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North Korea says it is ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier


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15 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

. Trump might want to keep his comments private from now on. His mouth keeps getting him in trouble.


He should make this his #1 policy for the next 4 years.

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North Korea must be one of the most peaceful countries in the world over the last 60 years or so...in terms of it's interactions with other countries outside Korea.


The best way to keep them quiet is to leave them alone and stop stirring up trouble and pushing them into a corner for no reason.

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4 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

North Korea must be one of the most peaceful countries in the world over the last 60 years or so...in terms of it's interactions with other countries outside Korea.


The best way to keep them quiet is to leave them alone and stop stirring up trouble and pushing them into a corner for no reason.

Do you not understand that NK is just a military country...Ordinary folk are starving just to buy arms.....Do you not understand that NK is doing the shield beating trying to get the BIG TOY.......Do some reading on Hitlers stuff and how many lives were lost through no action....

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

Do you not understand that NK is just a military country...Ordinary folk are starving just to buy arms.....Do you not understand that NK is doing the shield beating trying to get the BIG TOY.......Do some reading on Hitlers stuff and how many lives were lost through no action....

Do you not understand that part of the reason people are starving is due to the half century of sanctions placed on NK by the US?


Do you not understand nearly every western nation has the big toy so they don't have a leg to stand on when they are telling NK they(as a sovereign nation) cannot have the big toy?


Do you not understand that it's hardly surprising they have a big military when their country was royally trashed by interfering, war warmongering western countries ....and then continually threatened and harassed by the US for nearly 70 years, btw that is the same US who is also the largest "military country" on the planet?


Hitler? ....how many countries has NK invaded or attacked in the last 60 years compared to say the US and the EU countries or even Hitler?


I think you might be one that has to catch up on some reading.

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North Korea may not have invaded any countries in the last 60 years but they have sent agents across the border to the South and murdered people.

In addition, they have sunk a South Korean ship causing scores of deaths.

They send their own people to labor camps if  their people dissent even in the smallest way such as owning a cell phone or watching South Korean TV. At times they murder their own citizens.

NK sent an assassination team to Kuala Lumpur and murdered  Kim's half brother in the airport.

NK has been know to sell drugs to garner foreign currency.

Nk has been know to counterfeit US Dollars to gain real currency.

The Nk elite live a luxurious life while the majority of their population struggles to eat.


This is hardly a country that goes its own way and just wants to be left alone...

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3 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

Do you not understand that part of the reason people are starving is due to the half century of sanctions placed on NK by the US?


Do you not understand nearly every western nation has the big toy so they don't have a leg to stand on when they are telling NK they(as a sovereign nation) cannot have the big toy?


Do you not understand that it's hardly surprising they have a big military when their country was royally trashed by western countries ....and then continually threatened and harassed by the west for nearly 70 years?


Hitler? ....how many countries has NK invaded in the last 60 years compared to say the US and the EU countries or even Hitler?


I think you might be one that has to catch up on some reading.

You are talking rollox, why is the west avoiding NK... ?


The ruler shoots folk who doesn't come up to scratch.......Why is that, is that OK with you..?


Is SK doing well and trying to make a living avoiding NK stuff....?

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21 minutes ago, transam said:

You are talking rollox, why is the west avoiding NK... ?


The ruler shoots folk who doesn't come up to scratch.......Why is that, is that OK with you..?


Is SK doing well and trying to make a living avoiding NK stuff....?


If the North Korean people are not happy with their leader ...it's up to them to remove him not the US.


Are you really so naive to believe the US/Trump interest in NK is on a humanitarian grounds....ROFL!!!!!


Is this the same US that has the death penalty for it's own citizens and has killed 10s of millions of people in foreign countries over the last 60 years or is this another US that maybe exists in a parallel universe?


SK is propped up and funded by the US to act as a brace against NK and to support US interests ...it's hardly surprising they are doing well.

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46 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

North Korea may not have invaded any countries in the last 60 years....




