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Highway chief: Speeding drivers responsible for 85% of accidents


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42 minutes ago, starfish said:

Look, we are friends for life now, thats for sure, but you have to understand: I`m right, amd you`re wrong  :smile:

Its technically ofcourse programmable. But they just will never ever program the car to break traffic rules. Specially important rules like stopping at red lights and stopping for pedestrians.

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4 minutes ago, hobz said:

Its technically ofcourse programmable. But they just will never ever program the car to break traffic rules. Specially important rules like stopping at red lights and stopping for pedestrians.


Why not ?



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29 minutes ago, starfish said:


Why not ?



If theres an accident when the auto car runs a red light or hits a pedestrian then the company producing the cars software would be held accountable. Also it probably would not be approved for use if it was programmed to run red lights and not give way to pedestrians.

Which reminds me, thai drivers should not be allowed to drive. Lol

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On 3/29/2017 at 6:14 PM, DavisH said:

Speeding? More likely, it's not driving according to the traffic, road and weather conditions. Most accidents I've seen have been rear renders - so drivers are following too closely. I've experienced that with just about every Thai driver I've been with as a passenger. Count the number of cars that do and don't indicate their intention tomorrow. You will be amazed!

Thailand would be a safer, more modern country if there was adequate rule of law. But it doesn't and most likely won't for a long time. What's the job description of the police here? LOL not to "protect and serve" as in many of our home countries. Pity b/c the Thai people - and foreigners - would benefit greatly if police enforced Thai laws. 

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On 3/30/2017 at 7:46 PM, dageurreotype said:

Precisely this. 'Better five minutes late in this world than fifty years early in the next'. What's the bloody rush?

LOL great question. Do you think most of these speeders are rushing to get to work? lol  I live in a seemingly retirement village but with a lot of able bodied adults in hammocks daily.

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4 hours ago, selftaopath said:

LOL great question. Do you think most of these speeders are rushing to get to work? lol  I live in a seemingly retirement village but with a lot of able bodied adults in hammocks daily.

LOL. Please. please, where is this village, i want to get there  asap :smile: I promise i´ll make no noise there !


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5 hours ago, selftaopath said:

LOL great question. Do you think most of these speeders are rushing to get to work? lol  I live in a seemingly retirement village but with a lot of able bodied adults in hammocks daily.

Its ok the Cambodians and Burmese are doing there work Do be to hard of them They are just so tired 

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On 30/03/2017 at 11:09 AM, hobz said:

I can understand stress, but people are switching lanes all the time just to save 1 second or 2... let's say i'm in the right lane because I need to u-turn (yes the u-turns are insane),, im signaling right. im not driving super fast because I need to pull out onto the u-turn-thingie... now the idiot behind me,, instead of waiting 2-3 seconds until i pull right into the u-turn thing, he decides that he can't wait any longer and decides to suddenly undertake me, thus jeopardizing everybody.. 


Just look at every violation that you see on the roads (i see tens if not hundreds every time i drive) and ask yourself if impatience could be the reason behind,,, you will start to see the pattern.. 

In my experience the frequent lane changers lose ground so really they're doing it to lose that 2-3 sec.

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1 hour ago, wprime said:

In my experience the frequent lane changers lose ground so really they're doing it to lose that 2-3 sec.

Exactly! And to add, they slow down the traffic for everyone behind them as well. 

If i was chief of traffic police i would be the richest man alive.

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There are 2 MAJOR causes of traffic accidents on the highways:


1) Slow drivers. Those cars always get rear-ended by people who drive at decent speeds or people who are speeding. Driving slowly is dangerous.


2) Suicide lane-jumpers. Those cars are the ones who love to drive slow in the middle lane at 70 km/h, and as soon as they see a car approaching in the right lane at a higher speed (100 km/h +), they throw themselves in front and hit the brakes. I almost wrecked my new ride because of such a moron.


And while we're at it, my worst pet peeves on the roads are, in order of piss-offness:


1) People parking / breaking down / taking a leak in a place that's blocking traffic. Seriously. When there's a "no parking" sign, there's usually a good reason for it.

2) People driving on the white dotted line, taking 2 lanes.

3) People driving slow and causing a massive queue of cars behind them, especially in places where it's hard to overtake.

4) People having accidents at rush hour. Seriously, crash elsewhere, or if you can't hold it, move your junk out of the way.


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