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A friend of mine who has just been issued a work permit and teacher's licence from MOE, has just been dismissed from their job for having an 'unverifiable' degree. MOE said they knew the degree was fake but still decided to issue the WP and TL. Has until January to leave Thailand and is prohibited from returning for 2 years. Has a family here and has been teaching in Thailand for over 6 years.

I think if Thailand decides to get serious that they will find many many teachers working here are in a similiar boat with regard to 'unverifiable' degrees. Certainly once you get into the bi-lingual and govt schools I think they will be shocked at the amount of Kao Sahn Degree Holders. What proffesional acredited teacher is going to work for what a pimply 15 yr old gets back home working at McDonalds PART-TIME !

I worked at a well paying bi-lingual school - over 50 k, and I recall that at the time over 90 % had 'manufactured' Degrees.

Will Thailand pay what they need to attract qualified profesionals - I suspect not !!!

What is the option for those in a situation like my friend ? - I hope you have some savings ready to try and get visas and airfares for your family at short notice !!

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Your story seems to say that your friend did, in fact, never earn a degree, and the ministries knew it might not be real. Now that there is a crackdown (of sorts) on farang teachers, they're cancelling the WP's of those who do not have authentic degrees.

The second part of your friend's crisis is amazing. His work permit and teacher license would be revoked, made invalid. But now, he's essentially being deported (or kicked out of the country) for two years? Well, perhaps that makes sense, if his B visa was extended on the basis of his WP.

I'm surprised at your statement that 90% of the teachers at a well-paying bilingual school have fake degrees.

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I'm surprised at your statement that 90% of the teachers at a well-paying bilingual school have fake degrees.

You should not be surprised by anything here. Heck I even know of one former Member of the Thai Senate that actively flaunted the fake PHD's proably obtained on the Internet.

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Your story seems to say that your friend did, in fact, never earn a degree, and the ministries knew it might not be real. Now that there is a crackdown (of sorts) on farang teachers, they're cancelling the WP's of those who do not have authentic degrees.

The second part of your friend's crisis is amazing. His work permit and teacher license would be revoked, made invalid. But now, he's essentially being deported (or kicked out of the country) for two years? Well, perhaps that makes sense, if his B visa was extended on the basis of his WP.

I'm surprised at your statement that 90% of the teachers at a well-paying bilingual school have fake degrees.

It may be amazing for Thailand but that's not the case with all countries.

There are some where if you are caught teaching with a fake degree, you are arrested, jailed for several days or longer, fined, deported and black listed from entering the country for several years.

The subject of this thread should count his lucky stars he is getting off as lightly as he is.

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No one is saying what he did is ethical or legal. Thailand does not have any problems with fraud or legality issues! just look at the employment contracts most Thai schools make farang sign - perfectly legal and above board !!!

My point is that there are many teachers here in the same situation. Guy comes to Thailand on holiday - meets Thai lady, decides he might stay here and work, maybe has a few kids. He has few options for work and decides to get a fake degree and a real TEFL and start teaching. Consider Thailand’s restrictions on what work a foreigner can do. Many people in this situation don't have a degree - nor would you spend 4 years of your life studying for one to get 30k a month!!

Is it possible for someone in this situation to stay in the kingdom legally and work for a living?

Should he just leave the missus and kids here because he doesn't have the time or funds to repatriate them by January?

If they keep up the crackdowns there will be many more people in the same situation. I personally know of 12 other teachers in different schools around bkk who are very worried and have the exact same situation - they just haven't had MOE call them yet!

It is great Thailand is cracking down on the teaching industry, next will be Thai corruption, copy write infringement, police corruption!! (Maybe even look at taking away all the luk krungs rights as they are diluting the Thai race!!)

(I say this in jest although the funny thing is if they suggested something like this I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised)

I feel for the guy and his family.

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As I've previously announced, degree/no degree related threads are restricted at this time. If a clear policy becomes evident, please discuss that in the "Teaching Requirements" thread. Thread closed.

Update: If the OP's claim is verifiable, this would be pretty important. If any of our other members out there can offer independent verification or more details, we will consider re-opening the thread, as it would be evidence of a de facto policy.

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