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FBI head confirms Russia election probe, says Moscow backed Trump


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11 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Would love to see some proof of this level of collusion between the two men you name. It would be a blockbuster story to set the USA back on its heels. Looking forward to your follow up post on this past event(s).



It is a big story and there is much more to come. Follow other sources than just Russia Today and Sputnik etc. and the information flows to you.

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13 minutes ago, stander said:

Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign.

"While he did not directly work for the Turkish government, the firm that hired him, Inovo, is owned by a Turkish-American businessman with links to leaders in Ankara and asked him to work on an issue important to the government."


Not exactly a crime, now is it?

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1 hour ago, stander said:

The fact that Flynn was in cahoots with Erdogan/Turkey would be enough to scare me away from him and maybe that was the real reason he resigned, since this Russia discussion is, well, nonsense...

Flynn's call to the Russian Ambassador was tapped.  And was illegal.  How is that nonsense? 

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33 minutes ago, Silurian said:

For everyone trying to string together the Donald <> Russia connection, here are some nice charts. Enjoy!


All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts



It is scary.  Nice link.  Amazing some on here just don't seem to get it. LOL

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Who voted this idiot in...what the hell we're they thinking.Hillbilly  crystal meth destroys all it touches .... Still while it's lasts we have the  world's greatest comedy show "The Trumping of President Donald" - the gift that just keeps on giving. You can see it in his face - his head is in a press with a thousand ton weight pressing down on every sinew of his body as the reality of what he has talked himself into dawns on him in a thousand differnt ways. So many enemies so little time .....how big was his inauguration again....

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Flynn was part of Trump's campaign team. Dot connected.

Pretty funny, thanks.  If you could connect more dots that lead to civil or criminal charges, or an impeachment procedure, that would really help me. ?

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Posts in bold removed.   Here's from the forum netiquette:


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5 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Not exactly a crime, now is it?

Yes it is when you have not revealed it to the congressional hearing to approve your position in Government and when you were still on the payroll whilst also National Security Advisor. He was in the employ of a foreign Government and paid to lobby on behalf of that Government, as he has retrospectively entered he was classed as a 'Foreign Agent of the Turkish Government', He wrote an OpEd on why the US should support Erdogen and Turkey which was published on the day of the inauguration. How illegal do you want it to get? Are you happy that the NSA who was given the highest security classification and sat in on top secret and above briefings was in the employ of a foreign, muslim Government? As for Russia it will all come out in the wash. Flynn will face the music soon and stands a good chance of jail time.

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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes it is when you have not revealed it to the congressional hearing to approve your position in Government and when you were still on the payroll whilst also National Security Advisor. He was in the employ of a foreign Government and paid to lobby on behalf of that Government, as he has retrospectively entered he was classed as a 'Foreign Agent of the Turkish Government', He wrote an OpEd on why the US should support Erdogen and Turkey which was published on the day of the inauguration. How illegal do you want it to get? Are you happy that the NSA who was given the highest security classification and sat in on top secret and above briefings was in the employ of a foreign, muslim Government? As for Russia it will all come out in the wash. Flynn will face the music soon and stands a good chance of jail time.

I am inferring you feel the odds Mr. Flynn will serve jail time are greater than 50%. Correct? Time, and the slow pace of the legal system will tell of course. The law is a strange thing. Black and white in a courtroom with top notch lawyers in a complex political environment...about as easy to find as a clock in a casino.

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21 hours ago, iReason said:


Posting in bold doesn't add any more value or credence to your baseless, delirious, crystal ball conjecture.


Face it: Your president who you so zealously defend, along with his cronies, 

is under an F.B.I. Counterintelligence investigation authorized by the Dept. of Justice.


I propose that you  are wasting everyone's time posting such unsubstantiated gibberish.

Here's the thing though iReason: Trump supporters, because they swallowed all the rhetoric about "making America great again," are now in a very difficult place. Day after day, almost hour after hour the evidence keeps mounting up that this President is, at the very least a serial liar (not just over Russian involvement in the election campaign, but just about every issue), and at worst a criminal deserving of impeachment and possible imprisonment.


That is hard to swallow  for people who naively believed this demagogue had something to offer an ailing US. It probably  terrifies them to think that it all might be just the big con that it is. Argue the minutiae of this or that point, dredge up Hillary and stuff that is now dead history, tell critics to "get over it" and accept the election result, despite the conservatives throwing every vile piece of crap they could during the Obama years, and remain blindly loyal to a man who could keep a dozen psychiatrists in work for years, let alone political analysts.


All this while the very base of Trump's heartland: alienated middle and working class Americans are now seeing their health care, education and social services attacked and stripped away while their real enemies, the insatiably greedy corporate class, is being given free reign. Meanwhile those upright, moralistic, upstanding "Christian" hypocrite Republicans stand by and watch the citizens they are paid to represent go to hell.


