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Foreign Radical Feminists In Thailand


Do we need Foreign Radical Feminists in Thailand?  

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Boys are abused in Thailand as well as women. Why do you insist on making it a feminist issue?
No one here is trying to deny the fact that boys/men are abused in Thailand/worldwide. It just happens that the feminists are helping the women only in this case.(some sort of representatives)
and it has NOTHING to do with gender,
But you can't deny the fact that there are problems that HAS SOMETHING to do with gender. And that is solely what feminist are here for.
We can agree that exploitation is wrong....what we apparently cannot agree on is that men are to blame.Have you ever seen european women in Thailand/Kenya/Jamaica acting exactly like the men you so vociferously decry? If so, how do you feel about that? I believe the forum would like to hear an answer to this question, but I doubt that you'll hear a lot of strident ranting about the terrible lot of the abused men and how they are used and discarded.
No one again here is saying that. We are just saying that men INVOLVED are to blame. And are also not saying that women are never involved. Men/Women whoever responsible for taking away the rights of women are to be blamed.
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I could understand how sad it could be for a Thai who has a heart for his/her country to see while walking along in Pattaya, how the Thais there are degrading themselves just to get a better way of living. Although it might be Disneyland for some farang adults.


(although I'd drop an atomic bomb on Pattaya and sections of Sukhumvit, Phetchaburi and Silom if I could).
has some hidden meanings.(I guess)
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we can agree on much of what you say, but how do you feel about the rights of men? Reread your last sentence. Equality is equality, period. If you are only concerned about the rights of women, then you are, de facto, a sexist......which you purport to loath I rest my case.

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I care about the rights of men as much as I care about women's.

I have sympathy for anyone who has been treated unfairly.

I do not have any comment for the farang world for I know nothing about it. But in Asia, there is certainly a significant number of women who are not treated fairly, or should say are living in ######! And it is sickening that there are actually people who either are ignorant or evil enough to say no one needs any help!!!!

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I guess I'm a little dense.

Exactly what rights are being infringed upon here? MMT claims the right of a Thai lady married to a farang to own property is being denied. My understanding is this law was overturned some two years ago and any Thai woman can now own property. Some of you legal eagles can better respond to this issue.

Other than that issue....what rights do Thai men have that Thai women don't?


You had me there! I thought you were a lady. I do have a question for you.

Suppose the bar business in Pattaya does end and go away, exactly how do you expect all of these people working in the industry in Pattaya to make a living? I have seen estimates that there are between 20,000 and 30,000 girls working in the bars in Pattaya. Add to this the various support industries such as liquor distributors, ice plants, motorcycle taxi drivers, motorcycle salesmen/ladies, cell phone shops and you have another 10,000 to 20,000 people out of work due to your nuclear action. So what happens to them? Oh yes, without the bars, the farang tourist will virtually stop so that means many of the restaurants will close, most hotels will be shut down, the shopping malls will suffer greatly and there will be layoffs galore. Many of the farangs will sell their homes for huge losses and. without the farangs there, the golf courses will suffer financially and some of them will even close and they will lay off their caddies and grounds crew. Now you have made it personal for me.

Methinks what you people need to do is to recognize that the bar/prostitution industry is here to stay and that all this chest beating and railing against each other does nothing but raise your blood pressure.

As for MsNina....she will come here, stay her year, do very little good and impact none of our lives, write her paper and return to her home for what could be a lesbian relationship. Thailand and most folks that meet her will be affected not at all by her appearance.

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Basically, I think its totally possible to have a thriving tourist industry without the Bars and the BG's. A quick look around Thailand will show that. A different set of tourists will come of course, as you will still have the nice beaches, seaside and yes, golf courses, so there is no reason why farangs wont come. Plus, Thais love going there, although up the road a bit from most of BG's.

Funnily enough, I do notice (as you probably have) that a good portion of tourists from Europe are families who have paid for a totally straight beach holiday in "exotic and relaxing" Thailand and have ended up being conned into going to Pattaya when they could have ended up at somewhere a bit more, well, family orientated.

You and I have both seen them, walking down the main drag with their kids, mum and dad looking at each other with the perplexed look of "what the <deleted>*k have we paid for here?" (though I am sure dad may be thinking also "I must make a point to explore by myself a bit later when mums gone to bed).

So I don't think the situation is as static as you paint it as there will always be alternate sources of farang tourists.

