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Midweek Rant: Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

With so few Thais on a forum like Thaivisa or commenting on the popular expat social media groups there are hardly any to speak up for them as the pack descends. And of course is people defend them, they are condemned as “apologists”.

No, the apologists are those who defend everything, no matter how despicable, with lines like ''this happens everywhere'' or ''if you don't like it leave'' or ''we are guests here''.


You know, those who so desperately want to be accepted they will ignore right from wrong and defend anything.

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"Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize"


I fail to see the comparison between criminal activity and stating an, admittedly on occasion bigoted, opinion. 

Whereas this article does have a point to make, it misses the mark by a country mile.

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5 hours ago, NCFC said:

Who wrote the OP?

I was wandering whether it might have been one of our resident "if it is the Thai way it must be the best way" enthusiasts - you know there are several who comment here, but then I realised it didn't end with "if you don't like it here  why don't you go back to..."

Edited by JAG
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4 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

I'm not sure what gangs of Thai men beating up one man has to do with Ladyboys and gays?

First of all men ganging up on one person is of course a cowardly act. This happens all over the world. Even in my little home town in Yorkshire. These days after a one on one fight, revenge is for the loser of the fight to ambush his rival with his friends and beat him to a pulp. This is not only a male idea many female gangs do the same as well.

Secondly, ladyboys, I work with a transgender women at my office. She works at reception. No different from anyone else. My local pharmacy has a ladyboy working there, again so what, doesn't make me think anything strange. I suppose at first I was curious but that passes quite quickly. The same with gays, so your gay, and....?

Thirdly, yes I'm married to a Thai women and mostly just chat with her and her family. I rarely chat with other Thai men. I have tried to socialise but it is always alcohol associated. At work the Thai women and men most talk together and not much with the farang. When I've spent time in up country I have had friendships with Thai men without just drinking, but then it's helping them with something, car engines, farming, building, diy, etc...

So lastly, I guess that when I read an article about a group of Thai men beating up one individual, I reply at first with my opinion. But I can get pursuaded to post negative comments when others do too. A peer pressure thing or all farangs together, wanting to be part of a group.

Living in Los has made me weak and selfish. If I see homeless children begging or an accident with someone suffering, etc... I have less empathy and would rarely help out after years living here. But is that city life everywhere. Living in the big city might have something more to do with this than saying that I'm becoming more Thai.

So to end, I think the changes that have happened to us whilst living in Los can make us blame Thailand for the negative changes. But it's not Thailand that has made us negative, it's living the life unchecked that has. Maybe we should all visit a therapist once a week. We all need to talk through to check we are living a healthy, happy life. Big cities, less friends, alcohol, lack of exercise, lonelyness, over worked, under worked, all effect how we view people in our society.

Your last paragraph says it all...Could not have said it any better...Thanks.

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The column was written for the sole purpose of getting reaction and encouraging discussion.

While the author has some valid points- we all have the right to freedom of expression within the limits of the forum. The truth is that the forum represents society  with all its good points, bad points; likes and dislikes and even its prejudices. There are a multitude of different nationalities represented and there is even misinformation about nationality stereotypes. 

There are some interesting discussions and things that can be learned that we may not have known. I find many of the experiences posted quite enlightening and sometimes even irritating but live and let live.

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oh boy is this an easy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if they rant about the nonsense....


that's what I think.... and I will leave it at this, once and for all:

1. the language is phonetic and shows no signs of evolving as a language of literacy such as English which doesn't spell out it's vowels precisely for a reason (duh) and puts spaces between words so you don't even have to come close to memorizing or copying the exact spelling... just pick it up as thoughts and feelings as expressed... and fast. even more important... in 2017... than in the 1900's etc....

2. reading is something Thai piss on and most of the farlang that are here either can't see the forest... or are.. as this web rant topic suggests... the same as the Thai as to literacy.... but I'll admit no different from Trumpie's TV show base.... and Donald J. Trump... Mr. TV and Twitter watcher.... himself. yeah okay. and if he wasn't such a narcissist and super rich.... he'd just be another dead drunk.

