI he wants to know EVERYTHING about them down to what colour underwear they prefer. It is that easy. Once given a 'extreme vetting' report on each, then he can make the decision as to who will be one of the custodians of the USA's most closely guarded secrets.

Ahhhhhhhh and this is the guy that wants "extreme vetting" for immigrants/refugees while he surrounds himself with traitors?

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