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As Trump warned North Korea, his 'armada' was headed toward Australia


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8 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

. You say policies take time to work yet you complain that not enough has been achieved in 3 months.


So far trump has flip flopped and back again on every major policy he ran on. He's running up the largest bill for security for his family so they can  jet-set around the world and for him to play golf and rent rooms to his presidential security detail at maralago 3 times a month. He lies, he makes things up, he hasn't had a single moment where he's done anything that is remotely presidential.  


Policies take time, you set them, you work them through and you wait. All he does, is say, things like 'the US will stay out of Syria', then piss away $60 million  worth of ammo accomplishing nothing, because he gave the enemy a heads up. Policy wise he's done nothing but prove he has no policy other than adding to his bank account. You can like Obama and W or hate them doesn't matter , they did have the sense to set there policies and spend their terms in office trying to push them through. 


US was in bad form when he came in and if he continues at the same pace, it'll be far gone by the next election.

The best policy he spoke about in his campaign was the infrastructure rebuild, what happened there?  Hadn't heard him say boo about that. 


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Maybe China has warned him off... Anyway he's better when he says <deleted> all instead of the u-turns, see what happens when NK test their next missile and I'm betting they will pretty soon.

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6 hours ago, Rob13 said:

Good strategy in an actual conflict and you're planning a sneak attack.Making idle threats are useless at best. Trump comes off looking uninformed and lying as usual. Another dropped ball.

always remember America is democracy they received what they elected..they graved for and received.a 13 y.old with nuclear toys and the world as his playground...trump should shake hand with n k. kim yong...two likemindet weirdos...

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Donald Trump is incompetent pure and simple.  His constant lying and use of social media to discuss complex issues shows he has no real grasp of the issues. Now North Korea knows he was lying about his so called armada which really wasn't one and they may make a miscalculation the next time.

I really don't think Trump cares how many people die from his lying and incompetence because as a a man with a personality disorder he needs to be relieved of his Presidency by invoking the 25th Amendment.

People who oppose his Presidency are not 'haters'. We wanted him to succeed but his lack of any redeeming qualities as well as incompetent decisions and a poor staff to match make him a pariah.

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They are ONLY going to Aus (and probably N.Z. to see if they can recruit someone else to go in and get killed when it hits the fan with China anyway!!  Technology is only so good, sitting off shore and pressing buttons while looking at a computer screen only gets you so far!!  Sooner or later someone has to do the REAL dirty work, Australia hellooooo, are you available ...AGAIN!!!

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Oh and by the way, who cares about US politics anyway?  No one else in the world had any input, we just sit back and wait and see!  You have a form of democracy, you made your bed..... now lie in it!!


Stop hijacking the thread, it's about your "amada" going to Nth Korea, you can hit them from home, why bother?

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I don;t think the Australians will be too quick to want to fight another Korean war under the leadership of Donald Trump and I doubt the Australian Prime Minister has forgotten how Trump spoke to him during the last phone call. I certainly haven't forgotten it and I am sure neither has the Australian public.

Trump just can't keep his mouth shut...Every Time he says something he shows his ignorance and lack of maturity. His style might work as a Billionaire when negotiating a land sale but never as President.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

I don;t think the Australians will be too quick to want to fight another Korean war under the leadership of Donald Trump and I doubt the Australian Prime Minister has forgotten how Trump spoke to him during the last phone call. I certainly haven't forgotten it and I am sure neither has the Australian public.

Trump just can't keep his mouth shut...Every Time he says something he shows his ignorance and lack of maturity. His style might work as a Billionaire when negotiating a land sale but never as President.

I hope you are right but in the past the powers to be have always crumpled!  Aus is / has become so dependant, or so they think, and then there is the money issue as always..... Ah politics!!  and power....

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

As Trump warned North Korea, his 'armada' was headed toward Australia

I have fought alongside my American Brothers in Arms in 3 wars. Love them, love the way they work and love their professionalism. Things could not be more embarrassing for them at the moment with this Commander in Chief, I feel for them. Stay strong guys!

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Just now, soalbundy said:


Yes Americans are when it comes to shedding blood!  Look at the record in the first and second world wars, not to mention Viet Nam, Afganistan and the gulf wars!  A TOTAL reliance on technology, and when the body bags started coming home total protest....  Per population and comitment well work it out,


1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

I have fought alongside my American Brothers in Arms in 3 wars. Love them, love the way they work and love their professionalism. Things could not be more embarrassing for them at the moment with this Commander in Chief, I feel for them. Stay strong guys!

Yep I know guys that have fought with them, and they too have had NOTHING but praise for the guys on the ground, but their reliance on their so called technology and pulling other smaller less wealthy nations into the fray... I am not so sure ....

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I think one big issue Boomerangutang is that N Korea has a standing army alone of over 4 million and roughly 2 million are stationed along the S Korean border. Nukes cannot be used to hit along the S Korea border and by the time the first launches of conventional weapons occur those 2 million will be moving like ants across into S Korea with whatever mayhem may follow.

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Trump is gonna get those pesky North Koreans once & for all     !!!


go get'em tiger   ......

Yee haw! Go Donny go! Kick some NKorean ass. The truth of the matter is that Trump is stupid enough and reactionary enough to actually start another war. He's a bully and now has the might of US military to play with, that just feeds his insatiable ego.