3. "education reform" is misdirection. if it doesn't begin with decentralization.... then.... there is no example in SE Asia where 1. or 2. have ever been changed.


everything else is nonsense on top on nonsense.... whether it is from one group or the other.


huh. I will promise myself to end with a cool post count. #700.


and that is... while "free" websites.... and posts... still... but just barely.... make any sense... or are at all safe....  to spend any time with or at, at all.



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Then there are gays.
A recent very happy story about a gay wedding in Thailand between a Brit and his male spouse also featured a swathe of homophobic comments – once again here were the self-proclaimed “full blooded males”, as they probably see themselves, ganging up ten on one at least.
Sure, some used the story to bang on about dowries but many used it for veiled if not direct homophobia. And before they deny it saying it was just a “bit of banter”, that is not the way some gays who commented on Thaivisa saw that reaction.

A swathe of homophobic comments? Not what I read. The majority were very understanding and courteous. In fact I was surprised by how popular the thread was. Thai visa has very understanding members when it comes to sexuality. Quite refreshing when compared to some red neck forums for Thai expats.
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Let's face it. One of the favorite pastimes of the overly sensitive is humiliating themselves. Get in a disagreement over some insignificant little thing blow it all out of proportion, perceive it as a slight and run off to silk, licking imaginary wounds.

The playing field is as level as it is ever going to be.... some possess rapier like wit, others, a brooding angst. At some point in our lives we learn to live with our shortcomings and engage in endeavors where we are more adept. Perhaps we learn to adapt and bend in the wind; perhaps we learn to accept that tilting at windmills is an exercise in futility, even if we do enjoy it. 

Some learn to use their weakness as an excuse to garner attention and an unfair advantage; "oh the poor sensitive soul, be easy on him." these folks, may have their own self-pity eventually exposed for what it is. Professional victims. They then try to cover it up claiming "it was only make believe."


We all play games on the interwebs and in real life. This is all word salad to some. At the end of the day it is about netiquette. Keyboard warriors and there are many, at the end of the day, what is the end result? Stay away from them, is it better to get the last word in when you are talking to a clown or a drunk or someone who would not dare to say to your face irl what they type on a forum? Behind the keyboard the anonymity is the lure to vent, rant say whatever.

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5 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

hey, i don't like the fact that the OP has tarred us Keyboard Warriors with the same brush!! :laugh:


Yes, lets start getting stuck into the OP's so our faces are saved. Like we really care!

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Let's see the naysayers do a better job. I enjoyed it. If you can't put your fingers on your keyboard with a like enlightened response don't bother.


There are stacks of takedowns and comments on the news team here, has it occurred to anyone that what is one person's trash is another's laff of the day? Carry on, it's about differences and diversity.


We all don't enjoy doom and gloom and the world is going to end type stuff, quirky news and articles are fun. To me anyway.

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This post is half half. true for half of the TVF members and there are the other half that has good opinions and information to share. While Bashing these guys, there should also be a post or comments appreciating the good ones.


Anyways whichever way our comments or views are, we all contribute to a good and robust forum on the expat community in Thailand. 


It is much better to using real force or violence, if we can just discuss and duke it out here in words.

Even if some of the comments can be opinionated against LGBT,  other members who are more tolerant towards others sexuality or beliefs can help those opinionated by discussion and comments.


I like to remind the OP that there are many with the help of some certain social media platforms, some recent criminal cases in Thailand which would have been swept under the rugs have been brought to light.

With the help of these online platforms and the opinions of these "keyboard warriors" and Thai online population, it has force the RTP to act on these cases and provide justice for the victims

I will cite the example of the 14yr old girl who was led by 1woman and ladyboy to be gang raped in an internet cafe and then later prostituted to a pooyai in Suphan Buri.

Without the help of social media providing overwhelming evidence and pressure, this case would never be known and becos of the reactions of the Thai public, the RTP had to be force to go after those involved.


So I believe the online Mob Mentality or Keyboard warrior culture if channel and use correctly can be advantageous and good for the right causes. Of cos it can go the other way, and all it takes is more patience from those who know better to talk it out in words rather than physically in fist.

