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Foreigner draws praise for cleaning up the beach - but Thais turn on each other for messing it up in the first place


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I regularly do a bit of beach cleaning while walking along Ban Amphur beach. Anything recyclable I toss to where high tide cannot take it back into the sea. The recyclers collect it later in the day. Anything dangerous, drugs, pills, syringes, needles, I collect and hand into the food/drink vendor where I'll sit. He takes good care of it until the garbage truck arrives. The rest I leave alone to return to the sea and hopefully damage some guys boat propeller that is probably responsible for some of the mess in the first place.


Never seen a Thai clean up except for the paid local authority cleaners when it is really bad and a few boy scouts now and again to earn a badge. There's a German who feeds all the stray dogs that then poop on the beach. He refuses to clean up what he puts in one end and comes out the other.


For some pictures of "Dirty Thailand" search for that page in Facebook as I don't think I'm allowed to put the link here.


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12 hours ago, Grovst said:

A couple of years ago I went to Hua Hin and was positivley amazed of how clean it was there. I found out that the reason was that it was King Bhumibol´s summer residens. I could not see any apperent different behavior from the thai´s that are living there as from everyone that lives elsewhere. The conclusion I belive is respect for the King.

As for every else I´ve gone in LOS I see thai´s, as a ruel, just dumping their trash everywhere else but in the waste bin! :angry:

Myself I make a point of avoiding the straw and the plastic bag they almost force on You in the Seven Eleven´s and other stores.

" Small streams make large rivers "

It was probably Pattaya's side of the gulf to have all the rubbish that day. I believe east and west take it in turns.


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21 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

I lived in Abac BangNa and there is a nice little green grove behind my condo which I bring my dogs out for a walk everyday.

Since the influx of chinese tourist, the tour buses has brought them to another condo beside mine for the night and park their buses around the grove every night.


The nice clean grove is now littered with trash, left over food and human waste from the tour bus drivers. The trash cans are just 5 metres away from where they parked.




Some people see no beauty in the world. You might want to try your hand at posting a sign in 5 languages including Chinese. Paint an arrow on pointing to the trash can. Maybe dip into your pocket a wee bit and put out two more old 55 gallon drums or something in plastic painted with flowers sorry trash i.e. cans empty containers. Push a red flag on a pole in the ground beside the containers similar to what the Chinese parade leader carries. Then pull up your chair have a beer and watch to see your efforts paid off. 

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On 4/23/2017 at 7:45 AM, bluebluewater said:

You can apologize for this all you want but I will not!  Are you saying that if bins are not within steps of where they should be ( or not there at all ) that it is just OK to leave the trash?  No is is not.


 If bins are not there then they should clean up their mess and take it to where it can be disposed of.

Totally agree, everybody has a plastic bag in hand at any minute in this country...

I teach my daughter 7y old, put the ice cream cover, empty bottle, back in the bag from 7/11, we will put in the bin later.

Ohh but yes, that may the missing link: common sense.... 

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On 23/04/2017 at 9:44 AM, NCC1701A said:

The 70 plus year old Thai lady that lives next door to me gets up every morning and sweeps both sides the road in front of her house and my house. Spotless very day.


I have had Thai ladies stop by the house and they have a automatic compulsion to start cleaning the house from top to bottom.


But somewhere along the line, Thais disconnect with their responsibly to keep public areas clean.


It will take a generation of conditioning to bring about change.


Noted so I'm looking for an old thai lady sweeping up a soi to get closer to your vaulted safe.

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