I think it is a matter of cutting off the incentives for suppy at the source (ie up north). That is better policies to open up the area economically, better education access for all those up there, and a few other things will go a long way to helping people actually have some decent choices in life.

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Exactly what rights are being infringed upon here?  MMT claims the right of a Thai lady married to a farang to own property is being denied.  My understanding is this law was overturned some two years ago and any Thai woman can now own property.  Some of you legal eagles can better respond to this issue.

Sorry, I think it was natee 1 who said it.(anyway, doesn't matter)

As you say, some 2 years ago. What on earth do you think have caused it to change?

Suppose the bar business in Pattaya does end and go away, exactly how do you expect all of these people working in the industry in Pattaya to make a living?  I have seen estimates that there are between 20,000 and 30,000 girls working in the bars in Pattaya.  Add to this the various support industries such as liquor distributors, ice plants, motorcycle taxi drivers, motorcycle salesmen/ladies, cell phone shops and you have another 10,000 to 20,000 people out of work due to your nuclear action.  So what happens to them?  Oh yes, without the bars, the farang tourist will virtually stop so that means many of the restaurants will close, most hotels will be shut down, the shopping malls will suffer greatly and there will be layoffs galore.  Many of the farangs will sell their homes for huge losses and. without the farangs there, the golf courses will suffer financially and some of them will even close and they will lay off their caddies and grounds crew.  Now you have made it personal for me.
This is exactly where the problem lies! Just because it is a fact doesn't mean that everyone is happy. IF, IF all these 20,000 to 30,000 tell you that they are in agony working as prostitutes, what is your opinion? What if one of them is your daughter?(Imagine yourself being very poor and sick) Would you at least hope for them they have better choices which could make their lives more meaningful? This is all what MsNina is talking about: to try to work on changing the system to which it could provide possibly more opportunities for the girls. Rather than either you work in the fields and be poor and bored all your life or gamble in the sex trade.
Methinks what you people need to do is to recognize that the bar/prostitution industry is here to stay and that all this chest beating and railing against each other does nothing but raise your blood pressure.
Methinks if you are happy with your life and have no interest or do not give a shit to the sufferings of other people in the world, at least don't try to stop people from doing something.
As for MsNina....she will come here, stay her year, do very little good and impact none of our lives, write her paper and return to her home for what could be a lesbian relationship. Thailand and most folks that meet her will be affected not at all by her appearance.
As for MsNina..... she is going to achieve more than you guys could have imagined. She is much, much more(actually no comparison) realistic than many of you guys here.
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Exactly what rights are being infringed upon here?  MMT claims the right of a Thai lady married to a farang to own property is being denied.  My understanding is this law was overturned some two years ago and any Thai woman can now own property.  Some of you legal eagles can better respond to this issue.

Other than that issue....what rights do Thai men have that Thai women don't?


You had me there!  I thought you were a lady.

AnyThai woman can now own property - it was only a short period restricted, and property, owned by a Thai woman prior to marriage to a foreigner was never affected.....

Thailand changed a lot and 1994 is not the Thailand 2004 - Funny, that such people lacking accurate informations are claiming, how closely they are related to Thailand and how long they are living in this country.

What rights do Thai men have that Thai women don't?

I wonder, if they have any reply to that question.......


And now a look at the funny side of this forum:

I thought you were a lady...

Happened to me also....but she/he was another woman right activist....

If you are unsure, if you are a boy or a girl, then ask a Pattaya bar girl, she will teach you the difference, no need to consult a medical doctor.....help a poor bar-girl instead of paying expensive medical bills for treatment of such phantasmagorias....

Atomic bomb on Pattaya??? This will help all the poor bar-girls for sure....as there will be no poor bar-girls anymore....

Sounds like Saddam Hussain from Iraq.... However he never had the atomic bomb, and you know what happened to him .......

Such comparings are remembering me to Meemiathai.....and I truly like his way to compare.....

meemiathai Posted on: Wed 2004-05-05, 11:28:14 I now actually am capable of seeing a horse and think that it is a dog.

Another user said, his thinkings is like to compare the sand at the beach with the dust on the moon.....

I remember a posting: How to make an elephant to fly.....

I like humorous postings.....

We should not forget to laugh.....Take it easy!


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While I don't want to compare the lengths of our figuartive penis size as

I knew your size already! :D

um, now I am worried. :o

And I was thinking, you all are radical female feminists.....