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8 hours ago, starky said:

Ooooo (he says gleefully rubbing hands together) grab some popcorn this should be good. Is it still considered trolling if posted by the forum?

Spot on Starky,anybody else it would be labelled a troll post,but this would come under"editorial opinion".

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Are you sure i always was taught that people from the UK were true gentleman.. one on one ...and marquis de queens-berry rules. 


Though I have also heard that the Brits were the worst hooligans on the planet.. so should I say all Brits are.... kinda like all Thai males are...


Dutch smoke a lot of pot.. so all Dutch are potheads (i have smoked it).. its so easy to label people..


Americans have so many gun murders and guns that its easy to all label them



Its just so easy to bash Thais based on news articles because all the negative things come out, combine that with our resentment of immigration rules and cultural shock.. and maybe not happy in other ways.. and bashing Thais is an easy thing to do.. 


I just wonder if people are so unhappy why they don't leave. 

The are stuck here.Sold up everything to go live the dream.Now they are assett rich but cash poor due to exchange rate. Can't sell the house/condo for what they paid for it and council flat is all that awaits them back home.Cant eat Tbai food so food is expensive.Depressed so self medication with excess beer drinking which makes the situation worse.Spouse not exactly as she seemed in the dating years.

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It's a good one, I've done a few comments like these and there was no issue with it, it's all in the wording and terminology.


On the flipside, I got up 5am my time ( I'm an hour ahead of Thailand) and lo and behold there is news on here from the news team. Which is pretty good for you guys in Thailand. Don't know, if you don't like, don't click, easy.

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There was some fat fool somewhere else trolling saying it was clickbait I don't agree. ( 5am here because I was in the airport)


It's nice to have news content and articles and folks who take the time and effort to do it, kudos.

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8 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

The are stuck here.Sold up everything to go live the dream.Now they are assett rich but cash poor due to exchange rate. Can't sell the house/condo for what they paid for it and council flat is all that awaits them back home.Cant eat Tbai food so food is expensive.Depressed so self medication with excess beer drinking which makes the situation worse.Spouse not exactly as she seemed in the dating years.

Actually given the exchange rate's those with property could sell cheaper as they paid for it and still come out well. Anyway just an observation.

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There isn't much to say about the OP (which sounds suspiciously like one or two posters [I call them 'keyboard cowards']) . The OP has an opinion and as far as I'm concerned, as was said long before my time, I disagree with the OP but defend the OP's right to say it. Free speech goes both ways but I feel the OP wrote without wisdom and gave me the impression that he/she would like to see forums like this shut down. Okay, Sir OP you've had your say, no hard feelings but it's time get on with other business now.

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OP, you either want a chat forum or you don't. If we all sat here like a classroom full of kids frightened of the teacher then what would happen. Folk who join forums are not vetted to see if they are crackers, permanent chip on there shoulder or even if they are liars.. In most cases your "warriors" are sussed and l reckon feel a bit daft after replies.


Keyboard forums are just banter places, take it or leave it. I personally enjoy reading some daft stuff from folk, makes the reading more interesting, the only thing l don't like is posters telling blatant lies about another, and yes we have had those here, thankfully they have been dispatched, odd balls....Sorry, what was the topic again.........:laugh:

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Keyboard warriors are actually addicts. Drugs, alcohol and sex release quantities of a chemical called dopamine in the brain, creating a feeling of intense pleasure. Interaction on social media produces an identical release of dopamine. The repetitive posters are the ones seeking a bigger or more extended hit.

Bugger, my post count is too low.

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1 minute ago, bazza73 said:

Keyboard warriors are actually addicts. Drugs, alcohol and sex release quantities of a chemical called dopamine in the brain, creating a feeling of intense pleasure. Interaction on social media produces an identical release of dopamine. The repetitive posters are the ones seeking a bigger or more extended hit.

Bugger, my post count is too low.

But I don't have any of those..Drat.....But I do like a beer, will that count....:giggle:

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