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Viral video: Thai maths teacher just wants to make her lessons fun!


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15 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


Bought a tire at Mityon yesterday, price was 950 Baht. I paid with a 1000 Baht note, cashier used the calculator to know how much change she had to return.

Yeah u most have felt so superior! but i bet that she speaks much better Thai language than u can.

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43 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


Bought a tire at Mityon yesterday, price was 950 Baht. I paid with a 1000 Baht note, cashier used the calculator to know how much change she had to return.

Lol.... right.


the local donut shop just increased its price from 29bt per to 30bt per... I assumed it was to make the math easier... but out came the calculator anyway... 4X 30!


but in truth... thinking logically... it has become a manner of communication. The local Thai store owner may not know what of the many foreigne tongues a customer might use...  but she knows that they can read a number displayed on a calculator... so fair enough (and the one baht price hike was just that!... a price hike)

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On 3/23/2017 at 9:28 AM, reenatinnakor said:

That's why the Thai education system is so backward. Chinese, Korean and Japanese students are already doing algebra at these ages, not singing in the classroom having a good time.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Thais do algebra at the approximately the same age as all three of the countries you mentioned, which is in Grade 6.  Can you please have a better understanding of what you are discussing before you decide to casually insult the country that you happen to live in. 


Singing songs with  students is a very common teaching method both here and back home in Europe, I'm not sure what all the criticism on this forum or media attention across the country is all about. The times tables are a pain in the arse to teach and at least she is giving it her best effort which is a lot more than I can say about the majority of older teachers in Thailand who have been using the same methods year in year out for 20 + years. 

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3 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:



Congratulations, awarded the idiot remark of the year.


First of all what has language to do with a maths topic, not sure you figured that out already with your small brain.


But if you want to take it that way, do you think she also speaks better my native language, or German or English or French, than me?

You probably think that you are more smart than her because she needs a calculator. but probably u only received a better school education.Why the need to put a employee in a Thai shop down?

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6 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

You probably think that you are more smart than her because she needs a calculator. but probably u only received a better school education.Why the need to put a employee in a Thai shop down?

Could  it be because a cashier is supposed to be able to calculate, as that is the major activity of her job?


I would have had an understanding if the bill had been 843 Baht, but 950 and paying with a 1000 Baht note?


You don't want yourself and your comments to be taken serious for anything other than as a Thai apologist, do you?




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20 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

Could  it be because a cashier is supposed to be able to calculate, as that is the major activity of her job?


I would have had an understanding if the bill had been 843 Baht, but 950 and paying with a 1000 Baht note?


You don't want yourself and your comments to be taken serious for anything other than as a Thai apologist, do you?




Some staff are scared to make mistakes as it comes out of their own pockets.Maybe it was a cleaning lady just briefly  replacing the real cashier who knows.Bottom line to put a Thai worker down on this website just for using a calculator is not so cool.

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21 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Some staff are scared to make mistakes as it comes out of their own pockets.Maybe it was a cleaning lady just briefly  replacing the real cashier who knows.Bottom line to put a Thai worker down on this website just for using a calculator is not so cool.

Agreed. If mistakes were being deducted from my wages you can bet I would be using a calculator - probably doing it twice, just to be certain.



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Some posters on here crack me up... Very few people wanted or enjoyed school because of many reasons. The kids in this class are having fun and even if it can proven what's she's doing is not helping them ,I think it's great !! , at least there school experience will be a better one . Those kids in that class will I'm sure look forward to the next lesson and if all classes were as much fun as this maybe they would learn more and be equally as well stimulated in the rest of their school experience .

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10 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Yeah u most have felt so superior! but i bet that she speaks much better Thai language than u can.

Not sure sir, most of them can't even say krrrrab, they say klab or kab. Or nung rrrrroi...


And also many speak Lao which is not Thai.


I bought 24 breadrolls yesterday, 6 of them cost 46 baht...even with her calculator in Yamazaki the girl couldn't calculate the total amount...her collegue had to come to help her..and she was fresh out of school looking at her overpimpled face.

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34 minutes ago, fruitman said:

Not sure sir, most of them can't even say krrrrab, they say klab or kab. Or nung rrrrroi...


And also many speak Lao which is not Thai.


I bought 24 breadrolls yesterday, 6 of them cost 46 baht...even with her calculator in Yamazaki the girl couldn't calculate the total amount...her collegue had to come to help her..and she was fresh out of school looking at her overpimpled face.

Hmmm i doubt if u were working in that shop trying for example to help Chinese customers u probably failed miserably yourself as well.Hey i do not like put Working Thais down.They are trying and working long hours then they go home cook their own food and hand wash their  clothes have some respect ok.

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42 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Hmmm i doubt if u were working in that shop trying for example to help Chinese customers u probably failed miserably yourself as well.Hey i do not like put Working Thais down.They are trying and working long hours then they go home cook their own food and hand wash their  clothes have some respect ok.

Yes the Thai won't use washingmachines to save time for studying mathematics...why would you learn that anyway since calculators are cheap.


They prefer to sing songs like in the video...


They don't cook food though, can easy buy it on the streets or even have roomservice in their condo.

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And out today (BKP) is the report that Thai students (M.3 & M.6) doing the Onet test,  failed on average, the five given topics with math & English down at the bottom. So if this teacher can improve the situation by singing the times table...

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55 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

And out today (BKP) is the report that Thai students (M.3 & M.6) doing the Onet test,  failed on average, the five given topics with math & English down at the bottom. So if this teacher can improve the situation by singing the times table...

Well it's time for the big overhaul of thai education but it won't happen cause they don't like to correct eachother.


The rest of the world develops and thailand stands still.

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

And out today (BKP) is the report that Thai students (M.3 & M.6) doing the Onet test,  failed on average, the five given topics with math & English down at the bottom. So if this teacher can improve the situation by singing the times table...

In the case of Onet it's also the test itself being complete rubbish.

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it's a wonderful story.... and totally jives with the purpose of school.....

Abisit Wachacheewatt, when he was prime minister stated it quite clearly.. 'the most important thing is that the students are having fun'.... I remember when he said this and can't understand why the western world doesn't get the message on education.

go Thailand..... I mean..... go Thailand 4.0!


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On 2017-03-23 at 9:16 AM, Bluespunk said:

They should know them at half that age. 


However, where does it say the children are 16?

That's just another example of the subtle and sometimes not-so- subtle forms of Thai-bashing that is so common among the many disenfranchised souls that waffer about on TV.

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On 2017-03-26 at 9:58 AM, fruitman said:

Not sure sir, most of them can't even say krrrrab, they say klab or kab. Or nung rrrrroi...


And also many speak Lao which is not Thai.


I bought 24 breadrolls yesterday, 6 of them cost 46 baht...even with her calculator in Yamazaki the girl couldn't calculate the total amount...her collegue had to come to help her..and she was fresh out of school looking at her overpimpled face.

When was the last time you visited YOUR homeland? Try going out into the real world and mingle with the under 30-crowd, throw around some math problems and you may find that there is another class, perhaps larger, that operates only on some limbic lizard-brain level of impulse and emotion.


Lack of basic math skill equates to a more pervasive problem,a sort of 'conceptual-deficit'....

eg. I took a 1hr foot massage, after 30mins and liking the process of the masseuse I decided to swap-up to a 1hr.body-massage.I told her to transfer the remaining 30mins of the foot massage to the body massage and I would gladly pay the difference........I explained this 3 times(twice in Thai).

In the end I got a 30min foot massage + 1hr. body massage. They could of made more money and I could of got the happy-ending(pun intended) If they had understood the "concept".


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