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Highway chief: Speeding drivers responsible for 85% of accidents


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Well, hoobloodyray for guessing the 64,000 thousand dollar question. How long did it take for this guy to come to that enlightenment.However, what will be done about it? NOTHING!.

The need for speed is too far ingrained into the Thai driving attitude.

Don't give way

Never slow down

Never let anybody in

Always prefer to wreck your own car than obey any of the above

A red light means, go faster

A red light means, this does not apply to you.

Felangs do not know how to drive.

We do not have to know what road markings mean, after all, this is our country.

In the event of an accident, we will always blame the person that actually has insurance.

We are able to drive safely, no matter how much we have had to drink.




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7 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

In the UK in 2014 motorists were fined over THB 520m from fines imposed from going past speed cameras. This covered the cost of installation and operation of over 2300 cameras.


It's not rocket science, cameras cut speeding, staying within limits cuts accidents. Government again not willing to do the obvious, it would not cost them anything and would cut the carnage.

That is the UK where the BiBlue get off their backsides and work a full 8 hour shift, Traffic cameras are everywhere these days so driving has improved road kill is way down sensible people the Brits must be. In this neck of the woods a persons life means sh>> nothing, nowt. So why do we need cams and BIB to work? Time-warp of th

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Guys, youre all cought up in the symptoms here.

But the underlying cause, where it all starts, IS :


When Thais are walking on the footpath, up to a poor soul, which is begging on the road, lost hand, lost foot, whatever; they happily give some donations. You´ve seen that for sure, many times, and this is great, no doubt !

BUT :  it`s not for the poor soul, but for themselfes, for a better afterlife (and they do many other things for this reason)

Soo, when you believe in a comfortable afterlife, you basically can´t wait to reap the benefits.



I mean, how do People behave and DRIVE, when they are not afraid to die ?




It´s like the terrorists, who can´t wait for their 99 virgins . . . (well, thats a bit of a stretch, i know :smile: )





But i´m NOT joking  ! !


Solution:  Dear Thaipeople, go back, and read again, what Buddha said, and most importantly, really meant . . .






Edited by starfish
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Honestly the main thing I don't miss about Thailand is the crazy drivers and the lack of safety on the roads.

Not just the highways.  Every soi, every road.

Even as a pedestrian I am always extra careful.

A few close calls over the years and an accident last year as a passenger in a car, it all amounts to the feeling that I'm not safe being anywhere near traffic in Thailand, even in the countryside.

Almost all of my stress in Thailand comes when I'm in a vehicle.

I'm not saying everyone is a bad driver, but there are some really bad drivers and even worse is the teenage boys on motorbikes.

I'd propose raising the driving age to 35 years old and no longer allowing anyone 34 and under to operate a motorbike or vehicle.

Absolutely illegal under all circumstances and a lengthy sentence if caught driving.

Then it will be easier to begin narrowing down the 35 and over drivers as to who is a danger to society.

Ridiculous times call for ridiculous measures.

Edited by survivalblue
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9 minutes ago, survivalblue said:

Honestly the main thing I don't miss about Thailand is the crazy drivers and the lack of safety on the roads.

Not just the highways.  Every soi, every road.

Even as a pedestrian I am always extra careful.

A few close calls over the years and an accident last year as a passenger in a car, it all amounts to the feeling that I'm not safe being anywhere near traffic in Thailand, even in the countryside.

Almost all of my stress in Thailand comes when I'm in a vehicle.

I'm not saying everyone is a bad driver, but there are some really bad drivers and even worse is the teenage boys on motorbikes.

I'd propose raising the driving age to 35 years old and no longer allowing anyone 34 and under to operate a motorbike or vehicle.

Absolutely illegal under all circumstances and a lengthy sentence if caught driving.

Then it will be easier to begin narrowing down the 35 and over drivers as to who is a danger to society.



It´s not an "age" thing. It`s an attitute and enforcement thing !


But i feel you :smile:


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Give the guy a break. The biggest problem is the selfish, inconsiderate, idiotic fkwhits behind the wheel. How do you change that in the current system. Just absolute fkn maniacs. Without an attitude change it will stay the same. 