The list of accusations in your post have one and all been committed by the US except on a much larger scale and involving a much higher body count.

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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


If the North Korean people are not happy with their leader ...it's up to them to remove him not the US.


Are you really so naive to believe the US/Trump interest in NK is on a humanitarian grounds....ROFL!!!!!


Is this the same US that has killed 10s of millions of people in foreign countries over the last 60 years or is this another US that maybe exists in a parallel universe?


SK is propped up and funded by the US to act as a brace against NK and to support US interests ...it's hardly surprising they are doing well.

You are talking nonsense....So Mr & Mrs.NK must tell the leader to <deleted>....Good grief man, are you serious..........facepalm.gif.3590c6277ba077f2c06e05886559f31b.gif

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I think the main obstacle to China intervening forcefully is that the US has troops and now an antimissile system in South Korea. In the event of the dissolution of the North Korean government, that could bring troops and weapons systems very close to China's border. China is really unhappy about that.

Why have we been there for so long?South Korean conventional forces are vastly superior to the North's. In the event of a nuclear threat, our troops are basically just hostages.

And if we pull out that would still leave China, the world's 2nd largest economy, Japan, the world's third largest, and South Korea, somewhere in the top 15, to deal with North Korea.

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Well, I am American and certainly not a Trump supporter. South Korea was not created by the Americans but as a result of the Korean War in which North Korea invaded the South and was eventually pushed back by American intervention assisted by 14 other countries that contributed troops to include Thailand.  North Korea was pushed back all the way to the Yalu River and then the Chinese intervened and the war ended with an armistice and the dividing line of the Koreas was set just above the 38th parallel. South Korea adopted democracy as its form of government while North Korea adopted authoritarian communism.


The Americans have a history filled with many mistakes but they are hardly the devil incarnate as some posters try and indicate. I, for one, am well aware of my countries history and am well qualified to criticise its mistakes. The one big difference between North Korea and the US is that in America we can criticise the Government and President whenever we want without fear of retribution. In North Korea, that same action gets you the death penalty.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Well, I am American and certainly not a Trump supporter. South Korea was not created by the Americans but as a result of the Korean War in which North Korea invaded the South....


That is quite wrong and revisionist version of what actually happened:


In 1945, with the surrender of Japan, the United Nations developed plans for a trusteeship administration, the Soviet Union administering the peninsula north of the 38th parallel and the United States administering the south. The politics of the Cold War resulted in the 1948 establishment of two separate governments, North Korea and South Korea.


And the result of this division and rapid militarisation of the country....created solely by the US and Russia?


In June 1950 North Korea invaded the South, using Soviet tanks and weaponry. During the Korean War (1950–53) more than one million people died and the three years of fighting throughout the nation effectively destroyed most cities. The war ended in an Armistice Agreement at approximately the Military Demarcation Line.


You can educate yourself further on your nation's history/involvement here:



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On 4/24/2017 at 9:46 AM, ddavidovsky said:

The US and S. Korea have caused this by their continuous provocation. They just won't stop threatening N. Korea, so of course N. Korea builds up defensive weapons. They not out to invade anyone or build an empire - their leaders just want to survive and they know S. Korea and the US are itching to obliterate them.


Subconscious human instinct is at play here on a deeper level than the politicians understand. They just want to obliterate N. Korea because it's a freak show. They don't understand why they feel that way, but they just do and they will. They use their own insecurity as an excuse to bring about conflict.


Some people want to fight it out. There are always people like that. But especially now that nukes are involved, I say be patient and leave them be. Time will bring about a natural change. In the meantime the N. Koreans have simply got the government they deserve.

Huh? The US won't stop threatening N. Korea?  :laugh:  The US has been and still is reactionary to N. Korea.    Except for Obama, who tried his best to ignore their nonsense (militarily) for 8 years.  And so here we are.  Maybe you've been in a cave for a while?


