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Republican disarray deepens as Trump attacks rebel conservatives


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23 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Tweet from The Donald to the "rebels" Sorry there is no room in my administration  for politicians that do not see the big picture mine!!

Yep! A dictator in the making. He want's to be the U.S. Putin.

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11 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

By their actions or inaction's I'd say the "red" sheeple are condoning EVERYTHING their dictator to be has done/said. These Reds are pathetic hypocrites. I hope they never win another election.

And what color is blood??

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21 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Much too slow for me.  Every day he destroys a little more of the  USA's credibility.  It is more and more obvious that this lunatic must be removed and as quickly as possible!

Yep.... and some would suggest "whatever it takes." 

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16 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Flynn would have to go through some kind of Q&A session with either prosecutors and some members of the Senate Intel Committee to establish if what he has to tell is indeed a 'worthy story' that warrants some sort of immunity. Senate will not grant immunity just to see what the story 'might be' at a public hearing. They will want to know what they are getting for immunity before they gift it, then at the hearing, Flynn would have to tell the Committee (or prosecutors) exactly what he told them in confidence behind closed doors.

But how will any convictions matter when their CORRUPT leader will pardon them "bigly" ?

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14 hours ago, true word said:

I'm really not surprised by the quality of presidents we have around the world starting with the jackass Egyptian Al Sisi to the street president of Philippines Duterte up to Trump! they all have something in common total stupidity.

And maybe soon France will have a Fascist leader who loves Putin and Dumpf. 

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                     Why should any committee members believe what Flynn has to say?  He's a proven liar.  His allegiance is #1 to save his own hide, an #2 to shield Trump and others in that mob.  No immunity for him or any of the other goons.  The press corps is finding plenty of incriminating info into Trump-Russian ties.  The FBI, and both congressional committees are merely following some of the dots that journalists have uncovered.  Some of the Democrat members of committees are connecting those dots.  Republicans don't even have the brain power (or willingness) to connect dots - they're too busy worrying about leaks.

Yes the "Reds" are showing they care more about their lying party - of the rich/ for the rich - than U.S. democracy or Americans.

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5 hours ago, mogandave said:


When I seem to be coming across a lot of stupid people it's generally not them.

And who do you use as a benchmark to decide who is stupid and who is not?  :wink:  Especially if you decide Trump is not stupid but others are. You would have to use yourself as a reference point eh!

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On 3/31/2017 at 9:03 AM, Andaman Al said:

I find it alarming that you cannot see the difference between 'kicking butt' and 'disappearing up your own butt' because Trump is doing the latter according to anyone in the world that has an average or above helping of Neurons. 


Be not alarmed!


enjoy the results liberal!




Gets Voted in Monday


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39 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


Be not alarmed!


enjoy the results liberal!




Gets Voted in Monday


Nice try but I am not a liberal.  Hardened full military career right. However a full career in the military taught me many things, one of which was how to spot an a**hole at a 1000 yds, and Trump is at the front of the queue. You don't have to be liberal to realise that of the billion right wing people in the world many of them are a**holes.

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8 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


Be not alarmed!


enjoy the results liberal!




Gets Voted in Monday


Use of the term liberal is inappropriate and shows your misunderstanding of what's going on.  It's part of what's tearing the US apart.  Trying to divide people into 2 camps.


P.S. Gorsuch is far from a done deal.  It's a toss up right now. 

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Use of the term liberal is inappropriate and shows your misunderstanding of what's going on.  It's part of what's tearing the US apart.  Trying to divide people into 2 camps.


P.S. Gorsuch is far from a done deal.  It's a toss up right now. 

Yes we are divided into two camps. -  winners and losers!

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Just now, funandsuninbangkok said:

Yes we are divided into two camps. -  winners and losers!

Exactly!  And Trump's losing the battle.  He's yet to accomplish anything of value.  Heck, he's accomplished almost nothing. 


You need to read this article again.  Even this one, provided by you, blasts Trump.  And admits he has no agenda.  Other than getting even and becoming wealthier.  Amazing some support him still.



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9 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


Be not alarmed!


enjoy the results liberal!




Gets Voted in Monday


Hooray. The guy who cast a vote in favor of a company that fired a trucker because he chose not to freeze to death will be the newest Supreme Court justice.  American workers rejoice!!!

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38 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Oh my, maybe even liberal media won't be able to stop truth from coming out. 





From the article:

"Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim."

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