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Amazing News About the German Beggar who's travelling the World...

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      It's time to spread the news about a guy who doesn't seem to have any feelings regarding people who've helped him a lot, gave him money when he was begging in Thailand. The organisation DHV gave him shelter after he told them that he'd lost his money and his passport.


   The DHV ( Deutscher Hilfsverrein,, Bangkok/Pattaya ( German Helping Point) helped him a lot, finally gave him 50,000 baht to fly home. But the clown didn't buy a ticket to Germany and flew to countless other countries where he then spent the money from goodhearted people for whores, expensive food and continued his travels.


   What really bugs me is that he's got an open Facebook page where he shows his current stay and that goes from Malaysia to Spain, back to Asia, Indonesia and plenty of other countries.


   Of course is he always using the same excuse, his huge leg, which is not life threatening. I feel sorry for all the people who give tourists all around the world a bad name. Those who really need help won't receive that anymore after they hear how this guy's telling all people lies, asking for money that he's usually using for whores, expensive food and alcohol, usually only the most expensive. he's a perfect Con- Artist.



Remember when this guy was rescued from sleeping rough on Khaosan Road and he spent the THB50,000 donation cash partying with bar girls in Pattaya?

Universally hated German Benjamin Holst, who made Thailand wary of helping foreigners, was recently spotted begging near Wan Chai subway station in Hong Kong this weekend. 


After he was given a THB 50,000 donation by Deutscher Hilfsverein Thailand, an organization that aids German citizens to buy a plane ticket home, Holst was spotted just a few days later having an awesome time in Pattaya partying with bar girls.


 In November last year, right after he had to leave Thailand  Thai national  made a photograph where he was begging in Denmark. He then made it to countless countries, including Germany where he also renewed his passport. From London to Copenhagen, then Spain and and and until he arrived in Quezon/Philippines in May and had various bar girls and posted their photos on his facebook page.  


   From London to Copenhagen, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Spain and plenty of other countries with money he received from people by using his lies.


         Here's his facebook, please feel free to see what such a guy does: https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.holst.7/photos?lst=1017931093%3A100002217505772%3A1492536949&source_ref=pb_friends_tl


        The DHV has chnaged its policy just because of people like him and there's a high possibility that people who really deserve help do not get it, just because people like this guy.


         One of his photos where he wrote "Time for weed" says a lot about his character. One photo on his facebook page shows that he just recently applied for anew passprt in Flensburg and there's a high possibility that he's trying to get back to Thailand.


  He's a real Con- Artist and knows exactly what to do to get some money from people, using all and everything, without caring about other peoples' feelings. He loves to spend a lot of money, of course not his own with prostitutes, buys very expenisve food, foreign beer in Asian countries and loves to update his facebook page.


   He's currently in Osaka where he visited the Universal Studios, 


            Should anybody see this guy, please report him to the tourist police. There are a few reasons for doing so.


         1. He's telling people lies about his leg, begging for money.

         2. His swollen leg is not something that could be dangerous for him, it only looks ugly and people buy his stories.

        3. He seems to go to all possible places to ask for money, including places where he's getting money while others who urgently need help do not get any help.

         4. He btrayed so many people in Thailand with his lies and made it happen that the DHV changed their policy.

         5. It's just not fair, because there are so many people out there who really need help.  



             The "Psychiatric Help" photo was taken only 6 hours ago in Osaka. Please keep your eyes open should you see him in Thailand again.  







Time for weed 5.4. Denmark.jpg

In Thailand.jpg

24.2. London Heathrow.jpg

28.2 Singapore.jpg

24.3 Vietnam.jpg

31.3 malaysia.jpg

IIn Osaka.jpg

10.4 Copenhagen Airport.jpg

11.4 in Madrid airport.jpg

14.4 in Tokyo.jpg

17.4 in Dontobori.jpg

7.3 Malaysia.jpg

6.3. Penang.jpg

4.4. Bording at Singapore airport.jpg

Psych help made today 18.4. at 8 pm.jpg


As long as  he dosn't have a Police/Immigration record in Thailand, he may soon show up in Thailand again.

A "quality-Tourist", indeed.


2 minutes ago, swissie said:

As long as  he dosn't have a Police/Immigration record in Thailand, he may soon show up in Thailand again.