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23 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Give the guy a break. The biggest problem is the selfish, inconsiderate, idiotic fkwhits behind the wheel. How do you change that in the current system. Just absolute fkn maniacs. Without an attitude change it will stay the same. 

Their attitude will only change If drivers would receive 2-4 traffic tickets in the month in their mailbox.

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3 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Give the guy a break. The biggest problem is the selfish, inconsiderate, idiotic fkwhits behind the wheel. How do you change that in the current system. Just absolute fkn maniacs. Without an attitude change it will stay the same. 

It will stay the same.

Education: oh man, thats a can of worms.

Enforcement: Police to the roads, oh thats another one.

We´re talking about hundrteds of years change.

All hopeless. leaves me to just decide, if i stay here, or not. Makes no difference if discussing that here. Farangs bla bla.

We´re just mourning, it will not make any difference here. We stay, or we go ! Pasta.


Meanwhile, i try to enjoy the chaos, but when it gets to much, i´ll go.

But my wife (not Thai) says: Buy, buy, hammer a nail through your foot into the floor, and i say: no way :smile:

"No way" is going to be it. She just got this disorder, what was the name of that ?





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17 hours ago, alocacoc said:

I'm sure speeding is an bigger problem than alcohol.


But, there are also plenty of cars which are driving way too slow. I don't know what's wrong with them.

AMEN. In some countries a person operating a vehicle in excessively slow speeds will be ticket. They definitely are a hazard. BUTTtttttttt ......

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17 hours ago, Ceruhe said:

Fat drummroll to reveal exactly who is going to do said enforcing? I'm, like, very curious.


I'm still only half buying into the "fast drivers are the cause" thing. No doubt, many accidents involve fast driving cars, also no doubt that in another set of said accidents the speeding driver isn't exactly the cause of if (yea yea, he is speeding, I get that). Just like the other week with the blue pickup speeding the "slow" lanes as the "fast" ones were blocked by turtles and then the Taxi nailed the blue dude brilliantly with driver error. Yes, speeding involved but not exactly the cause of it (yea yea, he is speeding, I still get that).


Now if it said 85% were reckless drivers, different story to me.

This was an easy find.



Doubt it will be looked at or considered in Thailand. My wife told me recently " Thailand and Thais will NEVER change."  I agree with her.... NEVER happen and will continue a backward slide. 

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Everybody on here is always criticizing drivers after an accident when they blame the wet road or something similar. Now somebody clearly puts the blame where it is supposed to be, the driver and speed, and still everybody is criticizing the man.

sent using Tapatalk

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12 hours ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Oh well,when I was in sweden I didn't see  car for 3days,and Netherlands the speedlimit on motorways is 100km/h and police is enforcing very strict,and Switzerland is famous for doing things a bit slow,oh man I guess I stay to long in Thailand already I have an stupid excuse for everything

Netherlands has 120-130 for speedlimit on highways...Germany has no speed limit on certain highways. Sweden has praying muslems on many highways.

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I presume from the amount of gold on his uniform that Khun Somchai is a police officer rather than a civil servant or professional traffic engineer. So for him to say the law needs to be enforced without giving a plan how the police achieves this amounts to an admission of impending failure. A few soldiers doing stop checks won't make much difference, it needs maximum strength operations from highway and local police teams. But we all know that most of them will be off duty returning to their own provinces, and those on duty will be concerned about collecting from stallholders or partying, not patrolling. So it will be situation normal with massaging of the figures to support the fiction of improvement.

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14 hours ago, CGW said:

You don't see many drivers speeding where I live in Isaan!

As for going slow, plenty of em!!! I reckon they are at there limit going the speed they go and incapable of driving any faster! in other words they are unfit to drive!

Yet they all manage to make as much "noise" as possible!

I/we live in Isaan also, and driving here is a gigantic challenge:

Illegal buggies/carts/one cylinder farm trucks?/home made trikes etc. One thing that is striking around here is the speed limit for motorbikes is the same as a car, but I'll be damned if many go faster than 30-40 kph. And of course they almost ALWAYS refuse to ride on the shoulder of the road.  They ( in every type of vehicle) really seem oblivious to others. 

