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Just a comment.

Yesterday around 5ish we went for a beer to a nice place on the beach.

Every day the staff clean the beach and put all the crap in bags and into the bins for collection so it always looks nice.

On either side the rest of the beach is covered in crap.

Local families who live on either side come out at times to sit on the beach where all the crap is and just push some of it out of the way to make enough room to sit on the sand surrounded by litter and plastic waste.

As I said, just a comment.


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I  pick  up  garbage  almost  daily  on  the  beach.  Sometimes  there  is  more  than  at  other  times.  About  10  days  ago  was  the  worst  I'd  seen.  I  was  so  pleased  to  see  a  local  man  picking  up  garbage,  the  first  time  I  had  seen  someone  not  affiliated  with  a  hotel  doing  so.  UNTIL  I  realised  he  was  adding  it  to  a  burn  pile!  Plastic,  rubber,  everything  was  being  burned.  Might  as  well  be  a  tire  fire.  I  am  so  disappointed  by  the  lack  of  education  around  this  subject.  


Also,  it  is  a  full  time  job  raking  leaves,  trimming  bushes,  etc.,  at  the  many  hotels  and  resorts.  Why  is  this  burned  rather  than  being  composted?  In  this  heat  it  would  take  no  time  at  all  to  have  a  wonderful  product  to  improve  the  soil.  


I  am  obviously  thinking  way  too  much.

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Some families don't appear to think they've had a nice day out at the beach unless they've left their own body-weight in litter and detritus behind them. Even with oil-drum garbage cans 4 meters away, they just leave their filth on the beach right where they've been sat.

Education would be a start, as posted above^^. But the syllabus seems to be more concerned with flag-waving, patriotic song-singing, and other 1930's Hitler-Youth type activities. Ok, rant over. :smile:

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walking on the beach from Phayun to Nam Rim and a heck of a lot of trash washed onto the beach about two weeks ago.

I saw one truck and three cleaners in total on those beaches.  Plus the stuff floats in the surf.

A COMPLETE turn off .  I cant even go there anymore.

I remember this happened about February of this year on my last visit and Ban Chang put out a army of workers to clear it up, but this year they must have other priorities.  It is a HUGE  line of trash.  Really a sad sight.

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