A "quality-Tourist", indeed.



   The Thai cops gave him a place to stay, as far as I remember did they organize a hotel room for him, feeling so sorry for this aeeh..............  better not say it. Fill in the blanks. 


This guy really needs psychiatric help. What a jerk! Hope they catch him soon and lock him away. Thanks for this post ajarngreg, I'll do my part and share it with everyone I know.





Why do you care what he does?


A lot of people doing the same via crowd funding and click-bait sponsorship ...which are just fancy forms of begging really.


Just watched a documentary about a guy who has £60m in the bank, he doesn't spend it, instead he travels around the world for free just like this guy, all he does for his supper is to document his life on Facebook.

54 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

A hate campaign against a cripple.... great thread. 

You have nothing better to occupy your mind?


 This is in no way a hate campaign against a cripple. The guy could get the right treatment and live a normal life, but he prefers to rip people off, tell them fancy stories, uses and abuses younger, too young girls he's buying with money.


           We all feel sad when we see real crippled people, people who've got no legs and crawl on the roads with their arms.


         I think all of us have felt very sorry for those who had the bad luck to sit in a wheelchair, who can't even move their upper body after they fractured their spine.


            The guy's from a country where he could get the best possible surgery, but he doesn't want that. He's  a slimy pedophile who believes he can fool all and everybody with some heartbreaking stories.


His photos seem to work very well for you and fooled you as they did to some lovely Thai, Filipinos, Spaniards, Singaporeans, and plenty others who thought that this guy's worth to give him money, just because his leg looks so bad.


           Please take the time and read his messages on facebook, you might not get some of them that are written in German. You really feel sympathy for a guy who made it happen to fool an organisation that had to sent away many others who do deserve financial help.


        But no, they're sent away just because they weren't such good actors, telling people exactly what's needed that they open up their wallets and give this guy money thinking that he's doing what he's telling them.


         I had a good friend who was involved in a car accident, absolutely innocent and the ten years he had were so frustrating for all involved. But he didn't get that attention this guy's getting.


    If you really believe that I hate cripples, then it's your own problem, not mine. I've spent a good part of my life helping people with diseases and finally saw them dying.


    This guy is somebody who should be locked up, one of his German friends wrote that nobody should even let him come near younger girls. But he found his way playing the innocent cripple who can't walk. But that's not true. 


          Poor people from all around the world gave this guy money which could have helped people who really need it. 


             And the organisation in Bangkok believed all his lies and they saw him as the cripple as you do. But in the end they've not just lost money for a ticket which the guy then used to find some underage girls in Pattaya and for booze. 


         They've lost all their trust in people. All people after this Con Artist are now treated as they were the liars who want some extra money for traveling, while the Con Artist sits in a nice suite enjoying decent and very expensive food plus drinks.


          If that's not a highly criminal behavior to milk poor people, because the rich people don't give money to those who need it.    


      This organisation has now changed the whole policy and people who're really suffering don't get anything. Nope, this isn't a campaign against cripples. It's just a warning for people not to give this human trash any money should he soon be back in LOS. 


     His love for very young girls alone and his sick mind is a very dangerous mixture and he should be locked away for some time.


But then the tax payers have to pay for him that he can live in a prison which might be similar to a hotel room in Afghanistan.  










 From his facebook page, here some comments. One of his pedo friends wrote that the girls would already be old. 



P.S. That's a photo he's taking and posted it on his facebook page and wrote Front of me buisness 1f642.png(: 


   Here are some messages, one of his pedo friends wrote that the girls would already old.


Daniel Schenz They look already old.
Ingrid Nyoman
Ingrid Nyoman Filthy pedo gross 1f621.png?
Wolfgang Veith
Wolfgang Veith Wieviel Yen kamen zusammen ? How many Yen did you make through begging?
Daniel Benson
Daniel Benson Business.... That's not a business.... Begging for money and sympathy. Pfffft. Your a piece of shit
Charlie Eilrahc
Charlie Eilrahc Taking photos of underage girls. Sick

Underage girls.jpg


I just removed several posts by 2 members that was nothing more than baiting and bickering.

This topic does not seem to be going anywhere but downhill  so it is now :mfr_closed1:


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