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Highway chief: Speeding drivers responsible for 85% of accidents


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14 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Well, hoobloodyray for guessing the 64,000 thousand dollar question. How long did it take for this guy to come to that enlightenment.However, what will be done about it? NOTHING!.

The need for speed is too far ingrained into the Thai driving attitude.

Don't give way

Never slow down

Never let anybody in

Always prefer to wreck your own car than obey any of the above

A red light means, go faster

A red light means, this does not apply to you.

Felangs do not know how to drive.

We do not have to know what road markings mean, after all, this is our country.

In the event of an accident, we will always blame the person that actually has insurance.

We are able to drive safely, no matter how much we have had to drink.




So funny lol

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4 hours ago, selftaopath said:

This was an easy find.



Doubt it will be looked at or considered in Thailand. My wife told me recently " Thailand and Thais will NEVER change."  I agree with her.... NEVER happen and will continue a backward slide. 

No its like telling snow white to hate the dwarfs She never would do that and they will never change

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18 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The police chief is absolutely correct as to speed being the cause of accidents.  The motorways are notorious for people driving way over 120kph.  The side roads are also driven way too fast by almost every driver and no one slows down because of road conditions or rain. Abd what is as bad is the foreigners who try and imitate the Thais by driving too fast and recklessly.

Only thing that will stop it is speeding tickets that are costly. I used to drive in California but not over the speed limit- a speeding ticket costs about $500.  That's enough to make people obey the speed limit.

Until the Thai Police stop setting up silly road blocks and actually get vehicles and use radar and give out real tickets- nothing will change.

yet we  all whizz thru space at 67000mph

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37 minutes ago, starfish said:

Yes, in my neck of woods, they are just checking for Helmets, because its end of month where they need some money.

I don´t know what they are there for.

Had a breakin, in my house, at night, complete with Fingerprints, Shoeprints, Tools, etc, but was of no interrest to them, all of the "investigating" Police smelled like Sang Som. Was just an interruption to them.

Needless to say, nothing came ever out of it.  Thanks.



Just shows you that farang mean nothing in this country Oh did there uniforms look good That more important

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I always am amazed, how little crime there is here, considering the fact, that Police is nearly nonexistant. It really speaks for the people. peaceloving citizens, thaipeople. Thats why i´m here.


But you need police sometimes, and they are not there, in this country.

You know why this guy is speeding and crashing ? Because he can.

Thailand would be such a wonderfull country, if they would bring their police in order. It`s sad.



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I call BS on his "results".


There are plenty of countries with faster drivers and far lower accident rates. Germany would be an obvious example. This is just more of the Australian "speed kills" justification for massive fines. Does it? Well, no, not really. Speed difference can though.


I have been badly hassled by cops twice in a week, who had no idea of the law regarding licences. But I have yet to see in the entire time I've been in this country, a single person pulled over for breaking laws that endanger others.


But it's "speed" killing. What a "cop out"....






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Speeding? More likely, it's not driving according to the traffic, road and weather conditions. Most accidents I've seen have been rear renders - so drivers are following too closely. I've experienced that with just about every Thai driver I've been with as a passenger. Count the number of cars that do and don't indicate their intention tomorrow. You will be amazed!

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The main problem on Thai roads is the "Me First" attitude when combined with lack of driving skills and zero courtesy things are bad.  Mix this up with alcohol, drugs, running late, bottled up temper tantrum and belief in reincarnation the result is the Thai roads.


Of course this cannot ever be publicly acknowledged as is not part of "Thainess", but apparently slaughtering thousands on the roads needlessly every year is.  Also do not be fooled that Thailand is not number one in killing people on the roads, that upstart African country is just an usurper.  If Thailand was to follow standard conventions and count the fatalities from road accidents properly they would shoo in number one on the worst kill rate on the roads category.



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Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.

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12 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.


My friend and I almost met our maker today.A late model sedan came screaming out of a 7/11 straight across one lane hell bent on colliding with us in the outside lane.Very fortunately my friend is an experienced German driver and braked and moved over about as far as we could go.Just for a moment we were almost side by side with me able to glance into the cockpit of the psuedo Maserati and saw the mobile phone clutched in the right hand of the male wannabe Tom Cruise.


A very close call.

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19 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.


It´s about the virgins, believe you me.

Just like in muslim world:



Amen !




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Tomorrow we will be told that the other 65% of accidents are caused by rain and vehicles that lose control. A further 45% of accidents are caused by cell phones. And the remaining 95% of accidents have been moved to inactive posts. Also, according to an impartial university survey of 1,234 people living in secret addresses somewhere in Thailand 90% blamed politicians for 125% of road accidents. Only 2% of those surveyed had ever driven a car or ridden a motorcycle, but 217% had flown an airplane.
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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Those sadistic U-Turns on main highways are insane.  Like roundabouts, fine when there were less people, less cars/traffic, and Thailand was a slower place.  They are woefully inadequate now for the current and continually escalating state of society here. 


Oh and, don't forget Facebook/Texting while driving.

U-Turns would be fine, if all participants would be aware of the situation. There we are, at basic education .


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On 3/28/2017 at 2:52 PM, DrTuner said:

Those slowbies are never included in the accident statistics. They cause accidents by forcing others to weave around them, but manage make the escape from the carnage themselves.