Weren't you a vocal proponent of Dr. Dao being chucked off the United Airlines aircraft by force?  Think of this in that context.  Kim Jong Un is the unruly, belligerent passenger.   You seem  willing to cut him all kinds of slack. 

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I am quite aware of my countries history and my description is not revisionist. I hardly think Wikipedia is the primer to use for History. In addition, don't lecture me on American History. I served in the Us Armed Forces in Korea and lived it. Where would you during the war?   Not even born I would guess. You might want to listen to some of us who actually made the History instead of using a reference in which anyone can provide their version of History except what really happened.

I actually know people in the US Army who were sitting on the Yalu River In NOrth Korea when China entered the war.  How many people do ou know who were there?

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6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Yes, that was used a while ago to kill people - once the population was 'kicked' into a state of fervour  about witches.


Similarly the catholic church killed 'heretics' a long time ago.


But we're talking about the present day - and it appears that its still easy to invoke the same emotions in people :sad:.


Not that I have any 'solutions', but its depressing when so many people start demanding war (even 'nukes!') as the 'right' response - rather than even trying to find a better solution.

I posted that biblical term purely as an older time when it was simple to burn a suspected witch. The Antichrist,as the more modern witch burners would see our kim, is a quite different kind of antichrist all together. His flames of hell, would be the fall out caused by Nuclear war.didn't Nostradamus mention something about " beware the yellow men" Our kim is like the terminally ill dictator, who wants everybody to go with him, hence, he doesn't give a toss about pressing the button.

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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Huh? The US won't stop threatening N. Korea?  :laugh:  The US has been and still is reactionary to N. Korea.    Except for Obama, who tried his best to ignore their nonsense (militarily) for 8 years.  And so here we are.  Maybe you've been in a cave for a while?


Weren't you a vocal proponent of Dr. Dao being chucked off the United Airlines aircraft by force?  Think of this in that context.  Kim Jong Un is the unruly, belligerent passenger.   You seem  willing to cut him all kinds of slack. 

But how many countries has North Korea invaded or changed regimes in? And what about NATO continually provoking Russia? You would have to be delusional not see that America is dying to pick a fight (and we all know why.

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31 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I am quite aware of my countries history and my description is not revisionist. I hardly think Wikipedia is the primer to use for History. In addition, don't lecture me on American History. I served in the Us Armed Forces in Korea and lived it. Where would you during the war?   Not even born I would guess. You might want to listen to some of us who actually made the History instead of using a reference in which anyone can provide their version of History except what really happened.

I actually know people in the US Army who were sitting on the Yalu River In NOrth Korea when China entered the war.  How many people do ou know who were there?

Your description is wrong. The Republic of Korea came into being on August the 15th, 1948. The Korean War began on June the 25th, 1950. Sitting on the Yalu River, Smolensk or Mogadishu does not alter a thing.

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7 hours ago, transam said:

Utter nonsense.........Hitler was left alone and look what happened....If NK was not involved with nuclear stuff nobody could give a toss what they were doing....But they ARE involved with nuclear stuff....Now even China is worried about the nut job having nuke stuff.....


Answer this, there has been a cease fire for half a century and it's been OK until NK went down the nuke route...So who has made the problem...?

"If NK was not involved with nuclear stuff nobody could give a toss what they were doing"


                         Unfortunately Trump is US prez, so what he decides matters.  'Lunatic in charge of the insane asylum' comes to mind.    Trump does give a toss about a lot of zany stuff.   While president, he tweeted about how his daughter should be treated fairly in being allowed to have her high heeled shoes displayed at Nordstrums.  He tweeted that a particular man had personally tapped his phones (no one else and no other entity supports that stupid allegation).   He recommended all Americans watch a specific TV program on a specific time slot - which showed a nutzoid woman ranting about how awful Ryan is.   


                         So, to say 'nobody could give a toss......'  about what a crazy man (Kim) halfway around the world is doing, is completely wrong, because the man controlling the most powerful military arsenal in the world (Trump) is mentally deranged.  


