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FGM: Detroit doctor Jumana Nagarwala faces life in jail


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9 minutes ago, scorecard said:


In my day at army rookie camp it was compulsory to attend 'religious training' conducted by the christian chaplain who kept trying to encourage open discussion. I asked the question 'who wrote the bible?'. I was marched quick smart to the commanding officers room and given extra yard and kitchen duties and extra laps around the camp every day for the rest of my time in rookie training.


And from that experience, I suspected you learned something about religion.   :sorry:

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6 hours ago, edg said:

These hypocrites have no shame, everyday they  condone the same thing when it's done to boys. This practice should be outlawed for both boys and girls. It's a double standard.

Circumcision is not good, but is not remotely as dire as cutting out a girl's clitoris.  Note, a woman's clitoris is not just the little knob by the vagina.  It's part of an organ that's about as large as an erect penis, and extends into the woman's body, close to her womb.  Don't tell that to weirdo Islamists with sharp knives - as they may then want to excise the entire organ.


40 minutes ago, scorecard said:

In my day at army rookie camp it was compulsory to attend 'religious training' conducted by the christian chaplain who kept trying to encourage open discussion. I asked the question 'who wrote the bible?'. I was marched quick smart to the commanding officers room and given extra yard and kitchen duties and extra laps around the camp every day for the rest of my time in rookie training.

Funny story, thanks.  

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I would also like to point out that that all of these girls in my post ,had the mutilation done by other women  mostly from there own village , the tools used were mostly old razor blades or knives that had bean used in the kitchen the the day before, remember no anisethic was used and these little girls were terrified one girl ,the kenyan had all the labia as well as the clitoris removed, and the entrance to the virginia sown up so that it would be impossible for her to have intercourse a very small hole was left for her to pass blood when she started having periods this was later opened up again by a doctor in her late teens. she told me she had been very ill and some girls died after having this done to them. this so called doctor have it done to her and the left forever to rot in a cell

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14 hours ago, edg said:

These hypocrites have no shame, everyday they  condone the same thing when it's done to boys.


This practice should be outlawed for both boys and girls.


It's a double standard.

Male circumcision is a religious/cultural practice.


But it also carried out for medical reasons. For example when the foreskin is too tight (phimosis) or there are repeated infections under the foreskin (balanitis). Although these days there are other, less invasive treatments for these and circumcision is considered a treatment of last resort.


Whatever the reason for circumcising a boy, the effects in later life are minimal, if any.


FGM is an evil mutilation of which very often causes health problems, especially with menstruation and giving birth. It has absolutely no medical benefits whatsoever.


You cannot really compare the two.

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It is true that FGM occurs in more Islamic countries than non Islamic ones; but that is not due to Islam, but the cultural mores of those countries stretching back to ancient times before Islam.


As has been said, the evil of FGM is not restricted to just one religion; it predates both Islam and Christianity and is practised in other religions as well.


As for Jumana Nagarwala, I don't know her religion, if any. According The Times of India, she is originally from Gujarat; 88.57% of the population of Gujarat are Hindu, 9.67% Muslim (source). Look closely at the published photos of her and you'll see that the head covering she is wearing could as easily be a surgical cap as a hijab. Hindu women cover their heads as well.


But whatever her religion, if guilty she is an evil woman for carrying out this mutilation and deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.

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I worry that parents will turn to another person to perform this operation; possibly a person not as qualified as Dr. Nagarwala; this could put the lives of the young girls at risk. What is needed is to stop parents seeking FGM for their daughters; imprisoning a qualified doctor does nothing for the safety of young females.

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On 4/14/2017 at 0:53 PM, darksidedog said:

That still doesn't make it right though does it? Now if a full grown woman decides of her own accord to go ahead with a procedure like this, then that is her own decision.

Inflicting such a barbaric practice on young children is utterly unacceptable.

Burning witches at the stake was a cultural norm at one time. Civilised society has since moved forward. This practice needs to be stopped, and any who still do it jailed indefinitely.

Do you feel the same about male circumcision ? 

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I think FGM is barabaric. 


Let it be known in refugee camps or immigration centers that if this has been done to any child, that the parents will never ever be considered for resettling in host countries where this is illegal.


And if it is done later in their new countries, and the parents found responsible, there will be mandatory imprisonment for them.


Word may spread, and help stamp out this evil practise.


I hope the OP doctor is jailed, fined, disqualified and forced to pay compensation.

Edited by dexterm
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Despite its prevalence and it being illegal, there don't seem to have been many prosecutions for FGM in the UK and USA. Just one prosecution in the UK, which was unsuccessful and two in the USA, one successful and one currently pending.
According to Equality Now and City University London, an estimated 103,000 women and girls aged 15–49 were thought to be living with female genital mutilation (FGM) in England and Wales as of 2011.
FGM was outlawed in the UK by the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985, which made it an offence to perform FGM on children or adults. The Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 and the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation (Scotland) Act 2005 made it an offence to arrange FGM outside the country for British citizens or permanent residents, whether or not it is lawful in the country to which the girl is taken.
As of 2015 there have been no convictions in the UK for performing or arranging FGM. The first prosecutions in the UK took place in 2015 against a doctor for performing FGM and another man for aiding and abetting; both were found not guilty.
In the USA The Centers for Disease Control estimated in 1997 that 168,000 girls living in the United States had undergone FGM or were at risk. In 1996, Khalid Adem, a Muslim who had moved from Ethiopia to Atlanta, Georgia, became the first person to be convicted in the US in an FGM case; he was sentenced to ten years for performing FGM on his 2 year-old daughter.
[Source Wikipedia].

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On 2017-4-15 at 6:00 PM, katana said:

FGM was outlawed in the UK by the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985, which made it an offence to perform FGM on children or adults.

Yes, it is barbaric, but why should it just be Female Circumcision???


Make it an offence to preform any form of none essential mutilation to girls and boys under 18, I am not just talking circumcisions but also body piercing and tattoos, etc. 

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