How exactly are they "forcing" you to weave around them? Impatience is the underlying cause for all the problems on the road, like speeding, dangerous takeovers etc.

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29 minutes ago, hobz said:

Impatience is the underlying root cause for 99% of the accidents.

Found your statement funny at first, but on the second look it came to me, not with age, but experience: If yourè in a hurry, then please go, i even close the door after you. Respect is what people startet out with, when they began to drive.

We have a stressful life, then we jump in to our vehicles, then we shoot off. . .

Stop, heres a lifethreatening situation, and we are better not so demanding here, my mind says. And if i don´t have time for that, well, my whole life is wrong then, i guess.

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11 hours ago, starfish said:

Found your statement funny at first, but on the second look it came to me, not with age, but experience: If yourè in a hurry, then please go, i even close the door after you. Respect is what people startet out with, when they began to drive.

We have a stressful life, then we jump in to our vehicles, then we shoot off. . .

Stop, heres a lifethreatening situation, and we are better not so demanding here, my mind says. And if i don´t have time for that, well, my whole life is wrong then, i guess.

I can understand stress, but people are switching lanes all the time just to save 1 second or 2... let's say i'm in the right lane because I need to u-turn (yes the u-turns are insane),, im signaling right. im not driving super fast because I need to pull out onto the u-turn-thingie... now the idiot behind me,, instead of waiting 2-3 seconds until i pull right into the u-turn thing, he decides that he can't wait any longer and decides to suddenly undertake me, thus jeopardizing everybody.. 


Just look at every violation that you see on the roads (i see tens if not hundreds every time i drive) and ask yourself if impatience could be the reason behind,,, you will start to see the pattern.. 

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8 hours ago, hobz said:

I can understand stress, but people are switching lanes all the time just to save 1 second or 2... let's say i'm in the right lane because I need to u-turn (yes the u-turns are insane),, im signaling right. im not driving super fast because I need to pull out onto the u-turn-thingie... now the idiot behind me,, instead of waiting 2-3 seconds until i pull right into the u-turn thing, he decides that he can't wait any longer and decides to suddenly undertake me, thus jeopardizing everybody.. 


Just look at every violation that you see on the roads (i see tens if not hundreds every time i drive) and ask yourself if impatience could be the reason behind,,, you will start to see the pattern.. 


Thankfully, all of this will soon be history, thanks to "autonomic driving", in 5 years (yes, not longer)  i will ask myself what to do until i`m there, then i finally have time to calculate all my taxes :smile: .

I´m convinced they will fill up my free time, in no time . . .



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8 hours ago, hobz said:

I can understand stress, but people are switching lanes all the time just to save 1 second or 2... let's say i'm in the right lane because I need to u-turn (yes the u-turns are insane),, im signaling right. im not driving super fast because I need to pull out onto the u-turn-thingie... now the idiot behind me,, instead of waiting 2-3 seconds until i pull right into the u-turn thing, he decides that he can't wait any longer and decides to suddenly undertake me, thus jeopardizing everybody.. 


Just look at every violation that you see on the roads (i see tens if not hundreds every time i drive) and ask yourself if impatience could be the reason behind,,, you will start to see the pattern.. 

Precisely this. 'Better five minutes late in this world than fifty years early in the next'. What's the bloody rush?

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15 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:

Precisely this. 'Better five minutes late in this world than fifty years early in the next'. What's the bloody rush?

And most of the time we are not even talking about minutes. We are talking about seconds. And the overall effect is that everyone is actually loosing time because of the constant lane changing is slowing everybody down. Or worse yet, because every guy in one lane cant allow someone to come into his lane so that he will lose 5 seconds,  everybody in the other lane loses a minute waiting for the gap. 

They are truly stupid, ignorant and dare i say it, kind of uncivilized people.

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35 minutes ago, starfish said:


Thankfully, all of this will soon be history, thanks to "autonomic driving", in 5 years (yes, not longer)  i will ask myself what to do until i`m there, then i finally have time to calculate all my taxes :smile: .

I´m convinced they will fill up my free time, in no time . . .



Oh, its going to be hilarious to see how idiot thai drivers will honk their horns at the autonomic cars for stopping at a red light or letting pedestrians cross. Many many accidents will happen when the autonomic cars stop when they shouldnt . Pedestrians will die when they try to cross as the autonomic car stopped in one lane while the honda city in the other lanes speeds up.

The autonomic cars better get extra reinforcement in the rear section. Oh boy im gonna eat popcorn for that one :)

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9 minutes ago, hobz said:

Oh, its going to be hilarious to see how idiot thai drivers will honk their horns at the autonomic cars for stopping at a red light or letting pedestrians cross. Many many accidents will happen when the autonomic cars stop when they shouldnt . Pedestrians will die when they try to cross as the autonomic car stopped in one lane while the honda city in the other lanes speeds up.

The autonomic cars better get extra reinforcement in the rear section. Oh boy im gonna eat popcorn for that one :)


Thats all just programable, don´t you think ?



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21 minutes ago, starfish said:


Thats all just programable, don´t you think ?



But they cant program the cars to run red lights and not stop for pedestrians. Damned if they dont, damned if they do.

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