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Trump unleashes military strikes against Assad airbase in Syria


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Trump’s For-Profit Presidency Takes Ugly Turn as He Makes Money by Attacking Syria

Trump owns stock in Raytheon, the manufacturer of the Tomahawk missile. When he fired them at Syria, Raytheon's stock rose (sub-title)


"For example, by making the Tomahawk cruise missile his weapon of choice when he attacked Syria, whether intentionally or inadvertently, he made money off it."


"How? A 2015 Business Insider report shows that in Donald Trump’s portfolio are shares in Raytheon (RTN), the defense contractor which makes all sorts of goodies for the military, including the Tomahawk missile."


"Moreover, they were a poor choice of weapon against an enemy airfield (the airfield was very quickly back in operation), leaving Palmer to argue therefore that Trump chose them only because he owns stock in the company. This adds a profit motive to the distraction from the Russia scandal the attack afforded."



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10 minutes ago, iReason said:

"How? A 2015 Business Insider report shows that in Donald Trump’s portfolio are shares in Raytheon (RTN), the defense contractor which makes all sorts of goodies for the military, including the Tomahawk missile."

2015, that's 2 years ago isn't it?

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Just now, janclaes47 said:

2015, that's 2 years ago isn't it?

Trump’s Latest FEC Disclosure Shows Trump Has Stock In Company That Made Bombs Used In Syria 


"According to Trump’s most recent FEC disclosure, Trump has stock in Raytheon, the company that made the bombs the U.S. used in its Thursday attack on Syria."


"Trump claimed in August of last year that he sold all his stocks in the summer but it’s unclear if he actually did – his latest financial disclosure came out in May 2016 – a full month before Trump made the claim."


"So, as of right now, all we know is that Trump could have profited off the Syrian bombing. Hence, another reason Trump needs to release his financials and his tax returns – so far he’s refusing to do so."



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18 Times Donald Trump Said the U.S. Shouldn't Bomb Syria


"Before he was president, Donald Trump wrote that the U.S. should not bomb Syria in a number of tweets from 2013 to 2014."


"As the White House ordered strikes on Syria late Thursday, several of those old tweets were recirculating on Twitter, especially two in which he called for congressional approval before launching any military actions against the Middle Eastern country."


"His stance on U.S. Syria policy under then President Obama dates back to 2013 when Trump began repeatedly criticizing the potential for American involvement."




The clown is a textbook loose cannon.

Remove this unstable fool.






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11 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I might suggest thinking for yourself........ and not 'follow the leader' . but up to you (as Thai girls say)....

haha that's the point I AM thinking for myself and not swallowing the Trump spin as you seem to. If you think  a western trained ophthalmologist is stupid enough to do this I suggest you, at least try, to think AGAIN


go watch the Ex British Ambassador to Syria say the same thing

Edited by LannaGuy
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It's not about lefties and there is enough doubt to have a proper investigation. Assad is not stupid (western trained doctor) and I think this is a set-up but let's find out for sure. I doubt his pilots would undertake this knowingly too but it's possible. Investigate through UN not by a stunt of 'let's tell them before we do it bombing'


Edit:  From the BBC:  Members of the G7 group of leading industrialised nations agreed to delay implementing sanctions until there was "hard and irrefutable evidence" over the alleged chemical attack, the BBC understands.



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Definitely not only about lefties. In fact the fascist all-right wing of the trumpist base (similarly actual American Nazis) are deeply disgusted with trump's action in Syria and blaming it on globalists (code for Jews) and even explicitly Jews. They are against any involvement in the Middle East. Ironically as Ivanka and Jared are possibly credited with influencing this involvement literally Jews would be involved.



Many all-right types and American Nazi types are already dumping trump based on Syria.


trump ran on an isolationist foreign policy agenda that has always been attractive to some factions of the American right wing. Specifically more racist and antisemitic right wingers. Not new.











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14 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:



It's not about lefties and there is enough doubt to have a proper investigation. Assad is not stupid (western trained doctor) and I think this is a set-up but let's find out for sure. I doubt his pilots would undertake this knowingly too but it's possible. Investigate through UN not by a stunt of 'let's tell them before we do it bombing'


Edit:  From the BBC:  Members of the G7 group of leading industrialised nations agreed to delay implementing sanctions until there was "hard and irrefutable evidence" over the alleged chemical attack, the BBC understands.



What amazes about comments like this - and there have been so many of them - is the implicit faith in the intelligence or at least savvy of people in power.  Haven't the last 50 years of blundering by various nations taught you people anything? People in power do silly self destructive things all the time.  

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                           With each passing day since the sarin attack and US response, it's looking like the US (primarily Trump) mis-read and possibly colluded with the Russkies to have it play-out the way it did.  I can't quite picture Assad picking up the phone and calling one of his air force generals and saying; "Tomorrow, Sarin attack on that city."    Assad and the Russians/Iranians had already been winning back territory for weeks, so why call out a poison attack?  


