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Clothes To Give Away

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I'm 5'10, 160-165 lbs, and take a size 33 or 34 jeans. Shirts are either M or Large, western sizes, or if bought in Thailand L or XL sometimes. I'm actually looking more to give to some Thai folks as a donation than to pass them on to fellow westerners and would prefer to explore that route first.

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I'm simply have too many clothes, and want to find a good place to donate some older clothes to - jeans, t-shirts, button and collar shirts etc.

Any suggestions welcome - J

Temples help the poor.Worth your while asking there.

Village elder might know someone who is in need.

Nathon hospital might be able to help.

The Mayor's office , they often help destitute families.

Good on you mate nice gesture.

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Thanks, Roo

There is a family that I know of that lives down the road. They collect bottles, go through trash for anything of value etc. I gave their son a bunch of stuff, about 5 t-shirts and a brand new pair of sandals(mine were too big for him). But, still have more left and he is a smaller guy so....I'll keep looking, maybe we can start something like a drop box at Tesco or something? Just an Idea

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