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Father kills 9 year old son when wife wouldn't return


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4 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Maybe they should raise the legal drinking age of Thai males to 40....

and not sell it within 1800 meters 


8 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

How can these people claim to love their kids?

they don't... so easy for them to walk out.  

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Police constable Manop Wongnaree who was first on the scene yesterday found the shooter trying to stab himself in the chest with a fruit paring knife outside the front of the house.


Why ? Sounds like a half assed suicide attempt to me, if he really wanted to die surely he would have just shot himself in the head with the same gun he used on his kid. Maybe he ran out of ammo ?


This guy is a prick anyway.

Edited by ukrules
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3 minutes ago, Nowisee said:

and not sell it within 1800 meters 


they don't... so easy for them to walk out.  

I would agree,but they make a great show of wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth when there may be a few quid in it for them. This proves the mentality of the race. How/what can possess a man to shoot his 9 year old son?

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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

 "A 36 year old man stressed out because his wife would not return to him took out his anger on his nine year old son...There was also a half empty bottle of "lao khao"


My first reaction was "Another example of Thai logic", Until alcohol, a legal and easily obtainable substance, entered into the equation. 


Alcohol abuse over a long period of time reduces logical thinking to the point of ones actions making no sense to the average non addicted person. This is a universal phenomena. Add to that the inflated sense of male ego in this society and you have a double bomb ready to go off at the slightest provocation. 


One needs to take into consideration that the younger generation learns from its elders. When the elders act in this type of irresponsible behavior which appears to be accepted, the younger generation follows suit.

Good point but how is logical thinking reduced when it doesn't exist in the first place?

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21 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I would agree,but they make a great show of wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth when there may be a few quid in it for them. This proves the mentality of the race. How/what can possess a man to shoot his 9 year old son?


They are in fact particularly greedy.

Obviously some forms of mental illness, alcoholism, possibly cultural norms based on "saving face"... the list is long unfortunately.  
He shot his son in the head because he was unable to rationally process his thoughts and they manifested into anger he could not control.

It's not uncommon for a "homie" to snap and shoot someone because he perceived that person disrespected him. 
ISIS nut jobs will blow themselves up, killing as many innocent people as they can.  

Irrational thinking.

This is the world we live in.

Edited by Nowisee
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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

 "A 36 year old man stressed out because his wife would not return to him took out his anger on his nine year old son...There was also a half empty bottle of "lao khao"


My first reaction was "Another example of Thai logic", Until alcohol, a legal and easily obtainable substance, entered into the equation. 


Alcohol abuse over a long period of time reduces logical thinking to the point of ones actions making no sense to the average non addicted person. This is a universal phenomena. Add to that the inflated sense of male ego in this society and you have a double bomb ready to go off at the slightest provocation. 


One needs to take into consideration that the younger generation learns from its elders. When the elders act in this type of irresponsible behavior which appears to be accepted, the younger generation follows suit.

Um, I am pretty sure that not everyone who has a drink shoots kids, myself included.

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6 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"Police constable Manop Wongnaree who was first on the scene yesterday found the shooter trying to stab himself in the chest with a fruit paring knife outside the front of the house."


Should have left him to it, the horrible self-centered piece of scum.

RIP little fella.

Should have shot him dead and said he lunged with the knife. 

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7 minutes ago, Nowisee said:


They are in fact particularly greedy.

Obviously some forms of mental illness, alcoholism, possibly cultural norms based on "saving face"... the list is long unfortunately.  
He shot his son in the head because he was unable to rationally process his thoughts and they manifested into anger he could not control.

It's not uncommon for a "homie" to snap and shoot someone because he perceived that person disrespected him. 
ISIS nut jobs will blow themselves up, killing as many innocent people as they can.  

Irrational thinking.

This is the world we live in.

I agree,but we seem to be living in this world, nearly every day.

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3 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

I believe the point was to inflict pain on the EX WIFE..taking her son away......selfish thais..:wai:

Equally selfish of the mother to just walk away from an unhinged drunk without thinking to take her son with her...

If she had any kind of motherly instincts, you'd have expected her to pack her childs things and get out of there to keep both of them safe...