                            BTW, a big reason Assad got so angry initially, at the uprising in Damascus (during the Arab Spring) was because one or more protesters disparaged Assad's father.   As much as any other factor, it was a personal affront which triggered Assad the Son to declare war on his own people.


                  Similarly, a few years earlier, one of G.W. Bush's reasons for attacking Iraq was because Hussein had threatened to kill his father.   



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The US says it tracked Assad Syrian warplanes from take off, bombing with Sarin and landing. So easy to show the proof, if any exists. My personal opinion is to let the Arabs and Islamists kill each other as they have done for many centuries. Why the west needs to get involved now that the west has alternate oil supplies defies explanation. The US seems to enjoy watching its military dying for no plausible reason.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Definitely not only about lefties. In fact the fascist all-right wing of the trumpist base (similarly actual American Nazis) are deeply disgusted with trump's action in Syria and blaming it on globalists (code for Jews) and even explicitly Jews. They are against any involvement in the Middle East. Ironically as Ivanka and Jared are possibly credited with influencing this involvement literally Jews would be involved.



Many all-right types and American Nazi types are already dumping trump based on Syria.


trump ran on an isolationist foreign policy agenda that has always been attractive to some factions of the American right wing. Specifically more racist and antisemitic right wingers. Not new.











In silly wars, it is not about who is right or who is wrong. It is about who is left. 

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13 hours ago, LannaGuy said:



It's not about lefties and there is enough doubt to have a proper investigation. Assad is not stupid (western trained doctor) and I think this is a set-up but let's find out for sure. I doubt his pilots would undertake this knowingly too but it's possible. Investigate through UN not by a stunt of 'let's tell them before we do it bombing'


Edit:  From the BBC:  Members of the G7 group of leading industrialised nations agreed to delay implementing sanctions until there was "hard and irrefutable evidence" over the alleged chemical attack, the BBC understands.

I'm guesing Thomas Massie is a weapons expert?  Not.  Too much evidence out there that supports Syria did this with a bomb.  Member of the G7 are holding off until they've got sold proof.  Which any reputable person/organization would do.  Unlike Massie who's just sprouting off his opinion.


Go with the experts opinions:




Weapons expert says Russian claim that airstrike hit ‘terrorist warehouse’ in Idlib province is fanciful


Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Hamish de Bretton Gordon, director of Doctors Under Fire and former commanding officer of the UK Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Regiment, said this claim was “completely untrue”.


“No I think this [claim] is pretty fanciful, no doubt the Russians trying to protect their allies,” he said. “Axiomatically, if you blow up sarin, you destroy it.



Read the last part.  If you blow up sarin, you destroy it.


Do some research.  Like this:




For one thing, sarin is unstable, and the Assad regime chose to stockpile its precursor chemical, which would be mixed with another chemical just before use to produce sarin. Any rebel-made agent would probably be handled similarly. Hitting a cache of this would release little sarin.


Moreover, if Syrian air strikes released the agent by accidentally hitting an enemy cache, they were improbably lucky, as they managed to do the same thing at three separate locations in the area within 24 hours: SAMS reports two attacks on nearby villages the previous day that produced fewer casualties but with similar symptoms.


And a Syrian government attack on a town near Palmyra last December also produced victims displaying symptoms of sarin. There was little international response, partly because “we cannot confirm the chemical used unless inspectors can take samples under proper conditions”, says Zanders.



Again, stick with experts advice.  It's hard for them to prove exactly what it was as the experts don't have access to this area.  It could be another chemical.  But guaranteed, it was a chemical attack by Syria.  They've done attacks like this before.  Nothing new for Assad.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm guesing Thomas Massie is a weapons expert?  Not.  Too much evidence out there that supports Syria did this with a bomb.  Member of the G7 are holding off until they've got sold proof.  Which any reputable person/organization would do.  Unlike Massie who's just sprouting off his opinion.


Go with the experts opinions:



Read the last part.  If you blow up sarin, you destroy it.


Do some research.  Like this:



Again, stick with experts advice.  It's hard for them to prove exactly what it was as the experts don't have access to this area.  It could be another chemical.  But guaranteed, it was a chemical attack by Syria.  They've done attacks like this before.  Nothing new for Assad.


Indeed G7 are holding off UNTIL they have SOLID proof as should we all  :smile:

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9 hours ago, Silurian said:

Fake gas attacks? Heck, why not. Goes along with all that fake news. So hard to tell truth from fiction now-a-days.


Putin says expects 'fake' gas attacks to discredit Syria's Assad



It's easier than you think.  Avoid the conspiracy theory websites.  And most news out of Russia.  Propaganda at it's worst.

