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Power outage again


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Yepper...  I bought a large one which can power my PC, NAS, modem, floor fan, surround sound, and 46" LED TV for 3-4 hrs with no problem.... One of my better investments as the moo ban I live in used to have frequent outages up until this year.....

What size did you buy? Had many more power failures here.
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On 4/30/2017 at 9:20 AM, Dazinoz said:



What size did you buy? Had many more power failures here.



Sorry, been away for quite awhile....


I bought APC brand - 2200VA/1980W - not a cheapie by any means but no complaints, so far.

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If only electricity.... . On a weekly basis there's no water for a hours in our village in north Thailand. It's so common, that we have a small barell filed with a water next to toilet. So we can at least flush the toilet. :ph34r:


But worst experience I had was in Laos hotel. Electricity went down at 8 am and went back at 8 pm. I was in bad location, nowhere to go, so I spent 12 hours in a room doing absolutelly nothing! It really tests your ability to entertain yourself for 12 hours with a empty hotel room. But hey, I got a free condom from under the bed! :sleepy: 

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