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PM: Public must "understand" taxi drivers who refuse fares


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The concern is that some taxi drivers will hear of this news which will only serve to feed their sense of entitlement. 


As industries go, Thai taxi drivers in general are a deplorable bunch. I used to cite a that it was 10% who ruined the image of the many, however, in my experience its about 50% who leave a negative experience.


Those who fail to see any issues with Taxi drivers always cite language, dress code, behaviour etc... but its none of these things, the issues clearly exist with a bunch of self entitled and lazy guys giving the industry a poor name and tarring those who do provide a good service. 


We've all heard the excuses... We've quite recently heard how its against the law for them to refuse a fare. 


Now we have a self appointed PM who is saying its ok for them to break the law. 




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15 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

Come on!


I don't see why a taxi driver should have to go ANYWHERE they want.


What about if they want to go out of town?


What about if they want to go to an area not so far away, but it will take 2 hours due to traffic jams?


What if he was planning on going home in an hour?


What if it's a dangerous area?


What if he had already arranged to collect another passenger at a particular place at a particular time and wanted to remain in a reasonable distance?


These are all valid reasons. Why should he be a slave and bound to go wherever they please just cos he stopped to pick them up?


We have choices in our jobs too, you know. 


We all have the right to refuse a potential customer, nomatter our line of work.


We all have the right no say, "No". It is a basic human right, in my opinion.



You are wrong - Taxi drivers don't have the right to say no - they agreed this when applying for a Taxi licence. 


If they might say no... they don't stop !! its that simple... but really its not quite as black and white as you explain above. 


By allowing Taxi drivers to say No for any reason, the doors will be opened to a multitude of issues, such as cherry picking rides, over charging, not going to certain areas etc..  


When licences are awarded they are awarded as part of a public transport service which supports the whole city without prejudice to certain people and certain areas - your suggestions are extremely shortsighted and ultimately lead to the breakdown in such a service. 





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On 4/5/2017 at 9:13 AM, MrJohnson said:

Vote with your feet if you don't like it. I've been using Grab and Uber for some time now and haven't had a problem. Nice clean cars, courteous drivers who know you are going to rate them.  Well worth the extra cost.


If an uber driver does not want to drive you to your destination he doesn't accept your fare. The difference is that the uber driver can do this anonymously while a taxi driver does it in your face. 

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On 4/5/2017 at 2:29 PM, Happyman58 said:

my god i just heard rubbish Like telling a doctor dont operate if you dont want to They are taxi drivers its there bloody job Do they understand that MR PM

The bigger problem is taxi drivers not using their meters and refusing to take you if you insist on it. That is what the PM is avoiding to answer. 

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