                     Trump has put forth many zany assertions which NO ONE ELSE ON THE PLANET SUPPORTS.  A recent example:  Trump was the only prominent person to support O'Reilly's pussy grabbing adventures.   NO ONE ELSE SUPPORTED O'REILLY.   Trump is on an island with his mental deviancy.  Not even Bannon nor Kushner stoops to his low level of stupidity.

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I wasn't born when the Korean war took place, but I worked with an old bloke on the railway when I was a young lad, one hot barmy summers night (middle of night shift) all the old timers got started about WW2, Korea and National Service (they didn't often mention these things but this night they did) it got around to Jock (the old bloke am on about) You was in Korea wasn't you Jock, what was it like, he said after a pause for reflection; When we fired our artillery the North Koreans ducked, when they fired their artillery we ducked, When the Yanks fired their artillery everybody ducked! 


Another funny thing he said was that the British Army sent them Jungle training in the wilds of Scotland (he said there wasn't an <deleted> tree for miles) just moorland and Bog, wet and freezing cold. He said in Korea we wasn't frightened of the Koreans but the Ozzies, he said they used to have us on night maneuvers in the dark, we had to go out and hide and the Aussies would come after us, if they caught up with yer they knocked the crap out of ya!


No disrespect to any of the people who served there, war is a bad thing, but that was what an old mate of mine told us about his experience as a young man.

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7 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Huh? The US won't stop threatening N. Korea?  :laugh:  The US has been and still is reactionary to N. Korea.    Except for Obama, who tried his best to ignore their nonsense (militarily) for 8 years.  And so here we are.  Maybe you've been in a cave for a while?


Weren't you a vocal proponent of Dr. Dao being chucked off the United Airlines aircraft by force?  Think of this in that context.  Kim Jong Un is the unruly, belligerent passenger.   You seem  willing to cut him all kinds of slack. 

How severely you misunderstand the situation. Everyone misunderstands, and that is entirely the problem.


I'll put it in as few words as possible: N. Korea is belligerent BECAUSE it feels threatened. They feel threatened because of the US and S. Korea's continual and provocative war games which give every indication of those countries' desire to wipe the North off the map. Stop threatening them and we won't hear a peep out of N. Korea. Why should they rage against friends?


You're still fretting about Dr Dao? The only comparison is the simplicity of both situations. Dr Dao's behaviour was simply selfish and socially inconsiderate. Kim simply wants to be left alone in his own country where his ruling class have got a good thing going.

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46 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

How severely you misunderstand the situation. Everyone misunderstands, and that is entirely the problem.


I'll put it in as few words as possible: N. Korea is belligerent BECAUSE it feels threatened. They feel threatened because of the US and S. Korea's continual and provocative war games which give every indication of those countries' desire to wipe the North off the map. Stop threatening them and we won't hear a peep out of N. Korea. Why should they rage against friends?


You're still fretting about Dr Dao? The only comparison is the simplicity of both situations. Dr Dao's behaviour was simply selfish and socially inconsiderate. Kim simply wants to be left alone in his own country where his ruling class have got a good thing going.

You are being intentionally obtuse in your characterizations. 


Nobody is threatening N. Korea.  Team Spirit is not a threat of invasion.  The carrier is being sent up there because...... of KJU's bullshit and like a child, he deflects, won't take responsibility and whines about everything else under the sun.


The NK leader is weak, insecure, immature, selfish and petty, which is why he must be so over-the-top brutal against his own people as perceived enemies of the state.  His state.  Not theirs.   It's also why he's desperate to preserve the notion of a massive, external enemy, in order to mislead and distract his people and, as you say, keep that good thing going. It's all about him.


The military are sycophants but I don't blame them as not being one is not good for one's health.  Same goes for the N. Korean people.  They are victims in this.  US had its role in setting this up in another era, no doubt about it.  But the continuing injustice is carried on and exacerbated first by Russia and now China.  The US has been in defensive/reactionary mode since the N. Korean invasion.