None so blind ... etc.

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7 minutes ago, Godolphin said:

Here's the thing though iReason: Trump supporters, because they swallowed all the rhetoric about "making America great again," are now in a very difficult place. Day after day, almost hour after hour the evidence keeps mounting up that this President is, at the very least a serial liar (not just over Russian involvement in the election campaign, but just about every issue), and at worst a criminal deserving of impeachment and possible imprisonment.


That is hard to swallow  for people who naively believed this demagogue had something to offer an ailing US. It probably  terrifies them to think that it all might be just the big con that it is. Argue the minutiae of this or that point, dredge up Hillary and stuff that is now dead history, tell critics to "get over it" and accept the election result, despite the conservatives throwing every vile piece of crap they could during the Obama years, and remain blindly loyal to a man who could keep a dozen psychiatrists in work for years, let alone political analysts.


All this while the very base of Trump's heartland: alienated middle and working class Americans are now seeing their health care, education and social services attacked and stripped away while their real enemies, the insatiably greedy corporate class, is being given free reign. Meanwhile those upright, moralistic, upstanding "Christian" hypocrite Republicans stand by and watch the citizens they are paid to represent go to hell.


None so blind ... etc.

I would like to give you many likes. Thank you!

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Ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had multimillion-dollar contract with Russian oligarch, AP says


"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new Associated Press report."


"The AP report alleges that Manafort proposed a confidential strategic plan that suggested he would influence politics, business dealings and media coverage within the United States and elsewhere to benefit the Putin government."


"Manafort's name was mentioned multiple times when FBI director James Comey spoke at a House Intelligence Committee hearing Monday where he revealed that the agency is investigating Russian interference into the U.S. presidential election and possible involvement of Trump associates."




Secretly... :whistling:

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25 minutes ago, iReason said:

Ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had multimillion-dollar contract with Russian oligarch, AP says


"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new Associated Press report."


"The AP report alleges that Manafort proposed a confidential strategic plan that suggested he would influence politics, business dealings and media coverage within the United States and elsewhere to benefit the Putin government."


"Manafort's name was mentioned multiple times when FBI director James Comey spoke at a House Intelligence Committee hearing Monday where he revealed that the agency is investigating Russian interference into the U.S. presidential election and possible involvement of Trump associates."




Secretly... :whistling:

If this is true then it does not matter about Manafort working with Trump when he was on the payroll for the moment.



"The AP report alleges that Manafort proposed a confidential strategic plan that suggested he would influence politics, business dealings and media coverage within the United States and elsewhere to benefit the Putin government."

ABC need to give all info to the FBI and they need to investigate and if true drag this treasonous <insert expletive of your personal choice> in and let him see he is looking at 50 yrs in a supermax, he will then sing like a canary. Job done, Trump gone....next! All the FBI need is a copy of that 'confidential strategic plan'.

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4 hours ago, iReason said:

"We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success," Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska. The effort, Manafort wrote, "will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government."


And yet Manafort continues to deny any connection with Putin...


Manafort pushes back on report he worked to help Putin's government



Sure Mr. Manafort, you work with Oleg Deripaska for almost a decade but yet never once thought about (or acted in accordance to) Putin's agenda. Pull the other one...it has bells on it.


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18 minutes ago, Silurian said:


And yet Manafort continues to deny any connection with Putin...


Manafort pushes back on report he worked to help Putin's government



Sure Mr. Manafort, you work with Oleg Deripaska for almost a decade but yet never once thought about (or acted in accordance to) Putin's agenda. Pull the other one...it has bells on it.


Spicer even said Manafort had a very small role in the Trump campaign.  Which is an outright lie.  He was campaign manager for Trump before being fired!  Hard to believe anything this administration now says.  Sadly though, many still do.


Here's the source for this breaking story.  Worth a read:




"We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success," Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska. The effort, Manafort wrote, "will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government."


Manafort's plans were laid out in detailed documents obtained by the AP that included strategy memoranda and records showing international wire transfers for millions of dollars.



What about Trump's claim he's going to drain the swamp?  Seems this Manafort guy is in the deep end.


More to come...

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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes it is when you have not revealed it to the congressional hearing to approve your position in Government and when you were still on the payroll whilst also National Security Advisor. He was in the employ of a foreign Government and paid to lobby on behalf of that Government, as he has retrospectively entered he was classed as a 'Foreign Agent of the Turkish Government', He wrote an OpEd on why the US should support Erdogen and Turkey which was published on the day of the inauguration. How illegal do you want it to get? Are you happy that the NSA who was given the highest security classification and sat in on top secret and above briefings was in the employ of a foreign, muslim Government? As for Russia it will all come out in the wash. Flynn will face the music soon and stands a good chance of jail time.