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Just now, LannaGuy said:


Indeed G7 are holding off UNTIL they have SOLID proof as should we all  :smile:

Solid proof of what chemical was used.  But they all agree Syria did the chemical attack.  The US has proof of what plane did the bomb, where the bomb hit, etc.


They just need solid legal proof.  Which they'll have shortly.  Then they can proceed with a solid legal foundation.  Smart.  No second guessing from us internet warriors. LOL




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27 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm guesing Thomas Massie is a weapons expert?  Not.  Too much evidence out there that supports Syria did this with a bomb.  Member of the G7 are holding off until they've got sold proof.  Which any reputable person/organization would do.  Unlike Massie who's just sprouting off his opinion.


Go with the experts opinions:



Read the last part.  If you blow up sarin, you destroy it.


Do some research.  Like this:



Again, stick with experts advice.  It's hard for them to prove exactly what it was as the experts don't have access to this area.  It could be another chemical.  But guaranteed, it was a chemical attack by Syria.  They've done attacks like this before.  Nothing new for Assad.

10 more pages since I was last on TVF, so not going to read them all, but has anyone provided a motive for Assad to order a gas attack? I can't think of any, but as I said before, I can think of many for the opposition to do so. IS would think nothing of gassing people if it thought it might make the US respond, as it did.

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9 hours ago, Silurian said:

Fake gas attacks? Heck, why not. Goes along with all that fake news. So hard to tell truth from fiction now-a-days.


Putin says expects 'fake' gas attacks to discredit Syria's Assad



I tend to agree with that. I have seen some "news" reports that seemed fake to me in the past. As I see it, not possible to verify beyond reasonable doubt. Anything can be faked on visual media now. Just showing "bodies" on tv doesn't prove anything, and that seems to be the extent of much of the reporting we see now.

I'm not saying this attack WAS staged, but where is the proof from independent, non biased, western journalists?

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50 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm guesing Thomas Massie is a weapons expert?  Not.  Too much evidence out there that supports Syria did this with a bomb.  Member of the G7 are holding off until they've got sold proof.  Which any reputable person/organization would do.  Unlike Massie who's just sprouting off his opinion.


Go with the experts opinions:



Read the last part.  If you blow up sarin, you destroy it.


Do some research.  Like this:



Again, stick with experts advice.  It's hard for them to prove exactly what it was as the experts don't have access to this area.  It could be another chemical.  But guaranteed, it was a chemical attack by Syria.  They've done attacks like this before.  Nothing new for Assad.

If you blow up sarin you destroy it, begs the question why did the US avoid the chemical weapon storage facilities at the airbase

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25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

10 more pages since I was last on TVF, so not going to read them all, but has anyone provided a motive for Assad to order a gas attack? I can't think of any, but as I said before, I can think of many for the opposition to do so. IS would think nothing of gassing people if it thought it might make the US respond, as it did.

Excellent point.  The only thing I've read is they were having problems in this area and this was the easiest way to deal with the rebels.  As you know, Assad has used chemicals before.  And has used chlorine a LOT.  He is a brutal dictator after all.  Responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Excellent point.  The only thing I've read is they were having problems in this area and this was the easiest way to deal with the rebels.  As you know, Assad has used chemicals before.  And has used chlorine a LOT.  He is a brutal dictator after all.  Responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands.

IS is also brutal and would not hesitate to kill anyone if it served their interests. They have more motive to use gas than Assad, who is not losing the war without using gas. He hasn't used gas for ages, so why now? If he was losing there might be a motive, but he isn't.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I tend to agree with that. I have seen some "news" reports that seemed fake to me in the past. As I see it, not possible to verify beyond reasonable doubt. Anything can be faked on visual media now. Just showing "bodies" on tv doesn't prove anything, and that seems to be the extent of much of the reporting we see now.

I'm not saying this attack WAS staged, but where is the proof from independent, non biased, western journalists?

I don't think the intelligence services have released all the info yet.  Some stuff coming out today, but it's just leaks.  Takes time to compile it all, make sure it's accurate, etc.  Unlike Russia media who dismiss it immediately with no investigations.


12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IS is also brutal and would not hesitate to kill anyone if it served their interests. They have more motive to use gas than Assad, who is not losing the war without using gas. He hasn't used gas for ages, so why now? If he was losing there might be a motive, but he isn't.

IS is brutal and has used gas before.  Luckily, it's not easy to use.  Assad has used chlorine gas many times in the recent past.  Many times.  It's not classified as a banned substance like sarin.


Take a look at the list of chemical attacks here:



People want proof, but it's impossible as Syria won't allow outsiders in to investigate.  For good reasons.  And killed one journalist who was doing research.  Kinda hard to prove things in an environment like this:




War reporter Marie Colvin was tracked, targeted and killed by Assad’s forces, family says


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