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Trump calls special counsel Russia probe 'greatest witch hunt' in U.S. history


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23 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

keep calm and enjoy your retirement gents.


i can see how hIs calm demeanour is ruffling a few feathers and rupturing a few stents here in bingo land.


19 minutes ago, In the jungle said:

His calm demeanour??

Yes. Donald Trump is actually President Calm personified.

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Is this thread for real or have the tables really turned on this egit? Your all for getting rid of this imbecile. Ohh looorddd y'all in the US ain a bunch of arse holes after all. To be wrong and know it and accept it, is right. Lock the mofo up

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Hes unfazed……you're in more of a tizzy than he is….he got bigger fish to fry

I admire your ability to completely isolate yourself and your thoughts from any reality or external influences in the dimension that the rest of us live in.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Hes unfazed……you're in more of a tizzy than he is….he got bigger fish to fry

                               Actually, Trump has been flying into rages daily.  Multiple sources attest to that.  It's gotten so bad that his aides make fake stories and fake Newsweek covers (which lavish praise on Trump) to put in front of his face, in order to bring him out of his tirades.


2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

An innocent man would say "I welcome an independent investigation and will cooperate any way I can."   A guilty man would say "It's a witch hunt!"  "It's a charade!"  "How come they didn't investigate x or y or z?"   Understand?

                      And a guilty man would would attack all major news media outlets which continue to present the news.   A guilty man would also fire people who are leading investigations - which Trump has done thrice.  




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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

None of the accusations have been proved ...just hot air


I see more of you in a flap here than in the white house. 


Imagine listEning to this endless blather for 8 years. 

Indeed. The unflappable Donald Trump.

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This will be a slow, agonizing, speculation rampant death of a presidency and the political carriers of a whole bunch of vulnerable republican Congress-members. Going by this page Trump has one remaining surpoporter posting. Fact is there is no way Trump has this level of loyalty to Flynn unless he has info to take him down.

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43 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Fortunately we have cool, calm and collected Trumpenistas like your very good self to provide essential balance.

You do realise that im very well compensated by the russians for my services. 

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

You do realise that im very well compensated by the russians for my services. 

You might want to post with care in that case.   We have had that situation occur and bans were issued.   

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But wait, there's more!


Breaking news!


Looking forward to the LEAK about who this is about. 





White House adviser close to Trump is a person of interest in Russia probe

Investigation into Russian meddling reaches highest level of government

The law enforcement investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign has identified a current White House official as a significant person of interest, according to people familiar with the matter, who would not further identify the official



Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

No. If you do, share.

Oh!  I thought you might have a go?  You are one for predictions. :laugh:


My diversified portfolio will be fine.  No worries. 


OK, shit, I'm turning this off now, for reals.  Into a page turner. A Bright Shining Lie.  Neil Sheehan. 


Night, Jingy.  :kiss01:

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17 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

It would appear that a very large percentage of Americans are really messed up and acting in a completely juvenile manner. The man won the election, why not just let him get on with doing the things he said he intended to do ? Where has democracy gone ? Grow up !

"why not just let him get on with doing the things he said he intended to do ?"


Because under the US Constitution the President doesn't have unlimited power.

Because he doesn't know how to get things done in Washington.

Because the things he said he'd do are harder than he thought ("Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!").

Because he keeps getting distracted and obsessing over headlines created by his foolish actions.

Because not even the President is above the law.


The list goes on and on.

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7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Let us see what the hunt turns up….my bet is it will be a big nothing.


Just another ploy by the losing team to derail a legally elected government.


Trump is rightfully ignoring all the babble and pressing on.


Build that wall.

Trump is ignoring the babble?  Seriously?  The Tweetmeister?  You clearly haven't been keeping up with events.


Pressing on?  How much has the Trump agenda advanced since he started distracting from self-inflicted wounds by creating greater self-inflicted wounds?

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

But wait, there's more!


Breaking news!


Looking forward to the LEAK about who this is about. 





Since the name has yet to be revealed, I wonder if we can wager who this "person of interest" might be.  Since it's a "current official," that takes out the obvious like Manafort or Flynn.  My guess is Bannon.

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Which simply shows trump's true ignorance  of American history.

Andrew Johnson was impeached, Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment (my opinion).

Trump could g o down in history as a member of a small club if he is impeached.

Just think, high school and primary school students will learn his name for years to come if he is impeached.

That ought to be enough for his inflated Ego.


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                      Mexico will pay for a wall around the WH.   Leave a little doggie-sized locked window to pass jelly beans and ice cream.   We don't want to kill all the WH people, ......just keep them from doing more harm to the USA. 

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                                    Actually, a special counsel investigation will be good for the WH scoundrels in some ways.  Now, whenever Spicer is asked about the latest law-breaking episode (they're always first revealed by NY Times or Wash Post, never by gov't sources) .....he can simply say, "I can't comment on that because there's an on-going investigation."    It will therefore give Spicer and the other conniving spokespeople (Conway and Pence included) some respite from having to address the cavalcade of ever-breaking revelations about Trump and the Russkies.

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                                 Among myriad other unethical and possibly illegal things Trump is doing / has done, he's also shat upon the oath of office.  He raised his right hand and solemnly swore to uphold the laws of the USA.  Yet, in at least one case (of many), he is not upholding US laws.  ACA (Obamacare) is law, and Trump has stated that he hopes it fails, and is doing all he can toward that goal.  

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National Security

Russia probe reaches current White House official, people familiar with the case say


"The law enforcement investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign has identified a current White House official as a significant person of interest, showing that the probe is reaching into the highest levels of government, according to people familiar with the matter."


"The senior White House adviser under scrutiny by investigators is someone close to the president, according to these people, who would not further identify the official. "


"The revelation comes as the investigation appears to be entering a more overtly active phase, with investigators shifting from work that has remained largely hidden from the public to conducting interviews and using a grand jury to issue subpoenas." 



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