Thanks AA for educating those who have diminished awareness, but act as if they do.

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11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Spicer even said Manafort had a very small role in the Trump campaign.  Which is an outright lie.  He was campaign manager for Trump before being fired!  Hard to believe anything this administration now says.  Sadly though, many still do.


Here's the source for this breaking story.  Worth a read:



What about Trump's claim he's going to drain the swamp?  Seems this Manafort guy is in the deep end.


More to come...

Who of any Fake President's defenders has any credibility?  Like the old adage points out: We surround ourselves with reflections of our own identity. 

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AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government


"Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse."


"We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success," Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska."


"The effort, Manafort wrote, "will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government."



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On 3/20/2017 at 10:56 PM, Pinot said:

Same people who work tirelessly to prevent people from voting are working to close the leaks that are exposing Putin's involvement in the election. The same people who are trying to give tax breaks to the rich and take healthcare from the poor. The same people who are trying to poison the air and water so their backers can increase their profit. Always the same people. 



No it is not. You will find that there are many  ethical wealthy people who are opposed to the  cuts to  the arts and public broadcasting. The  cuts intended for the NIH are diabolical. Who is leading the fight? Some very old school Republicans. Who is most upset by the Trump proposal to increase nuclear weapons? Old Republican statesman and the leaders of the disramament talks with Russia like George Schultz,  You are no different than the Trump supporters who have an obsession with labeling people and who toss around idiotic expressions like libtards.  You will find that those who are worried and concerned by the links to Russia are conservative patriots  as well liberals who place an emphasis upon respect for the rule of law.   Hold the  lazy vindictive voters who want to "punish" people for their own lot in life, responsible for this outcome. They elected Trump.






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20 hours ago, Godolphin said:

Here's the thing though iReason: Trump supporters, because they swallowed all the rhetoric about "making America great again," are now in a very difficult place. Day after day, almost hour after hour the evidence keeps mounting up that this President is, at the very least a serial liar (not just over Russian involvement in the election campaign, but just about every issue), and at worst a criminal deserving of impeachment and possible imprisonment.


That is hard to swallow  for people who naively believed this demagogue had something to offer an ailing US. It probably  terrifies them to think that it all might be just the big con that it is. Argue the minutiae of this or that point, dredge up Hillary and stuff that is now dead history, tell critics to "get over it" and accept the election result, despite the conservatives throwing every vile piece of crap they could during the Obama years, and remain blindly loyal to a man who could keep a dozen psychiatrists in work for years, let alone political analysts.


All this while the very base of Trump's heartland: alienated middle and working class Americans are now seeing their health care, education and social services attacked and stripped away while their real enemies, the insatiably greedy corporate class, is being given free reign. Meanwhile those upright, moralistic, upstanding "Christian" hypocrite Republicans stand by and watch the citizens they are paid to represent go to hell.


None so blind ... etc.

Here's the sad tale of one of his die-hards who sang for him all over the US - with real hope in his heart. Who would have thought if you vote for a serial lying , sexual harraser , uber narcissistic billionare then what that's exactly what you get ! I reckon sooner  rather than later and Trump will quit first.



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10 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Here's the sad tale of one of his die-hards who sang for him all over the US - with real hope in his heart. Who would have thought if you vote for a serial lying , sexual harraser , uber narcissistic billionare then what that's exactly what you get ! I reckon sooner  rather than later and Trump will quit first.



Tragic, absolutely tragic. Poor bugger.


And I fear that this story will be played out in various forms all over the nation as these savage health care cuts really start to bite on struggling families.

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Ex-spies weigh in on Russian hacking allegations


Barsky said, "What is clear is that email accounts of Democrat operatives were hacked and those hacks originated in Russia.


He added that Russia's end goal is to foment chaos in the country. "Historically, the KGB has always tried to influence and destabilize events all around the world.


Worth a read.

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^^ Pretty much what I and few others have been saying here for the past 1-2 years. :) 
Russia's aim is to weaken the western unity and therefore gain relatively more power to Russia.


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20 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Here's the sad tale of one of his die-hards who sang for him all over the US - with real hope in his heart. Who would have thought if you vote for a serial lying , sexual harraser , uber narcissistic billionare then what that's exactly what you get ! I reckon sooner  rather than later and Trump will quit first.



A feel good story for those who don't like Trump, for sure. However, may I ask what this story has to do with the investigation into the 2016 Presidential election and a connection to the Russian government?

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5 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

A feel good story for those who don't like Trump, for sure. However, may I ask what this story has to do with the investigation into the 2016 Presidential election and a connection to the Russian government?

Well Trump is lying about the Russia connections, ergo this story just consolidates what a lying conman Trump is. All connected through the common theme in Trumps life - Lying.

Edited by Andaman Al
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