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Miso Hungry


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Didn't think this 90 minute film would still be available, but it is.  Don't know if you can see it in Thailand though.


Enjoyed watching Miso Hungry, a documentary about an Australian who decides to go on a Japanese style diet and lifestyle (more exercise) in order to lose weight and improve his health.




I suppose the same diet could be viable in Thailand, especially the aspect of portion control.

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Thanks for sharing that movie.   This was my experience in Japan also.  I lost 3.5K in about 10 days.  I did not feel hungry the interesting food was more than satisfying.  I especially liked the pickled items which made my stomach gurgle for a few days.  Nothing bad like the guy in the movie just a pleasant rumble.  We used our smart phones and realized in the Tokyo sight seeing days we averaged about 22,000 steps.  The walking is intense in Tokyo for sure.  We did not notice most western fast food even tho.' the guy in the movie said there was plenty we counted only 3 mc'd's in our tokyo travels.  The small japanese rice and noodle places were everywhere.  There must have been 100,000 or more of the 10 seat 15 seat restaurants often side by side.   Those places gave free iced green or roasted tea for drinks and did not sell pepsi or coke.  Only the tourist restaurants around one shopping mall had coke and pepsi.  

So the take away is no sugar, minimal fried food, smaller portions of protein, and lots of boiled, steamed and pickled stuff!  Oh and walk to you drop.

I don't know where you would find the ingredients for the pickling.   I may check that out when I get home.


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