I would like nothing more than to see N. Korea conduct itself like a normal, sane country instead of these gross over reactions and threats of nuclear conflict and ultimately reunify like Germany.  If King Jong Un would one day decide to quit being such a douche bag, the US (and everyone else) would be thrilled, and we could all just go home.  It's really in his hands.  I was encouraged when Trump said once in his campaign nonsense, that sure, he'll talk to the guy (KJU).  Why not.  Dispense with protocol, politics and brinkmanship, and fly over there, meet face to face and cut through the BS.  OK Kim, dude, what's going on, what's the problem?  Hell, they would probably get on great. 


But as you say, that's not what KJU wants, and so he does what's necessary to keep things as they are.

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:

How severely you misunderstand the situation. Everyone misunderstands, and that is entirely the problem.


I'll put it in as few words as possible: N. Korea is belligerent BECAUSE it feels threatened. They feel threatened because of the US and S. Korea's continual and provocative war games which give every indication of those countries' desire to wipe the North off the map. Stop threatening them and we won't hear a peep out of N. Korea. Why should they rage against friends?


You're still fretting about Dr Dao? The only comparison is the simplicity of both situations. Dr Dao's behaviour was simply selfish and socially inconsiderate. Kim simply wants to be left alone in his own country where his ruling class have got a good thing going.

The solution to this escalation of mutual fear would be offering the ill Kim a secure place to live.

How nice it would be to work together, if only Russia would not cause similar ill Kim fears on it's European side.   

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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

The solution to this escalation of mutual fear would be offering the ill Kim a secure place to live.

How nice it would be to work together, if only Russia would not cause similar ill Kim fears on it's European side.   

You are delusional if he continues to exhibit brinkmanship he and any one of his ilk will be buried. 

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15 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Yes, that was used a while ago to kill people - once the population was 'kicked' into a state of fervour  about witches.


Similarly the catholic church killed 'heretics' a long time ago.


But we're talking about the present day - and it appears that its still easy to invoke the same emotions in people :sad:.


Not that I have any 'solutions', but its depressing when so many people start demanding war (even 'nukes!') as the 'right' response - rather than even trying to find a better solution.

Given that humans have been around so briefly on an evolutionary scale, we are barely out of the cave. It would be very surprising if mankind had evolved beyond the fight or flight reaction in such a short time. Give it a few million years and maybe we will have matured a bit.

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On 4/24/2017 at 7:52 AM, boomerangutang said:

                    Except it's the US in the water to begin with.  N.Korea's forces are land-based.  They won't be sending ships out to confront the US Navy, unless they (NK) have attack subs.


                 The Pentagon probably runs its war games contingent on N.Korea firing one, three or ten missiles at a target.  Do they plan for 100 or 200 missiles?  It's doubtful even the best defended carrier can handle over 50 missiles coming at it concurrently.  N.Koreans probably have other tricks up their sleeves.  Their military has been itching for a confrontation, for decades.  


                  Whatever happens, it bodes ill for N. and S. Koreans, but also doesn't have any upsides for US.  Even if the US succeeds in taking out Kim (which is a big if), there are 350 generals poised to take his place.  US aggression is just the excuse NK's need to levy mayhem and destruction to S.Korea - while attempting to hit targets in Japan and parts of US (Aleutian Islands, Kodiak, Alaska, for examples).   N. Korea is like 10,000 generals who are carpenters with hammers.  Each one is eagerly looking for nails to pound.   


                Currently, N.Korea's biggest offense is; its threats to develop nukes which, if successful, brings it up to a level with Pakistan, India, Israel and so on.  If Uncle Sam doesn't want nukes everywhere, He should set an example (along with others who have large nuke arsenals) and destroy his own.  


                  The US, under Trump, is like a fat bully at the schoolyard who made 1,000 giant firecrackers in his basement.  He tolerates his buddies building some firecrackers, but won't tolerate some of the other kids (the brats he hates, like Iran, N.Korea) making them.  As with everything else Trump says and does, it's ill-thought-out and two-faced.  Modern version of 'white man speaks with forked tongue.'



