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Academics suggest ‘more practical’ road safety moves


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1 hour ago, onemorechang said:

Yes. why not  give a good insensitive to the cops.

up the fine by say 10% give that straight to the cop writing the ticket .

He may start to do his job then.

Win Win , i would say :jap:




And perhaps scale it according to weight of vehicle?


Then perhaps they might be interested in going after a few of the "big" killers rather than just making money off falang on scooters.


Oh Oh wait. Another scaling in proportion to how rich the driver is!  ;)



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Riding in the extended cab illegal.  Crazy.  Now my BT-50 has the green on white number plates which another poster advises that riding in extended cab illegal.   A friend has a newer BT-50 and that one has white on black number plates which apparently means its OK to ride in the extended cab.  Huh?

And on another point why are songtels (baht buses) exempt?  These vehicles which often carry the Thai nations most precious cargo (school children ) and often very overloaded are OK!

Solution... Do a baht bus conversion to your pickup and all will be well.  After all the powers that be are not about to go after the baht bus mafia.

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5 hours ago, Ahab said:

People drive like idiots in Thailand. Speeding is the norm, passing on blind turns is common, driving the wrong direction (on the highway shoulder) is fairly common. What is truely amazing is that more people don't die on the roads than already do.

If you want to see real crazy driving forget Thailand, Saudi and the like, just go to Pakistan. They must be supreme at bad driving

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1 hour ago, starky said:

TV must be having a field day. It's gold. Thread after thread and page after page of debate by what apparently must be so many expert falangs with all the answers to Thailand's problems and yet absolutely no say in it whatsoever. IMO why do the head miles? Just accept that it is what it is, there will be no enforcement, probably very little change to the status quo and no reduction in road deaths. Must be extremely frustrating for so many of you to live here.

And isn't it amazing. Throughout all of these threads and the lead stories that have lead to them, there hasn't been a single reference to the fact that the vast majority (75-80%) of fatal accidents are motorcycle related and occur mainly in rural areas.


And this is why we will not see any significant reduction in road deaths over the coming holiday season.


Everyone, Government, police, DLT officials and academics are all looking in the wrong direction.


It's the same old story, twice a year and every year.

Edited by Moonlover
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33 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Riding in the extended cab illegal.  Crazy.  Now my BT-50 has the green on white number plates which another poster advises that riding in extended cab illegal.   A friend has a newer BT-50 and that one has white on black number plates which apparently means its OK to ride in the extended cab.  Huh?

And on another point why are songtels (baht buses) exempt?  These vehicles which often carry the Thai nations most precious cargo (school children ) and often very overloaded are OK!

Solution... Do a baht bus conversion to your pickup and all will be well.  After all the powers that be are not about to go after the baht bus mafia.


IIRC any 2 door pickup has green on white plates and a 4 door, such as my Ford Ranger with seat belts in the back, has black numbers on white plates. I am not sure about the pickups with 4 doors but the 2 rear doors cannot be opened unless the front doors are opened first.


Out here in rural Khampaeng Phet pickups are used as pickups, baht buses, people movers, school buses etc. I have seen several belonging to the Forestry Dept used as small trash trucks with the crew riding in with the trash or on the top of the body. They are as essential to the rural people of Thailand as the Benz and the air con offices are to the government people.

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I have huge respect for academic thinking unfortunately the BIB is not programmed the same way. To an academic if you mention the letter B he automatically says Brains. When you mention the letter B to the run of the mill BIB he says Bahts. 

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2 hours ago, starky said:

TV must be having a field day. It's gold. Thread after thread and page after page of debate by what apparently must be so many expert falangs with all the answers to Thailand's problems and yet absolutely no say in it whatsoever. IMO why do the head miles? Just accept that it is what it is, there will be no enforcement, probably very little change to the status quo and no reduction in road deaths. Must be extremely frustrating for so many of you to live here.

Well yes, because Trans could put ideas on the table,....BUT......I will first be looked at as an alien......Scratching of heads would begin.....Hmmmmmm......Then it would be realised I was an alien and to be ignored......Carnage prevails.......

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

How about a weekly road traffic tv show?About the rules ,consequences ,fines,victims ,drunks, accidents mixed in with dashcam videos..EDUCATIONAL TV.

Weeeeeeeeeell, Thai TV is taken over most nights regarding the grass is growing, same stuff could be used to save lives........BUT don't say a farang suggested it eh...:stoner:

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

How about a weekly road traffic tv show?About the rules ,consequences ,fines,victims ,drunks, accidents mixed in with dashcam videos..EDUCATIONAL TV.

they do have

a cartoon

watched on the big screen whilst sat at the lights

don't know if it is on television as I never watch it

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:


I sort of agree with you but only if you include all the civilian governments who have failed to enforce the law, including the government that passed the law in the first place. But, hey, rice scheme anyone? 

no government has addressed road safety in a significant way that I can see.  There are many more important issues to tackle on road safety than passengers in trucks.


This government's cluelessness stands on its own merits. :thumbsup:

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Just try enforcing the existing laws. Phase them in. Do it with quotas. Everybody hates it, cops and the public, but eventually people start to obey the rules. Hard to do in a place where a 200 baht payoff to the officer is the norm. I'm sure part of that goes to his superior and right on up the line. 

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On Saturday, April 08, 2017 at 7:30 AM, Ahab said:

People drive like idiots in Thailand. Speeding is the norm, passing on blind turns is common, driving the wrong direction (on the highway shoulder) is fairly common. What is truely amazing is that more people don't die on the roads than already do.

All correct i drove 630km yesterday from koh chang didnt come across 1 policeman the whole way  but saw all of the above all the way.Proper dvr training needed and enforcement but this aint gonna happen soon

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