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Just now, dunroaming said:

Re-assuring news from Pence who has assured the Japanese that Trump is seeking a sanctions approach to NK through China and he has no intention of any military action against Kim.

Well that was obvious wasnt it? Trump is anti war.


Never ever seen such negative press.


18 months of crap.

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Just now, dunroaming said:

Re-assuring news from Pence who has assured the Japanese that Trump is seeking a sanctions approach to NK through China and he has no intention of any military action against Kim.

So which one is the lying BS(er)? Trump is turning East Asian politics and stability on its arse. I guess it is cool to start conflicts 9000 miles from home. No words acceptable to this forum can be used to describe Trump and his morality.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump's greatest achievement in his first 84 days is continuing to stifle investigations into his possible-treasonous activities.


Trump's military strategy is starting to shape up, and here's what it looks like:  


A>>>   Without any prior diplomatic maneuverings, just knee jerk to unleash massive ballistic force by un-manned means.  

B>>>  zero follow-up

C>>>  rinse and repeat


All the while, talk little with allies and less with adversaries.  Have no care about expenditures.  $10 million or $10 billion in bombs, ....doesn't matter.  What matters most is the following:


>>>>   look tough

>>>>   divert from investigations 

>>>>   don't release tax info

>>>>   continue to demonize (and fire, if possible) any person or entity who questions your illegal domestic activities

>>>>   continue to blame Obama, HRC, Pelosi, and anyone else for your own failings.


And you are aware of US Military Strategic plans how .. your decades of military service?:sleepy:

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13 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

Well that was obvious wasnt it? Trump is anti war.


Never ever seen such negative press.


18 months of crap.

Trump (through Pence) said two days ago that all options were open when it came to NK including military action.  Your boy Trump has no idea what to say next..

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This is like the time 'Dubya' was told that Air Force One was flying over the Republic of Georgia, he called the VP and said "What's going on Dick ? Those boys down in Atlanta got their own country now ?"


Trump is clueless because he spends his time watching Fox and Friends for all his 'intel'. Help us all. 

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1 hour ago, RigPig said:

Yes Americans are when it comes to shedding blood!  Look at the record in the first and second world wars, not to mention Viet Nam, Afganistan and the gulf wars!  A TOTAL reliance on technology, and when the body bags started coming home total protest....  Per population and comitment well work it out,


Yep I know guys that have fought with them, and they too have had NOTHING but praise for the guys on the ground, but their reliance on their so called technology and pulling other smaller less wealthy nations into the fray... I am not so sure ....

Well, I suppose your handle is half right. :post-4641-1156693976:


How many tens of thousands of dead and wounded does it take to avoid being called "chicken"? Who do you think saved Australia from the Japanese in WWII?


"A TOTAL reliance on technology .."


Odd! Didn't seem do hi-tech when I was humping the hills on 14 day "excursions" in the Central Highlands ci. '64.


I met a number of good Aussies in 'Nam, especially a Caribou pilot who flew supplies into our camp.  They deserve a classier and more honest spokesman than you.


So I will end this with a well deserved salute. .!..

Edited by klikster
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Of course , the military has plans for every scenario everywhere in the World . A war on the Korean peninsula would be devastating. Seoul would be partially destroyed by NK artillery and it is possible that the NK Army could actually occupy part of it. The Americans would need at least 100,000 ground troops real quick to turn back the NK onslaught and total air control. There is no doubt the US would win with the help of the Japanese and possibly other Allies should the North fire the missiles towards either S. Korea; Japan or the US.


The scenario becomes more complicate with an American First Strike based on the theory that NK is preparing to actually target a South Korean City; Japan or America. Then it is America who has struck first and the World waits for the NK reaction.


The problem I have with Trump is that his mind seems to operate on a different level and not think about the results of his actions or his orders.  The US military is trained to follow orders- they do not make the decision to attack or not.  Should Donald Trump make a decision based on his own mind set ad his own limited interpretation of the pro's and con's the World is in trouble. I truly hope that he listens to his military command who usually attempts to avoid a war- not start one. A new Korea War would be devastating in the numbers of deaths- not to mention the economic disaster that would result.


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56 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:



I think one big issue Boomerangutang is that N Korea has a standing army alone of over 4 million and roughly 2 million are stationed along the S Korean border. Nukes cannot be used to hit along the S Korea border and by the time the first launches of conventional weapons occur those 2 million will be moving like ants across into S Korea with whatever mayhem may follow.

Spot on, AA.  Was involved in one of those "strategic game" operations in'65. The ROK's are good soldiers, but Seoul is very near the DMZ.  A war would be a disaster for a people who have had a long brutal one about 70 years ago.

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The American military now do have a lot of technology but wars are won by air power and the guy on the ground who has to take territory and  holdit.


I second the poster who states that in Vietnam- he didn't see much technology and like me when I was there- he had a rucksack and a rifle. We sure as hell didn't have any cell phones; computers to check our social network or even email to send a message to a loved one.

The Gulf Wars- one and two and even Afghanistan all depended on the same way wars have always been fought- Armor, Artillery and Infantry- supported by air power.

A new war in Korea might be more high tech as far as using computers to analyze intelligence or disruption of certain computerized elements of the enemy. However, since NK doesn't use much real sophisticated technology- another war would be mostly fought the same way as the others.

I , also enjoyed working with the Aussies in Vietnam- very professional and highly trained. They always had your back- not to mention a  cold brew or two.

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