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@Mook23 and what is a 'keyboard hero'? Don't bother I can guess. I notice that you refrain from giving any opinion or sympathy for the the 9 year old...perhaps that makes you a 'keyboard coward' then.

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Demon rum destroys yet another family.


Other than fictional characters in "Reefer Madness", I've never heard of a pothead going off on a family member, even after toking his brains out.


Time to legalize it as an alternative to a much more dangerous mind altering (soul crushing) substance.  BTW, I neither drink, nor toke- in case anyone's wanting to respond in that vein.

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As a family man and have been 'stressed out' once or twice (my first wife didn't return either) but I didn't drink alcohol and didn't take it out on my kids either...as I'm sure many here have similar experiences. R.I.P child. Put the father in prison for life.

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Shot his own son in the head with a shotgun !, then half heartedly tries to kill himself with a fruit knife,

a real coward, would have been better to use the shell on himself,but seems he didn't have the balls for that.

RIP the young lad

regards worgeordie

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4 hours ago, starky said:

Why didn't he just shoot himself? What a gutless dog.

Only had one cartridge or arms not long enough to hold the shot gun...

RIP kid I hope that Karma deal works out for you.

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RIP to such a young life destroyed. As far as critisizing the police. Another fact many cops get killed in such domestic situations and have to obey standard ethic rules which can lead to extreme danger to their own lives. in most western countries.  So I applaud the Thai police in such a dangerous situation.

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1 hour ago, lvr181 said:

And your rational thought about this person is....?

Im not a judge so thats irrelevant. I dont fabricate nor solve theoretical situations in real life let alone on some www forum... :coffee1:

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

No matter how distressed/angry he was taking it out on his son is beyond belief.

First policeman on the scene kicked the knife away WHY???


It was only when the Policeman went into the house, that he found the dead Son, which was after he had kicked the knife away

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6 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

Im not a judge so thats irrelevant. I dont fabricate nor solve theoretical situations in real life let alone on some www forum... :coffee1:

You quoting Prof. S. Hawking would suggest otherwise

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34 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

You quoting Prof. S. Hawking would suggest otherwise

I dont do in "suggesting" either... and real life (as per my post) limits itself to earth. The day i read this petty forum from within a black hole ill let u know...

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3 hours ago, impulse said:

Demon rum destroys yet another family.


Other than fictional characters in "Reefer Madness", I've never heard of a pothead going off on a family member, even after toking his brains out.


Time to legalize it as an alternative to a much more dangerous mind altering (soul crushing) substance.  BTW, I neither drink, nor toke- in case anyone's wanting to respond in that vein.

I would like it if they made pot legal.. however it would kill my diet.. I am a non violent person.. but after some pot.. i can't help myself and would assault a pizza or a snickers bar... I admit it i turn horribly violent after some pot. 

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8 hours ago, Mook23 said:

Ah, behold the totally irrational and pointless reply from a keyboard hero. So glad we have nothing in common...


I am so glad too.


A pity that you could not be bothered enough about the pointless murder of an innocent child to answer a simple question though.

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11 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"Police constable Manop Wongnaree who was first on the scene yesterday found the shooter trying to stab himself in the chest with a fruit paring knife outside the front of the house."


Should have left him to it, the horrible self-centered piece of scum.

RIP little fella.


RIP Son.........???

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This is a story of another loser, who uses the excuse of stress to justify why he killed his son.

I hope this loser spends the rest of his life in jail for this crime.

I just read of a Thai man hanging his 11 month old child and filming it on facebook as he done this

horrible crime, what a sick world we are living in.



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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

A pity that you could not be bothered enough about the pointless murder of an innocent child to answer a simple question though.

Actually, I think his point was the extrapolation of criticism so readily to the general [all Thais] rather than the specific horrors committed by a deranged, criminal father.


If you scan back to the first page, posters are just piling in with negative generalised comments re thais people, not this pathetic father and poor son. 


It an opportunity for many to vent personal views re thais, generally. And that is cheap/


RIP Anurak

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How very superior we all are.


I particularly like the assumption he did it because he was thai.


People are broken everywhere, but if you really need an incident like this to feel better about yourselves, none of you are much better.



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