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New York protesters greet Trump on first visit home


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9 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Anti-Trump folks are just angry because they now realize he is a formidable deal maker and they are going to be thrown off the dole and have to go get jobs. 




You have a fantastic sense of humor!!! Either that or an abysmal grasp of what a "deal maker" actually does. In case it's the latter, let me help you out a little...




In case you miss the point, the obese orange flop-waffle has NEVER...allow me to repeat...NEVER succeeded at making a deal of any kind that didn't involve his cheating workers/contractors, declaring bankruptcy, or stiffing investors. To date, he has failed at his Muslim ban (twice), failed at health care (and getting a s**tty bill passed through the House doesn't count as a "win". It has to make it through the Senate, also, which is highly unlikely), failed at fulfilling ANY of his campaign promises (in case you hadn't noticed, Hillary isn't locked up, ISIS wasn't defeated in his first 30 days, hasn't repealed Obamacare...and managed to break 64 promises his first month in office (https://thinkprogress.org/trump-broke-64-promises-in-his-first-month-in-office-5470f2c337e1). You sycophants really do need to take your heads out of the glue bag.

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                              In the list of FAILS for Trump, there are several omissions.  It's understandable considering what a world class shyster he is.   His U failed, as proved by the $25 million pay-out he payed when proved guilty of fraud.   The 2nd biggest failure is his administration.   The biggest failure will be the American people - both those who voted for him and those who didn't.  Include are legal migrants, those dropped from health insurance, those who die/get sicker from not being able to afford Trumpcare.  


                               The all-around biggest loser will be the environment.  The best case scenario, under Trump, will be destroyed natural ecosystems, including coastal areas (from oil spills, etc).   The worst will be nuclear war, which we seem to be edging toward.  I say 'we' in the sense of not just Americans, but most living things ww will be adversely affected by N war.  


                                  Similar for runaway global warming.   I'm not blaming Trump for GW, but he won't slow down its progression.  For personal use, he probably burns more fossil fuels than the entire populations of Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan and Eritrea combined.

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"I know all about debt."

"I love debt."

"I'm the greatest with debt."


                                     .....all quotes from guess-who.   The same dufus who is a big influence on his son-in-law who, we're hearing, has debt of over 1 billion $$s,   1 billion is a thousand million, or a thousand thousand thousand dollars.   It's like they're in a contest to see who can borrow the most money.   Trump may be losing, because US banks won't loan to him.  That's why Trump goes over to the Chinese and his Russian buddies for ever-more loans. Will Kushner follow his father-in-law's lead, and renege on paying back?   How long until US banks won't loan to Kushner?


                            I have several sons and daughters-in-law whom I influenced while they were growing up.   One of the basic tenets I endeavored to instill in them is:  Don't borrow money.   I realize it's an archaic way of thinking, and also naive and probably stupid.  But I think it's important.   A big reason why the US is in such financial dire straits is because of its addiction to debt.   Trump only exacerbates that sick mental fixation. 


                The US needs a leader who, among other things, can stand up and say (to Americans) with a straight face:  "Don't borrow so much.   Pay as you go.   You'll have a better life by doing that."



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18 hours ago, rgraham said:

Shameful behavior by an immature group of neer do wells. 

PRO Trump AND ANTI Trump protesters were there..so WHOM are you blaming???


People expressing their rights and freedoms.....cant have it both ways..pick ONE.


Or maybe just scan the headline and make assumptions as most Trumpeteers DONT read..


Weak minds are easily influenced......still waiting for responses with facts from Trumpers...:coffee1:

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Thanks to all who protest Don the Con. He ought to be removed from office which he is drastically unsuited for. He definitely has mental illness along with his general ignorance of all significant issues.

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12 hours ago, sirineou said:

President Carter after being elected returned  home to Plains Georgia where he walked down Main Street  for two hours,  snaking hands and being  congratulated. 

I like to see Trump walk down Broadway and meet some of his home town folks .I don't think it will turn out too well for him. 

But I still would like him to do it, :wink:

Yea and because he's such a "bad ass" maybe he can show us how he can punch a guy in the face b/c he's been taunted by a New York resident. lol Oh but I forgot.... he's a draft dodger and fights by crying "I'll see you in court." boo hoo Donnie. 

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On 5/5/2017 at 8:07 AM, tomwct said:

Yes, the paid "THUGS" by Soros and the DNC will always be at all Trump's appearances. Nothing new since his wonderful election.

In the end though, Trump's supporters will be there ten-fold to greet him. Thank God he was elected.

You should have included the punch line "only pulling your leg" We almost believe you. 

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On 5/5/2017 at 8:42 AM, boomerangutang said:

Speaking of Soros,  it was recently reported that Kushner is in debt over a billion dollars, and much of that is owed to Soros.   Hmmmmm, the plot thickens.




'in the end' ....you mean when Trump is frog marched to a prison cell, when he can no longer shyster his way out of facing criminal charges.




What God is that?   Perhaps it's the God who sits on a gold-tinged cloud marked with the Trump logo, who smiles through gold-capped teeth at all the fellow billionaires he's sheltering from paying taxes.  When that God takes a pee, it all trickles down in a golden shower to the thankful minions below.

You honestly made my day brilliant. 

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