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Attacked On The Street By Farang


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well mate,

i see it this way.

you never get physical with a person unless you know you are good enough to finish the job.

if you cant finish the job chances are you could end up in hospital or worse. :D

i hate drunks and you let this flogger off easy.

should of give him a flogging so he would learn some manners and think twice before attacking people.

well done and your a legend mate. :o

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :D

Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

This all seems a bit strange to me, you had a row with someone, a few blows were exchanged, just leave it at that, I don't know why you are making a song and dance about it. Next time you see the guy in the street just avoid him.........thats if he exsisted in the first place!! haha

Hes a troll :o

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

No , you were acting purely on instinct.I think it is beautiful.

If one subscribes to the fundamental laws of nature, as I do, then you'll realise that it is more natuial to fight,<deleted> and feast than it is to do most of the things we as humans in this day and age have become accustomed to doing and accepting as normal behaviour.

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he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us.

"A few feet" is about three feet away. That's a rather long distance for a seated person to kick another standing person in the balls.

So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american
You insulted him by saying he had a pussy haircut and looked like George Bush. That's enough for any man, particularly an American, to really get angry.
I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position.

You then told him that you wouldn't be repaying that five thousand baht loan he made to you.

I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow.
You had been eating mountains of garlic, hadn't cleaned your teeth for seven months and had a strong tobacco breath anyway. Any type of blow from your mouth would have knocked out a water buffalo.
I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

Yes you were wrong. You didn't pay your bin for the two beers you had consumed whilst insulting your "friend".

I hope that you at least wished him "Merry Christmas" before you blew him. :o

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were the words Chang and 7/11 involved in the scenario?


Neither, next question

Where was this?


Sukhumvit Road after hours? Or all them bars gone now?

Pity you threw your drink at him, what a waste. :D

Yeah, they're opened shortened hours. He got the dregs of that tasty Cooper's Ale

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Your statement is really shocking too me:

I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?


I have wandered through over 100 countries over the past 40 years, looking for my adventures and pleasures, and have been attacked more times than I can remember.....Did you do wrong??? Yes.....

If you have to engage a person do so in a manner so that it will never happen again...(i.e. kick his butt so bad that he will never try something like that again). A single blow and a half glass of beer is hardly convincing.

JMHO of course,,,,,but works for me. Better to have then whisper behind your back "dont screw with that old farlang" then have the same person try again.

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Sounds like just another couple of "khe nok farang" drunks slugging it out on the street.

Drinking on the street in the wee hours...you both deserve a belting.

:o sounds like a good thing came out of it in the end, you know he's a moron and hes not your friend.

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It was really strange for me cause I have never been in a situation like it before. It was totally knee jerk, no thought just reaction. I never want to be in a situation like that. I've never been in a fight, I mean never.

Considering he was sitting a knee jerk reaction is the way to go Knee the jerk in the forhead then a kickjerk reaction afterwords.

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You may live to regret not finishing the job, the streets of Bangkok can be an unforgiving place.....

In future Colombo, it would be best to arm yourself with a can of mace in your weak hand, kobaton in the strong hand. Keep the mace in a pocket where you can quickly grab and draw from.

As it is, your instincts were correct, but need to be more finely honed so that your response to aggresion is consistently instinctual. These recriminations that you are having smack of someone who may hesitate at the crucial moment when under pressure in the future, or even worse, turn tail and run away. Such a response, in some situations, could cost you your life....

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In future Colombo, it would be best to arm yourself with a can of mace in your weak hand, kobaton in the strong hand. Keep the mace in a pocket where you can quickly grab and draw from.

As it is, your instincts were correct, but need to be more finely honed so that your response to aggresion is consistently instinctual. These recriminations that you are having smack of someone who may hesitate at the crucial moment when under pressure in the future, or even worse, turn tail and run away. Such a response, in some situations, could cost you your life....

Good to see you back Rambo.

But I can't agree with you that the aggression response is always the correct one. For example, remember the incident in the south with the 2 teachers and the angry mob? One instinctually (and stupidly )responded with aggression & was beaten into a coma, the other is now ok and alive because she submitted when she was left no other reasonable option.

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