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North Korea displays apparently new missiles as U.S. carrier group approaches


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Why doesn't anyone, Trump included, Ask the obvious question. Where is a country, that supposedly barely has electricity, getting the science, technology, infrastructure, missiles and nukes from. These are not things you buy off ebay and fedex delivers them, and they dont come with an easy to follow instruction manual. An ICBM is pretty much a big firework without the science, technology, GPS, satellite mapping targeting guidance etc. It takes 1,000s of people and massive infrastructure to fire and guide an ICBM. I dont think there is a phone app for sending an ICBM to Washington. 

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6 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Why doesn't anyone, Trump included, Ask the obvious question. Where is a country, that supposedly barely has electricity, getting the science, technology, infrastructure, missiles and nukes from. These are not things you buy off ebay and fedex delivers them, and they dont come with an easy to follow instruction manual. An ICBM is pretty much a big firework without the science, technology, GPS, satellite mapping targeting guidance etc. It takes 1,000s of people and massive infrastructure to fire and guide an ICBM. I dont think there is a phone app for sending an ICBM to Washington. 


They are mostly getting it from China. Some of the chip and computer technology is actually made in Europe and then soured by Chinese companies that turn around and resell it to NK.

There were an excellent article about it in the Washington Post the other day.

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2 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


They are mostly getting it from China. Some of the chip and computer technology is actually made in Europe and then soured by Chinese companies that turn around and resell it to NK.

There were an excellent article about it in the Washington Post the other day.

Yes that true, but I was thinking rather than go to war and have nuclear Armageddon, maybe someone should just put the keys on a high shelf away from the kids.

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15 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


They are mostly getting it from China. Some of the chip and computer technology is actually made in Europe and then soured by Chinese companies that turn around and resell it to NK.

There were an excellent article about it in the Washington Post the other day.

There is credible evidence that Pakistan is involved. So where did Pakistan, India, Israel and the list goes on get the detail. Well it all came from the US, via traitors to Russia and China. They passed it onto the others. US supplied Britain, France and Israel direct. The world is a murky and muddled affair. Even a country like Iran only has to search google and you can have the bomb. And so many countries willing to sell the infrastructure for missiles.    

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On 4/16/2017 at 1:20 AM, baboon said:

Where did I ever say I knew North Korea because I had been there? I didn't say that either. You aren't going to turn the tables on me despite your best efforts, so either put up or retract.

Tell you what, I shall even invite the rest of the readership to weigh in on your behalf, regarding your claims about me, but I shall expect an apology from your good self if they can't come up with anything.

If you want to call me a knob that's fine, but I do not take kindly to my integrity being called into question. 




That I'm afraid I can't do. My Tourist Card was issued by the Embassy in Beijing and was taken away from me when I left the country, which I was well miffed about.

Of course the lucky gits who had their visas issued in London got a proper visa stuck in their passports AND the In / Out stamps...


I'll tell you a story from the place, though, which you can choose to believe or not, but it did happen:

We had just finished our Pueblo visit and were making our way back to the minibus through a crowd of Koreans. I was arguing that the female guide was not actually a real soldier to one of the group.

There was a quiet Korean voice in my ear. It said "You are right. She is not a soldier." I looked around but it was impossible to determine who the speaker was. It was pretty freaky...





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