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How To Bring Family Over Here?

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Can you guys help me out? One of my cousins would really like to move here, I've been checking out the options and thought I had it solved with the HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrants Programme). Unfortunately she falls short of the mark and doesn't qualify for it. Can you guys come up with any other ways of bringing her over here, short of marrying an english guy? I've heard something about sponsorship or something, but I'm not too clear on the matter.

Your help is very much appreciated.

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Can you guys help me out? One of my cousins would really like to move here, I've been checking out the options and thought I had it solved with the HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrants Programme). Unfortunately she falls short of the mark and doesn't qualify for it. Can you guys come up with any other ways of bringing her over here, short of marrying an english guy? I've heard something about sponsorship or something, but I'm not too clear on the matter.

Your help is very much appreciated.

I think that you'll find that all the shortcuts have been blocked off

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There are very few options to legally migrate to UK

I wish some of the whingers on this site would understand that before they complaing that Thailand makes it hard for them.

But back to the main topic.

Erawan, just want to doublew check have you checked out the HSMP fully. Is your cousin under 28? There is a version for people under 28 years of age. It is much easier to qualify for this version. I have a couple friends who have qualified for this. Both Thai citizens. Mind you, they were professionals working for international law firms in BKK, so their income and work experience got them over the line.

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I have, she only scores 30, maybe 45 :o. You need at least 65 to qualify.

She has a Bachelor of education technology and communication, they ask for a Bachelors Degree, does this count? Or will they only accept BA/BSc?

She works for AIS, a big (so I'm told) mobile phone company in Thailand. I think that's a job that would require a graduate.

The only other place she would be able to pick up the needed points are in earning power. Last year she earned over 150,000 Baht (£2104), which I thought was a good wage. However that gets her NO points on this programme. She needs to earn at least 602,267 Baht (£8450) to get any points, and thankfully (or not) that this amount will give her the 20 points needed. But as I said, she doesn't so ######!

I think it's rather unfair, she's not exactly going to come over here and sponge off the government, she wants to move here and work. It's looking bleak... :D

After this... I don't know what else I can do, but I'm trying to scare up something. After this, you're just left with the illegal options. Apparently they've stepped up their efforts to crackdown on sham marriages - I wonder... what would you have to do to pull it off?

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