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Hi, and Merry Christmas everyone.

I am back in the States, telecommuting for a US company. Hope to return to Thailand early 2007. Just past the 50 mark, so any suggestions for what kind of visa I should go for? Or any complications with taxes on my foreign salary?

Thanks kindly for any advice.


Not sure what you are asking but unless your employer has a Thai office do not believe you will have any foreign income - anything you make would be US and you would pay US tax. You would also be working illegally in Thailand if caught.


Apply for a retirement visa.

You will pay US taxes on your salary.

Just keep you head down and do not talk about what you do. "Oh, I am retired!"

  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, and Merry Christmas everyone.

I am back in the States, telecommuting for a US company. Hope to return to Thailand early 2007. Just past the 50 mark, so any suggestions for what kind of visa I should go for? Or any complications with taxes on my foreign salary?

Thanks kindly for any advice.

You state in the heading, you are a writer for a US company. If this is the case you can get a long term visa and work permit as a journalist without your company needing a office here in Thailand.


You state in the heading, you are a writer for a US company. If this is the case you can get a long term visa and work permit as a journalist without your company needing a office here in Thailand.


Interesting, what are the required documents and criteria that need to be shown for the employer of the journalist and the journalist?

Is there a minimum size of the business, turnover, does it matter in what jurisdiction the company is incorporated, any licenses that the journalist would need to have and produce, any tax records or payslips?

Interesting, what are the required documents and criteria that need to be shown for the employer of the journalist and the journalist?

s there a minimum size of the business, turnover, does it matter in what jurisdiction the company is incorporated, any licenses that the journalist would need to have and produce, any tax records or payslips?

To work legally as a journalist in Thailand you need:

- A Press Card

- A Visa

- A Work Permit

In Thailand, the process starts at the Foreign Ministry Press Division, then moves to the Public Relations Department's Foreign Office, and lastly to the One-Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit. Detailed information is available on the web site of the Public Relations Department:

Guide to PRD Press Card*


Application Form for Press Card*


(Click on "Application Form for Press Card" to download)

Guide to Letters of Acknowledgement**


Registration Form for Foreign Media**


Guide to Visa***


Guide to Work Permit***


Guide to Press Directory by Country **




Joseph Heller is alive and well in Thailand!

According to Sunbelt's Links, in order to get a Press Card you need to show a copy of Work Permit.

And in oder to get a Work Permit, you need to show a copy of

A press Card!


Joseph Heller is alive and well in Thailand!

According to Sunbelt's Links, in order to get a Press Card you need to show a copy of Work Permit.

And in oder to get a Work Permit, you need to show a copy of

A press Card!



You in fact just write a letter that you don't have a work permit yet and will apply when you get the press card.



Do you have to be paying Thai taxes and min wage to get the WP ??

As you wouldn't necessarily be a Thai resident for tax purposes..

Just thinking about the source of income and tax restrictions.


If you are in Thailand for more than 180 days in a year you are considered a resident for tax purposes. In this case you would need to may tax on money you bring into Thailand.


Thats how I would think..

But we have other posters, who are us based, and telecommuting, who feel that as they are American and forced to keep paying thier taxes there, that they dont need to pay any here.

Telecommuting does confuse the source of income / place of work issue slightly..

Joseph Heller is alive and well in Thailand!

According to Sunbelt's Links, in order to get a Press Card you need to show a copy of Work Permit.

And in oder to get a Work Permit, you need to show a copy of

A press Card!


This works reasonably well actually. There is a procedure. You should become a member of the FCCT (Foreign Correspondent's Club) too. Their annual Guide explains the procedure - you don't need any legal help - just do it yourself. The first hing is a letter in triplicate from your employer to the various Thai Government agencies. It's quite straightforward, though a bit bureaucratic. I reckon the bogus correspondents/journalists are on the next 'crack-down' list. Others have wondered the same. Look at the FCCT guide for a hint. Be aware that you must show income tax paid in Thailand each year for a renewal of your visa/work permit and to show proof of publication of a few articles by your sponsoring publication.

You could also try the Retirement Visa route - but you'd be lying. So I wouldn't recommend that. Honesty is the best policy - ironically even here. Good luck.


Thanks so much, Members for the info.

I should have noted that I am not working as a journalist. None of my work is Thai related, nor will I do any "work" in Thailand; it's all US-focused re

search and published in the US. The co sends me the info, I jabber away at my keyboard and email them the assignment. Paid into my home-based account.


But the location that you 'jabber away at a keyboard' is in Thailand..

To me that means your working here despite what others keep saying.. I still think your then due to pay Thai income taxes and have a WP etc. This would be doubly true if here more than 180 days per year.

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