(Malinist and Masculinist)

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As I recall, the law was changed by Parliament in order to equalize it. As you say, men married to farangs could always own property. I am not an attorney, I am a rocket scientist, so I must work from memory here.

Now as to your critique on my supposition about unemployment should the bars be nuked. I am sure all of the Thais working in the bar industry are NOT happy. All of the Thais working at Big C are NOT happy. What does that prove?

If they are in agony as you suggest, then it appears to me they can make the difficult choice to go home. Again, you see, we are getting back to choice. What you seem to be missing is that Thailand is a relatively free society. People can do pretty well as they please. If they choose to go into the bar business and are miserable, they can then return home. Nobody is chaining them to the bar. As for my daughter, I plan to insure she will not have to make the choice. She will have adequate funds to obtain her education and this will open up other doors for her.

Please let it be known that I think it commendable that you and MsNina are going to save the world from starvation and depraved men. I also don't really give a shit if MsNina comes here or not. I am just being realistic when I say she ain't gonna do any good. She will bank that year's salary. She might get her degree if that is what she is working for and she will likely get published somewhere with an article or book about the downtrodden women of Thailand. Anything other than that, I would be skeptical of happening.

If MsNina can change a system that has been in existence for many, many years in the one year she will be here, then I will be the first to say she is a superstar. If, however, she has no impact on the situation (which is highly more likely) then she is just another farang woman that knows not what she is doing.

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AnyThai woman can now own property - it was only a short period restricted, and property, owned by a Thai woman prior to marriage to a foreigner was never affected.....

Thailand changed a lot and 1994 is not the Thailand 2004 - Funny, that such people lacking accurate informations are claiming, how closely they are related to Thailand and how long they are living in this country.

I don't claim to have lived here for that long, but chuckD's suggestion of just sitting back and letting it all happen in front of your eyes is hardly very constructive, no matter if the issue is women's (or anybody else's) rights, the parking ticket you got yesterday or the cancer growing inside of you.

So you think everything is ok now in 2004?

...or maybe it was a little bit better 50 years ago, or 100 years ago? Maybe when women weren't allowed to speak unless spoken to, or maybe just turn the clock back to when they were given access to education, or the right to vote? Maybe back to the Church council in Nicea around 900 A.D., where it was decided that women are higher beings than animals, because they also possess souls.

Just where did it go wrong, Johann?

And if everything is really fine now, and most people agree it is - then it won't change, will it? Or don't you believe in democracy?

You have still failed to address the very obvious attitude differences almost all of us humans, regardless of the society we grew up in, have versus girls and boys.

The most interesting example of the surveys I quoted before was the one from the music school.

Are boys inherently better musicians than girls? Apparently not, according to the survey, because the number of girls accepted into the school clearly increased.

So why did the judges at the music school prefer boys to girls? Sorry about the bold text, but I would really appreciate an honest answer from you.

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If MsNina can change a system that has been in existence for many, many years in the one year she will be here, then I will be the first to say she is a superstar. If, however, she has no impact on the situation (which is highly more likely) then she is just another farang woman that knows not what she is doing.

...unlike all the men down at the bars in the Mighty Smog and in Pattaya, who seem to know exactly what they are doing, especially after 8 large Changs.

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Now, as for you, MR. Samran: :D

Yeah, I have seen that family you describe. Ethel is shielding little Jimmy's eyes from the dreadful sight of a bar girl. Her husband, Fred, is falling into potholes in the sidewalk from ogling those same bar girls. :D

Then they go back to the hotel and watch television with the kiddies.

"What's on tonight, Ethel?" says Fred.

"Look, Fred. We are going to get the 'Michael Jackson Story', the 'Sopranos' and 'NYPD Blue'. And the movie on tonight is that one with Eminem as the rap singer. Won't the kids enjoy that?" says Ethel.

I ask you which is likely to have the most lasting impact on the little kiddies? :D

I have also seen those tour buses full of Taiwanese/Korean/Chinese/Japanese (choose one or all) tourists. They are usually playing follow the leader into a tourist type place (i.e. snake farm, crocodile farm, elephant show, aquarium,go-go bar) where they spend a total of 42 baht each and then trail each other out to the bus and go to the next stop. The only industry they will support is a limited hotel industry and a burgeoning bus industry.

