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What more does govt want from my family? Thaksin’s son asks


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17 hours ago, smedly said:

fugitive convicted criminal that did a runner with other more serious charges pending......fact


Charges which are not recognised internationally due to the court who tried him being biased politically......fact

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17 hours ago, samsensam said:


return and pay his debt to society?


which, by the way, if he had done in the first place and not scurried off to avoid taking responsibility for his actions he would now be a free man living comfortably in his home land.

I am sure they could have come up with a  Jack Ruby equivalent. 

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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

taxing capital gains must be fair

above board

and apply to all( with an exception )

including those in uniform

Pass the Tylenol here is somebody talking fairness, above board including guys in uniform. Woe is me when will it ever end.?

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10 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

I mean this is capital gains tax.  Pretty straightforward isn't it?  Maybe they should be investigating the Thaksin-appointed stooges who got RD to drop its pursuit of the tax in the first place?  I'm sure they became "unusually wealthy" during Thaksin's turn at the trough.

Yes the trough everybody gets a turn it seems but me.

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33 minutes ago, Blindedbythelight said:

Yes agree.

And it was the best time for most companies to make money here.

I had my best profit years, when he was in power. He was a business man, and he understand how to bring in foreign businesses, and help them in every possible way. In four years I made more then enough for a great retirement.

In the last 7 years ; my profit is down 15 %.

Yes I know he maybe did some naughty things. But that is not any concern to me.

Great read and of course ALL politicians do naughty things. They soon become enshrouded in their own BS and get a Napoleon complex. Most are the product of their own undoing. Where do you think the phrase "hold your nose and vote" came from??

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34 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

LOS wants back at least half the money that your family stole while youd dad was in office.He for the rules here and did not share.

I can just picture this Thaksin gives half the money back and poof it disappears. Be sure to get a receipt signed by Mr. P or its not worth the paper its written on. Prayth of course would not go for this. His alter ego would not allow anything less than payment in full with body fluids that we all need to survive. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Great read and of course ALL politicians do naughty things. They soon become enshrouded in their own BS and get a Napoleon complex. Most are the product of their own undoing. Where do you think the phrase "hold your nose and vote" came from??

Yes agree.  I heard never understand why all these dictators would rather die , then simply leave the country and go spend their billions on a nice island, somewhere ? It made me laugh when they found Saddam in a hole in the ground; or the nut in the sewer in Libra ?

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1 minute ago, Blindedbythelight said:

Yes agree.  I heard never understand why all these dictators would rather die , then simply leave the country and go spend their billions on a nice island, somewhere ? It made me laugh when they found Saddam in a hole in the ground; or the nut in the sewer in Libra ?

Yes I agree with your last statement. The problem is dictators are about all that seems available to we the people. Bill C who couldn't keep his zipper up was not a bad president as was the founder of Singapore a great man who throttled freedom of speech for a bit. Thaksin got the job done with personal enrichment along the way. Then look around you you have Mr. P here Park the big business surrogate in S Korea Duterte the drug crusader(his mantra kill em all) in the Philippines fast fingers Najib in Mayalasia, Trump in America, Mr (we can make you disappear from Hong Kong even though your a billionaire) Xi, Flattop from North Korea and on it goes and extreme right wingers cropping up all over the place. In politics there is always enrichment as you join an elite club. Look at Obama his big money is now just starting and they claim his lifetime earnings will be close to 400 million and that ain't chump change. Politics is just a stepping stone into a club that looks after you from the start of your meteoric climb to the grave. 

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family... yeah that's the right word.


it means property, inheritance... and face. 


got it.  already had it.  pretty simple.  it has to be.



as for Obama making a lot of money.... a recent poster...  it's a lot of money for us, but for the top folks who Obama was an insider with.... but not Trump... give the system some more time to 'vomit out' Trump (Larry Summers words... not mine... but not as to Trump).... it's really not so much money.  it's pretty modest... as I doubt he will put 400 million together.... at his age.. and at this time in the demographic cycle (the Dow is over 20,000).... so he has to raise it all in cash basically.... that's not that easy... I would have bet more like 50 million, not almost half a billion. 




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19 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

Well I don't care if you disagree with me liking Thaksin but I bet you Thais will always remember him for introducing 30 baht health coverage program.

True, He gave the poorer Thais the 30baht  health cover, while helping  himself to  billions of Baht. Good business.

 To be fair to him,I would like to point out that he's no different from the rest of the Thai  politicians.

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20 hours ago, smedly said:

How about pay the tax you owe to the Thai people

How about you read the report again?????? "

“Oak” Panthongtae Shinawatra posted on his Facebook that the case had already ended eight years ago and the court had ruled that his father had not sold the shares to him and his sister Pinthongta and that Thaksin remained the owner of the shares. 


He said Bt46 billion worth of his father’s assets had already been confiscated. That amount was enough to compensate for his guilt, according to the court ruling,

you are probably a junta lover ,who excuses everything they do,in this case i'm sorry for complaining,please don't sue me for defamation or computer crime act crime

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19 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

Well I don't care if you disagree with me liking Thaksin but I bet you Thais will always remember him for introducing 30 baht health coverage program.

If you research this the original plan came from Chuan Leekpie  and Thaksin hijacked the plan as he could immediately see that it would further his own selfish interests. This is how sociopaths work. Queue Trump. Create the lie that it was HIS plan and HIS idea and people will love him forever. Get it?

