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Quality or quantity - Thai Rath pose the question as local schools open this week?


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You obviously think you're smart, so I don't really wish to criticise you, but when you say "Welch" I presume you're inferring to the Welsh language/dialect?
Just asking

He might just be very old? After all, The British Army named the 23rd Regiment of Foot as "The Royal Welch Fusileers" in 1702.

Such age should be greatly respected...
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not only do they have to learn a language where every vowel is written out.... phonetically... with lots of little circles and tone markers too.....
words are written without spaces..... 
clever huh?
and bookstores mean a place where they only sell coloring pencils.....
and coloring pens....
and then.... just to top it all off.....
English is their *****3rd***** language..... in school, unless they were born in or around Krungthepmahanakhon... with their 2nd language only ever heard when it is occasionally spoken.... by some farlang.... and quite awfully..... or...... on the TV.


" only ever heard when it is occasionally spoken.... by some farlang.... and quite awfully....."

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more irony?


....time in classroom means.....  the students...


with or without any ajarn.....


fingerprint machine or no finger print machine......

and occasionally a Civil Service Wanna Be.... or a farlang..... or some other 'kind' of foreigner....


.... paid with local Tea Money....

not just hours in a classroom with a 'teacher' of some kind....


just hours in a room.... with a white board. 


Edited by maewang99
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17 hours ago, Moti24 said:

After teaching in Thai schools for 10 years, I can tell you that unless the current education system is replaced with one that remotely passes for an education system, the 4.0 expectancy is purely fantasy.


I could write a book, but it's all been said, many times before.

Nice to hear news from a believable source. A book might be interesting but then the old computer crimes act might kick in slander and all that nasty stuff. 

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10 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

We are tough old birds. I periodically take a tumble off of my push bike and get right back on stubborn I guess. Never heard of Dan Dare but used to play Truth or Dare with the girls. 

Playing truth or dare with the girls eh? Ooooh you are Awful, but i like you:smile:

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Has any TV-members been taking the test..?

I took an on-line IQ test the other day and scored 131. Totally boring it was. All about math puzzles, grammar and words. So apparently after googling my score I can officially join mensa. I think I'd rather buy a telescopic lens camera and take photos of constellations or breed coral in a marine aquarium.
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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

I took an on-line IQ test the other day and scored 131. Totally boring it was. All about math puzzles, grammar and words. So apparently after googling my score I can officially join mensa. I think I'd rather buy a telescopic lens camera and take photos of constellations or breed coral in a marine aquarium.

Yeah, Mensa is over 130, but calculated different (diversification 15); you can try Mensa's on-line test for free.
The test in the quoted link is with 9 figurs, where one is missing, and you have to chose form a selection of 8 figurs to insert the missing one (just like Mensa's test) – I also tried one with math and puzzles etc. (maybe similar or same) with a Mensa-qualifying score...:shock1:
–but not sure I can pass a genuine Mensa-test...:whistling: 

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