In the meantime, what are you gonna do with the 30-50,000, or more, put out of work? Maybe your nuke idea wasn't so far off the mark. At least you won't have the unemployment to worry about.

Glad we got that gender thing straightened out. :o

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I didn't mention anything about owning property.(again, no big deal)

As for my daughter, I plan to insure she will not have to make the choice. She will have adequate funds to obtain her education and this will open up other doors for her.
Exactly! What more arguments do we need? We are on the same boat! Hoping as well that other people's daughters could recieve the same.


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Just where did it go wrong, Johann?

And if everything is really fine now, and most people agree it is - then it won't change, will it? Or don't you believe in democracy?

You have still failed to address the very obvious attitude differences almost all of us humans, regardless of the society we grew up in, have versus girls and boys.

The most interesting example of the surveys I quoted before was the one from the music school.

Are boys inherently better musicians than girls? Apparently not, according to the survey, because the number of girls accepted into the school clearly increased.

So why did the judges at the music school prefer boys to girls? Sorry about the bold text, but I would really appreciate an honest answer from you.

First of all, I find your postings very well balanced...almost like a diplomatic bulletin.

I never said, that Thailand is now the ideal spot for everybody, but I said, that Thailand improved very much during the last 10 years, especially such issues like forced prostitution, child-sex and so on show a very clear improvement of the situation...

I wonder however, if exactly that crime-related problems show the same improvements in other countries of this world....MsNina herself had to admit, that violence in Australia is a problem for a Filipina woman for example. Prostitution is illegal in most parts of the US, but the internet, servers mostly based in the US, is full with escort agencies....child-related crimes, it is not only Thailand, take a look to Brasil, and major sex-industry...we have them all in Europe, at the former border between West and East (iron curtain border line) - much much bigger than in Thailand - iron curtain is by far the biggest sex-industry in this world....

Why do such radical groups targeting Thailand? Thailand, which has only a usd 2000,- per year/person.... I think, such radical world improvers should target the same problem first and successfully in their own countries, before criticizing Thailand....


You gave me 2 examples, one was about a newspaper article, political related, and you told me, men as writers will be preferred to women by the readers....

I gave you some reasons, why I do not think so....but did not read any comment from you yet....but I think, it is strongly related to the subject....

I do not think, this is a man-only privileg and I do not think, it will give me any advantage personally, because I am a man.

I also answered to your question, about women rights improving laws, which I consider as a time of the past WWII (so many of such laws will change in Europe..) and I told you that such laws might backfire if men are challenging them in the Constitutional Courts...

About the music school: I have no idea in this specific case.....maybe personal impression of judges? and were the judges all men? or all women? who were the judges? You did not write, who the judges are........

There is no logical reason, why in front of a jury the winner, if he is a male, the 1st runner up MUST be a female, and there is no rule, that the approved candidates MUST be always 1:1.....

Also there is no prove, that the musicians, without curtain, did exactly perform in the same way as the musicians behind the curtain....

Musicians often perform sometimes better, sometimes worse.... not easy to judge ...I think, it is complicated....

even top class musicians often judge the same performance of a student, with remarkable different scores....

What about to concentrate on the INSTRUMENT? for sure, harp will go to the FEMALES, and a tuba to the man.....


Let me give you an easy example:

Interpreters are almost always women, why? - do I feel discriminated as a man?

Or should a company be obliged to accept women:men 1:1.....

It is not easy for a male interpreter to find a job....there are few, despite if they successfully finished all examinations, they have a hard time. Reason maybe low voice, but why to discriminate him, because of his voice? The reason is more said, that interpreter is a good paid part-time job, by the way....

If I enter an airport or a railway station, most annoucements are made by a artifical female voice.....should I feel to be discriminated? Insisting on a male voice, changing every hour?

Seems the female voice attracts more people than the male voice, and do you call this a privilege of a woman? (compared to the newpaper article, written by a man?)

Or look at the commercials, most of them show a young woman, trying to sell a cell phone, or even a car (which is considered as a selling object more for a man).....

Even if a very good young man will apply for the same job as a model, he will have a hard time to be accepted.....

I can prove you, that I can type remarkable fast and with a minimum of errors winning even a typewriting-competition against women when finishing commercial school .....

However I would never even dare to apply as a typist or secretary.....

The woman will be preferred for sure.....(same in our office by the way)

But this is not the question, I was asking you:

I was asking, where are my personal advantages, where are my personal privileges, to be a man? - I do not see them....not in my wallet, not with my working hours, not with my retirement years.....