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20 hours ago, smedly said:

fugitive convicted criminal that did a runner with other more serious charges pending......fact

convicted by the people who overthrown a free elected government,on top they gave them self impunity.

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7 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

By nest of vipers presumably you also mean you want to see the  entire junta/government also in Dubai now that they themselves have plundered the countries reserves, done a shady deal with the Chinese amounting to billions and of course a similar shady deal for submarines for billions. There appear no end to their greed, duplicity, economic mismanagement and of course abuse of human rights.  That is just for starters.

I suppose that when you talk about human rights you have granted immunity to your hero for his "war on drugs" that summarily executed 3,000 so called drug dealers. Also his order to stack muslims in trucks in 40 degree weather causing the deaths of 90 of them. Oh yes Thaksin is a wonderful man. I really enjoyed watching him changing the tax laws days before the sale of Shincorp, and yes I was here to see it.

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

"no way. the first 2 years was just to get him locked up in thailand to bring on the dozens of other cases."


But was it? Bear in mind he probably has enough dirt on 'good people' to bring down the whole house of cards - 'If I'm going down I'm taking you SOBs with me'. I mean, why wouldn't he under the circumstances?

rich people like thaksin never go down. they buy their way out of everything. it cost him 1 million to get his passport back to flee the country. money buys immunity, the house will never be bought down. why would he rat on everyone and make many enimies? thaksin was not being punished for breaking the law he was being punished for being on the opposite from the yellows and army.

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21 hours ago, samsensam said:


return and pay his debt to society?


which, by the way, if he had done in the first place and not scurried off to avoid taking responsibility for his actions he would now be a free man living comfortably in his home land.


I think he ran to avoid the other outstanding serious court cases. Some 15 plus of them. One was the Krughthai bank fraud in which co-defendants have been convicted and received 18 year sentences. Now that is serious prison time.


Had he stayed, he'd would have been imprisoned by probably convicted on other charges and receiving longer sentences. The old bribery and intimidation of judges couldn't be relied on. So he ran and will stay on the run unless the family can somehow still wangle a whitewash for him.

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1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

convicted by the people who overthrown a free elected government,on top they gave them self impunity.


What a silly response. He was convicted by a court. A court which his lawyer was caught trying to bribe. He fled before sentencing and jumped bail. He has never denied the offence, just tried to claim it was another simple meaningless mistake for which he should be forgiven.


As to all those other 15 plus serious charges - we'll never know because he won't come back and face them.

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The fact that Thaksin was tight with the current King and yet has not been repatriated, should answer his question. In lieu of the trial and execution of the current Junta members, it is unlikely that Thaksin will be allowed back in. He is simply too popular. In addition, he committed the unpardonable sin of actually trying to improve the lot of the average citizen.

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9 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

 ...it is unlikely that Thaksin will be allowed back in. He is simply too popular. In addition, he committed the unpardonable sin of actually trying to improve the lot of the average citizen.

I think you are right, Chip Allen. The junta have turned this man - who in 2014 was beginning to lose some popularity amongst certain sections of the Red Shirts, as I  know from my talks with various Red Shirt supporters  - into a real hero now, whose return would sweep him back into unprecedented levels of democratically mandated support. The junta is the best poster boy imaginable for a return of a Shinawatra government. That is why the junta CANNOT at any cost allow him back into this country as a political candidate. He would decimate the junta 'politicians' at the ballot box - even more so than in the past. People have now tasted full authoritarian rule - and they DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT!



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46 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


What a silly response. He was convicted by a court. A court which his lawyer was caught trying to bribe. He fled before sentencing and jumped bail. He has never denied the offence, just tried to claim it was another simple meaningless mistake for which he should be forgiven.


As to all those other 15 plus serious charges - we'll never know because he won't come back and face them.

I think he was smart not to come back. No way he nor his sister stand any chance in a coup government that came into power with an agenda to rid Thaksin regime, wrote themselves an amnesty and gag the whole nation. Plus people die in the cells mysteriously. I am sure you see my point.   

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7 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

The fact that Thaksin was tight with the current King and yet has not been repatriated, should answer his question. In lieu of the trial and execution of the current Junta members, it is unlikely that Thaksin will be allowed back in. He is simply too popular. In addition, he committed the unpardonable sin of actually trying to improve the lot of the average citizen.

I don't know about him intentionally trying to improve the lot of the average citizen, but he certainly gave them a voice. He made the people upcountry realize that their vote did mean something, that they did have value/worth. And now that this cat is out of the bag, it is not going back in, much to the chagrin of the current powers that be.


The authorities want rid of him and his cohorts, because, as you say, he is too popular for their liking. However, I can't help feeling that all these attacks on him, his family (no matter how deserving), and members of his circle, are actually playing into his hands. As long as only those on Thaksin's side of the fence are being condemned, when everyone knows the Junta (which includes businessmen/women with their fingers in the Juntas' pocket) is equally or more crooked (police on the payroll, massive houses on small salaries, winning bids despite no experience, selective investigation regarding Rolls Royce, etc.) it will be seen as unfair and purely vindictive. Leading to increasing disaffection with the current regime.       

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21 hours ago, baboon said:

No he isn't a fugitive. How many more times?

Yes he is by definition - 


Fugitive | Define Fugitive at Dictionary.com

a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway: a fugitive from justice; a fugitive from a dictatorial regime. adjective. having taken flight, or run away: a fugitive slave.


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