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Still with Si net got them till I get their replacement and YES they are on / off.

A new Thai resident in my condo came round and asked about my connection and could I give him a demonstration of the Down/Up speed.

Did so about 85 down and 35 up, I pay for 100 Down and 30 up B1264/month

Is it some sort of joke.

Where is their great defender ?

On leave or job upgrade ?

Now back on my trusty Thunb Drive.

Why do I bother.





Just gone 1 in the morning and back on line.

No SMS on my phone about 'Outage' in BKK.

Good WHEN it works, but I do not need the hassle.




You do realise that you are probably not getting Fibre Optical to you Condo Room

It is most likely Fibre to there Distribution Point

It all depends on where you are checking

The traffic at the time

You will probably get similar with others

If you are using a thumb drive

You will know that you are not getting much speed

It will always be a hit and miss

Also how old is you Computer equipment

I have just had my computer components put in a new Case

My Lan stopped working

Now have a new Lan card

Plus new SSD   Drive

It Rocks

Always too many variables these days

Keep us informed on who you next Provider is going

After a while what there Speeds are like



Thank you Lizard for a polite sensible post.

I post a photo of my 'Router' and the white cable on left is the input for my Fibre connection. I have traced this cable back as far as I can until I lose it at a Condo vertical shaft.

I have no reason to doubt that this is a true Fibre cable and when first installed the Si Net 'engineers' obtained a speed of high 90's download and strangely above the promised 30 upload say 97 by 34, a fair, honest guess from memory.

I would be happy with those figures anytime and when I have check in the past similar numbers have been obtained. Never 100 down and always slightly above the promised 30 upload. Very Good.

My complaint is 3 times no internet connection. Twice Si Net have acknowledged via SMS, in 2 cases over a couple of weeks apart, a problem in Bangkok was stated as the source and last time nothing.

Their local office have told me their Call Centre on 1147 is a waste of time as it's always occupied as I found out. They recommended their Call centre in KSK and a polite young lady informed me on the BKK down on one occasion. A Call in early hrs on last problem was not practical.

Previously I have had CAT and 3 BB before them. Both these systems slowed over time, say  a year and when I called and complained about 'Poor Connection' on at least one occasion a girl said Yes I can see the problem and rectified the connection on the spot.

When I pay B1,284/month I expect a Good connection at all times. I got rid of CAT for that and 3 BB although not as pricey or fast, went the same way for similar reason.

 My Mac is about 5 years old but I upgraded it to SSD a year ago, like a new machine, no problems there.

AIS is looking good. Cheaper for similar if not higher speed, plus my friend who had CAT, it also slowed and he replaced it. The CAT engineer who removed his CAT equipment, chatted with him and said he personally, had just installed AIS Fiber as he considered it the best.

I will visit AIS Office on Friday when I have free time, until then I will obtain a Wi Fi Card from my condo office. Another long tale, but as with my 'True' 4G Thumb Drive their Wi Fi works not the fastest but WORKS.



When I want a Connection I  WANT not an engineering exercise and I am prepared to pay cash.



Errrm that white cable is a normal Cat5/6 LAN cable, if you have fibre optic this cable should connect to a separate fibre optic box next to your router and not disappear down a vertical shaft. Depending on the length of this cable and how it was installed there could be variable issues between your router and the fibre optic box.


As suggested before the fibre optic could be reaching your condo building but the last " leg " would be the run from the fibre optic box to your room via this white cable, until you physically see the white cable plugged into a fibre optic box, it would be difficult to say whether you have fibre optic or not.


Ideally the fibre cable should run to your room and the fibre box sit next to your router with only a short length of cable to the router.

2 hours ago, MookyG said:

Errrm that white cable is a normal Cat5/6 LAN cable, if you have fibre optic this cable should connect to a separate fibre optic box next to your router and not disappear down a vertical shaft. Depending on the length of this cable and how it was installed there could be variable issues between your router and the fibre optic box.


As suggested before the fibre optic could be reaching your condo building but the last " leg " would be the run from the fibre optic box to your room via this white cable, until you physically see the white cable plugged into a fibre optic box, it would be difficult to say whether you have fibre optic or not.


Ideally the fibre cable should run to your room and the fibre box sit next to your router with only a short length of cable to the router.

Good observation

I have not seen the Fibre connections 

I should have looked at my sons connection when i was last in OZ



Well I can testify to 95 Download and 34 Upload so as of now I do not know if it's Fiber.

But it's going, No more payment of B1284/month, the speeds I have no problem with but it's the going OFF and leaving me with nothing, bye bye.



Thanks for the adult comments, makes a change on Thai Visa.




Went to AIS Office next to Eat on Earth, just up the road from Sausage King.

Typical Thai reception friendly, polite but not used to dealing with Frangs.

They located my Condo on Google Earth in a couple of mins and I could see a nearby Condo had their service.

They phoned a Senior person who asked what floor are you on ? 8th floor, sorry the installation company will not go above floor 3.

My Condo office is closed today so I will have to wait to buy a Condo Wi Fi Connect card.




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