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Yohan , look for an aspirine or a valium somewhere ?

This thing is BORING.... :o

This thread got 42 votes, 171 postings and 2185 views within some days....

Maybe YOU find it boring...this is fine, all people are different in what they like or dislike.

If you dislike this subject, then please read the many other threads, this Thaivisa-forum is really great. There is place for any kind of imaginable subjects...

What about you make a new thread with a new subject, Thailand related, which is not boring?

Is this not a better way, than posting an one-line statement?


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Come on, Johan. Surely you know what advantages we, as men, have over women.

1. We can scratch where it itches.

2. We don't have to own more than one pair of shoes.

3. Anything we wear is color coordinated (to us).

4. We don't have to carry a purse. (If you are a poofter, this doesn't apply.)

5. We understand football and actually played baseball.

6. We do not understand the remote control but accept it as it is.

7. We think Oprah is dumb, even if she is rich.

8. We know when we have had too much to drink. We tip over.

9. We can hit the golf ball farther than most women.

10. We can pee standing up.

11. We understand the internal combustion engine.

12. We know what the hood ornament is on a Mack truck.

13. We think Harleys sound better than Honda Waves.

These are just a few advantages we have as men. Add more as you see fit.

As for women, I leave you with this thought....."Can anything that bleeds for five days and not die... be trusted?" :o

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Come on, Johan.  Surely you know what advantages we, as men, have over women.

With advantages I was more refering to my wallet, and openly to tell you, I do not see any advantages by being a man in this sense....

We can scratch where it itches.....

I do so sometimes, but this does not help.....

By the way, I am married with 2 daughters.....

I also do not see any advantages being a man, by working overtime, to fill up my wallet again ....


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First, thank you Johann, because this post of yours was really coherent too.

Why do such radical groups targeting Thailand? Thailand, which has only a usd 2000,- per year/person.... I think, such radical world improvers should target the same problem first and successfully in their own countries, before criticizing Thailand....

That is a very valid point. A person is normally more successful in trying to change things in his/her own society, simply because of the lack of cultural and language barriers.

But - A lot IS being done in Western countries as well - I don't have all the facts and figures on the table, but I believe there are more active feminists in the West than in Thailand, and might even suggest that the working time and money invested in Western countries IS larger than here - but I don't know it for a fact.

I don't think anyone who comes here with a desire to do something good should be pushed away, no matter if they have an unrealistic picture of the situation. As long as MsNina is primarily intent on learning while here, it'll probably be for the better, for her, for Thailand and maybe for Australia. Who knows. I don't think she will come or go totally unnoticed as ChuckD prophecied (she has already sort of caused this debate (with your help of course, Johann :o ), and I hope what she does will make a positive change for all involved.

But really, I never heard her saying that she thought she would change the way Thai people think, or bring down the largest trafficking syndicate known to mankind either. I think you're jumping to conclusions.

What is very true is that the general perception of Thailand in the Western media is very lopsided and concentrates on social problems, notably prostitution and other sex-related issues, sometimes very naively so.

So I see the reasons for some of your statements.

What I am surprised at though, is that you cannot see that men still have a comparable advantage in terms of attitude and acceptance.

It is decreasing, and when it comes to laws and regulations, I also agree with you that some of the laws passed in order to protect women's rights, can backfire on men when used to the extreme, or by vindictive people. Someone mentioned child custody issues after divorces - and this is clearly an area where women tend to have the upper hand in many countries, because of the perception that women take care of children, and that's it. Then again, when it comes to questions of how to define rape and not, women still get abused by the legal system in many countries. Quite simply, it is extremely hard to pass judgement in rape cases as interpretations of what is consent and not may be very different, even between the participants. There is also the risk of the woman using allegations as a weapon against a man - but it takes a ###### of a tough woman to go through that whole process just for revenge.

The world is shades of grey, never black and white.

And people tend to see what they want to see when they come to a new place.

A sex tourist will see lots of willing and seemingly happy girls (or boys) who may not seem as hardened as their Western counterparts. They will then try to find excuses for themselves going to these prostitutes, because otherwise they would have to question their own existance and morals, which not a lot of us are willing to do.

An NGO worker or journalist will of course find the social problems and corruption, and try to concentrate on writing about these things. Some do it well, others not so well. Some of those who do it well never get published, because the truth doesn't always sell so well.