At present, North Korea has approx 70, ( very decrepit), but serviceable Attack Subs. They are a major threat, as everybody is looking at land based nuclear missile launches. Their  battery-powered, diesel-electric submarine subs are very difficult to detect underwater.

Edited by Inepto Cracy
word added.
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Wonder why the USA does not use it's secret weapon against the aggression of the Northern Korean leader? Yes, bring in Dennis Rodman, who is big buddies with little Kim. Send Dennis over to patch and make up and ease the tensions in the region.

Simple really.

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On 4/24/2017 at 7:52 AM, boomerangutang said:

                    Except it's the US in the water to begin with.  N.Korea's forces are land-based.  They won't be sending ships out to confront the US Navy, unless they (NK) have attack subs.


                 The Pentagon probably runs its war games contingent on N.Korea firing one, three or ten missiles at a target.  Do they plan for 100 or 200 missiles?  It's doubtful even the best defended carrier can handle over 50 missiles coming at it concurrently.  N.Koreans probably have other tricks up their sleeves.  Their military has been itching for a confrontation, for decades.  


                  Whatever happens, it bodes ill for N. and S. Koreans, but also doesn't have any upsides for US.  Even if the US succeeds in taking out Kim (which is a big if), there are 350 generals poised to take his place.  US aggression is just the excuse NK's need to levy mayhem and destruction to S.Korea - while attempting to hit targets in Japan and parts of US (Aleutian Islands, Kodiak, Alaska, for examples).   N. Korea is like 10,000 generals who are carpenters with hammers.  Each one is eagerly looking for nails to pound.   


                Currently, N.Korea's biggest offense is; its threats to develop nukes which, if successful, brings it up to a level with Pakistan, India, Israel and so on.  If Uncle Sam doesn't want nukes everywhere, He should set an example (along with others who have large nuke arsenals) and destroy his own.  


                  The US, under Trump, is like a fat bully at the schoolyard who made 1,000 giant firecrackers in his basement.  He tolerates his buddies building some firecrackers, but won't tolerate some of the other kids (the brats he hates, like Iran, N.Korea) making them.  As with everything else Trump says and does, it's ill-thought-out and two-faced.  Modern version of 'white man speaks with forked tongue.'




Their (North Korea's) military has been itching for a confrontation, for decades.


Possibly, but despite the rhetoric, Kim Jong-un knows it would be suicide to tangle with the US, which tends to behave like a hammer waiting for another nail to hit.


Though CNN and Fox News might have us believe otherwise, relations between the two nations since the cessation of hostilities in July 1953 have been characterised not by North Korean aggression but rather by US bullying and intimidation and (the last time around under the Presidency of George Bush Jr) the rejection of any initiatives to bury the hatchet.


If anyone appears to be courting confrontation right now it is Washington - again. In the turbulent aftermath of the Korean War, a highly-respected US Senator was openly urging America to "nuke China" before the Asian giant acquired a nuclear capability. The administration demurred and Communist regime went on to acquire not just a nuclear capability but eventually the lion's share of its capitalist rival's vast consumer market.


One suspects the new wet-behind-the-ears (and somewhat damp between them, too) new US President is being urged by Pentagon hawks against making a similar "mistake" in his dealings with North Korea. Predictably, he ramps up the nasty rhetoric and predictably feigns surprise and indignation when puny Pyongyang dutifully huffs and puffs back.


You can't really blame the young North Korean dictator for insisting on keeping his nuclear deterrent - or threatening to use it against any aggressor. He probably hasn't forgotten what happened to Libya's Colonel Muammar Ghaddafi after he bowed to Western pressure to trash his WMD's and nuclear aspirations.


Bowing out in a blaze of ignominy with a bayonet up the backside is not exactly how Kim Jong-un would wish to be remembered.


Edited by Krataiboy
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