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Agreed but the reason Thai's are mentioned is because there are 65 million of them and only a handful of other nationalities

True enough, however it is perhaps hypocritical of us, as a group zone to be so critical if such a large percentage of us break what few rules there are?

Only yesterday there was a classic example - a westerner belting down the Chiang Mai - Doing Saket highway on a "big bike" weaving through both lanes, overtaking on the hard shoulder, zipping through a gap to get in the outer lane, and so on. He was wearing a helmet, but otherwise out-Thai-ng the Thais!
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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

 They ( in every type of vehicle) really seem ARE oblivious to others. 

I have taken the liberty of editing your post a little! They are totally oblivious to their surroundings! they live in a different world to us! I don't mean that nastily but the longer I stay here the more I realise just how different we are! to be honest I feel sympathy for them, they have no enthusiasm for life, its like they have given up, which in a nutshell makes them lousy inconsiderate, selfish, dangerous drivers!

Feel better now, but they really do my head in! After 30 years driving here I should be used to them, but yesterday I was witness to some of the most atrocious driving I have witnessed! They never fail to surprise!

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18 hours ago, alocacoc said:

I'm sure speeding is an bigger problem than alcohol.


But, there are also plenty of cars which are driving way too slow. I don't know what's wrong with them.

The reason being that they are scared to hit a motorcycle.

These contraptions swerve back and forth all over the road without looking what they're doing, cutting in and out of traffic, driving against the traffic flow etc. etc.

85% of road accidents are because of these motorcycle antics, not because of speeding cars.

Most MCs are speeding of over 100 km/hr., I clocked some of them at 120 km/hr on my car speedometer.

These are MCs of 110 or 125 cc.:shock1::sad:

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33 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

AMEN. In some countries a person operating a vehicle in excessively slow speeds will be ticket. They definitely are a hazard. BUTTtttttttt ......

Yep, a friend of a friend of mine always said: "i´ll go slow". He died, mowed down by a Minibus.


My credo is: go with the flow, just 10 km/h faster, because then i´m in charge of what happens.

So far, so good.

(which is still no antidote against drunk drivers, i know)



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I don't understand why they not use or install speed cameras.
They could make millions of Baht with that.
Just example of the Don Mueang tollway, speed limit is 80.
Absolutely no one cares about it...

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1 hour ago, CLW said:

I don't understand why they not use or install speed cameras.
They could make millions of Baht with that.
Just example of the Don Mueang tollway, speed limit is 80.
Absolutely no one cares about it...

Would involve someone needing to file the paperwork and send it to the appropriate adress and follow up to "enforce" something if it (which it likely will) just gets ignored, too much work of course. 

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14 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Cops need write out much more tickets for all kind of traffic violations then long term drivers will adjust their drive style.

First of all you need a competent and non corrupt police force, until then nothing will happen, just playing with words!

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Would involve someone needing to file the paperwork and send it to the appropriate adress and follow up to "enforce" something if it (which it likely will) just gets ignored, too much work of course. 

Automatic capture of your licence plate and pay at the toll both.

Other method use hand laser gun and pay the fine on the spot
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6 minutes ago, CLW said:

Automatic capture of your licence plate and pay at the toll both.

Doesn't have, uh, printed copies handy and a PC is too modern. This would also assume you are driving around toll booth areas. Ain't got any of those in Ubon to my knowledge.


7 minutes ago, CLW said:

Other method use hand laser gun and pay the fine on the spot

Now you are wanting the police to work again, you should know better than that ;D


Well, we can just sit back and wait for the next laugh to come out, I'm ready at any rate.

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

First of all you need a competent and non corrupt police force, until then nothing will happen, just playing with words!

Yes, in my neck of woods, they are just checking for Helmets, because its end of month where they need some money.

I don´t know what they are there for.

Had a breakin, in my house, at night, complete with Fingerprints, Shoeprints, Tools, etc, but was of no interrest to them, all of the "investigating" Police smelled like Sang Som. Was just an interruption to them.

Needless to say, nothing came ever out of it.  Thanks.



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23 minutes ago, Ceruhe said:

Now you are wanting the police to work again, you should know better than that ;D

Good point, lots here want to put the Police to work! problem is they are happy doing little to nothing, raking a few baht in at every opportunity that doesn't involve too much effort!

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