A missionary will find poor misled people who need to see the light of God which will make their lives much happier, and a hippie will see plenty of ganja and "beautiful" people with whom he/she can smoke this ganja in a hammock somewhere near a beach while munching banana pancakes and listening to pirate CD's of the latest alternative band on a crap sound system, while talking about another "crap system".

I have tried to find the music school survey for you over the Internet, but I have unfortunately not succeeded, so I can't respond to your questions properly (yet). All the criticisms you take up are valid, and it is of course important to be wary of statistic results. I'll be back with more when I have found it.

As for your privileges being a man, well, it is easier for us as men to take a leak without having to sit down or wet our pants. Also, we don't have a period (although some scientists claim that certain men are susceptible and have slight hormonal changes during their partners periods). :D

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What I am surprised at though, is that you cannot see that men still have a comparable advantage in terms of attitude and acceptance.

Thanks for your reply....

A bit off the subject, as not Thailand related, but interesting to discuss....

Well, I can only say, that I do not see any personal advantages being a man, more the opposite.

Maybe I would think different, if you could give me some real examples, which clearly are benefitting me, but all what I heard up to now by all posters on this thread, I did not see anything, where I cannot reply with a contra-argument....

You told me something about statistics, surveys.....they all can be questioned....

I gave you some examples, like interpreters, secretaries.....it is not always the man, who has the job advantage....

Not all men are rich, and not all women are poor....the old story....and no result is possible.....

Pay-roll....I do not see a difference.....

Laws........I do not see a difference, but some laws of relationship between man and woman are favoring the woman....

Life and retirement: men die earlier, and are working often many years longer....

and so on.....

I think, most men are somehow ashamed to say that, but looking back all my life, why should I not talk about it and questioning these for me obviously not existing advantages.

Please show me clearly, where are my advantages....

I say again, I do not see them at all...


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Yohan............try looking a bit further than your anatomy that

obviously you are having trouble thinking beyond.

Or perhaps you are pumping up the pulse a little by being

slightly absurd with your 'we are less than equals in the

grand scheme of things' overt masculine approach.

" I do not see them at all..."

Look behind you not ahead of you.

That is why they call them advantages.

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.........and when it comes to laws and regulations, I also agree with you that some of the laws passed in order to protect women's rights, can backfire on men when used to the extreme, or by vindictive people. Someone mentioned child custody issues after divorces - and this is clearly an area where women tend to have the upper hand in many countries, because of the perception that women take care of children, and that's it. Then again, when it comes to questions of how to define rape and not, women still get abused by the legal system in many countries. Quite simply, it is extremely hard to pass judgement in rape cases as interpretations of what is consent and not may be very different, even between the participants. There is also the risk of the woman using allegations as a weapon against a man ........

As the reply is getting too long, I prefer to separate it....

And you mentioned a good point:

Yes, I agree to all what you are writing here...

But while all men should protect the women against violence, rape and so on, you mentioned

There is also the risk of the woman using allegations as a weapon against a man ....

These cases are not so rare, not so few....... bad women are making use out of fraud, defamation, untrue allegations....

While you expect, that all men should protect women against violence and rape by promoting equal rights...., I would like to ask you, how this is working in the other way ....

who is protecting a man against such bad women, who misusing the law and adding some extra untrue allergations, are trying to extort money out of men?

Or is this just the risk of the man?

Then sorry, I have to tell you, that it should be the RISK of this woman, sitting alone without support in the street... This is however not the case, as even such a person, even in prison, has the right to claim support of her husband even after divorce.

Where is the man, who cares about the man? and did you ever hear something about a woman, who cares about a man in such a case, defending a man against her own female equals?

I did not hear that - and yes, the main point is the MONEY as a man you have the RISK, even in case you did nothing wrong at all, with best intention, to lose a considerable part of your property, when meeting the wrong woman.

Opinions of females are very single-sided related the question of BAD WOMEN, and some weak men are even protecting them...or neglect such problems, or find them even funny, when a man is losing everything, without any wrongdoing...

Out of a juridical point of view, do you think, this can be called equality? is equality between woman and man a RISK for the man?

Women have the better saying to promote loudly, what they call discriminating.... but may I ask you, who helps the man in such a case?

Is this maybe in your eyes a privileg of the man?

Just curious! Some of my friends had this problem, it is not funny - luckily I am not concerned....


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