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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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You know America, impeach Trump and his administration, get rid of them all, do not be afraid. Your country is blessed with real leaders who have integrity, who would protect the constitution and the people of the United States. If 'non-politicians' are fashionable to be considered as candidates for the Presidency, then best the Dems recruit this guy for 2020.




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10 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

Clinton: "We have 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election."

This is True. The Director of National Intelligence, which speaks for the country’s 17 federal intelligence agencies, released a joint statement saying the intelligence community at large is confident that Russia is behind recent hacks into political organizations’ emails.   http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/oct/19/fact-checks-third-presidential-debate-running-stor/


Your link to the search results for "17 intelligence agencies meme debunked" did not result in a "debunk" from any source I recognize and trust.  If you do a search on the more neutral phrase "17 intelligence agencies fact check" you get more confirmations from recognized sources.

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6 minutes ago, inThailand said:

Like him or not he is shaking up the country for the better. Go DT! 

Seriously?  Fascists and white supremacists empowered, Congress more grid-locked than ever, America's reputation around the world in tatters and a potential nuclear war with North Korea.


What good has come of this presidency?

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10 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

Read the Glenn Greenwald piece about the various fake news articles on Russian activity that have since been debunked.


Keep in mind that we have never actually seen any evidence for any of these claims, some of which may well be true.  In fact, it is not clear what actual evidence would look like, computer files?  I am not claiming that Russian did nothing illegal, but that we cannot trust the intelligence community, so we don't and will probably never know what is true and what is made up.




Remember that time the Washington Post claimed that Russia had hacked the U.S. electricity grid, causing politicians to denounce Putin for trying to deny heat to Americans in winter, only to have to issue multiple retractions because none of that ever happened? Or the time that the Post had to publish a massive editor’s note after its reporters made claims about Russian infiltration of the internet and spreading of “Fake News” based on an anonymous group’s McCarthyite blacklist that counted sites like the Drudge Report and various left-wing outlets as Kremlin agents?


Or that time when Slate claimed that Trump had created a secret server with a Russian bank, all based on evidence that every other media outlet which looked at it were too embarrassed to get near? Or the time the Guardian was forced to retract its report by Ben Jacobs – which went viral – that casually asserted that WikiLeaks has a long relationship with the Kremlin? Or the time that Fortune retracted suggestions that RT had hacked into and taken over C-SPAN’s network? And then there’s the huge market that was created – led by leading Democrats – that blindly ingested every conspiratorial, unhinged claim about Russia churned out by an army of crazed conspiracists such as Louise Mensch and Claude “TrueFactsStated” Taylor?

There are records of many paid FB posts and non-paid Twitter posts - stemming from the campaign.  You can read them.  Investigators are.  They're crammed with false data aimed at debilitating HRC.  That's just a modicum of proofs of Russian interference in the election.


If you don't want to see any mud stick to Trump and his cohorts, you won't see any.  As Trump himself said, "I could shoot somebody on 5th avenue in broad daylight, and wouldn't lose any fans."


Haddock, you're one of those fans.  You don't want to see the piles of dirt hanging off Trump and his cronies.  In contrast, I keep my ears and eyes open, and am seeing truckloads of evidence which point to breaking laws.  Some of it is tangible evidence (like Don Jr's emails) and some is circumstantial.   Note:  more than a few felony law breakers have been convicted on circumstantial evidence, if it's proven to be solid.

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It's not just the CIA who's reporting on this.  There are dozens of sources.  All pointing to the same thing.  I've not read the CIA report.  But I guess it's in line with everybody else.  Sorry, but no denying somebody in Russia did the hacking.


P.S. I'm no fan of the CIA either.  But facts are facts.


Ummm... no, they're not all reporting the same thing. Julian Assange is willing to come forward with proof Russia wasn't involved. He's rarely if EVER proven to not come up with the goods. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Seriously?  Fascists and white supremacists empowered, Congress more grid-locked than ever, America's reputation around the world in tatters and a potential nuclear war with North Korea.


What good has come of this presidency?

The economy and the Supreme Court.

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13 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

The economy and the Supreme Court.

The economy was improving before Trump assumed office. And what exactly has he done that has made the economy stronger? As for the Supreme Court, he just appointed the most anti-worker justice he could possibly have chosen. This guy is a disaster for the working class people who voted for Trump.

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3 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


And the rolling back of regulations on coal mining. But honestly, the biggest thrill of all has been watching the mass meltdown of leftists who thought for sure this past election was Hillary's for the asking.


In fact, the entire premise of this thread is all about helping Democrats stay in denial about what happened last November. 

Yeah, because coal is definitely the fuel of the future and natural gas hasn't pretty much wiped out any rationale for using it. Not just that, wind power is also now cheaper than coal in most places in the USA.  Coal: a fossile fuel for fossilized thinkers.

As for the leftists...if you mean by that people who voted for Clinton, they outnumber those who voted for Trump. 

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Here's what I see in the future:


The investigation will close in on him so he'll lob a big one on NK.  That should make a good news diversion.


Remember to impeach is to bring to trail, nothing more.


About 30% of the USAans have very low IQs.  That is his base.  Another 20% are functional illiterates, they will dip themselves in and out of his base depending on the whim of the day.    


He won't resign, very unTrump-like.  Impeachment will need Democrat numbers, too early to tell until the midterms.  


I kinda hope he stays on, I love to hate him.

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3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Ummm... no, they're not all reporting the same thing. Julian Assange is willing to come forward with proof Russia wasn't involved. He's rarely if EVER proven to not come up with the goods. 

Julian Assange, the secretive (about his own life) sexual predator who fled rape charges in Sweden to the UK and claimed it was to avoid extradition to the US (even though the UK is famously generous with extraditions to the US)? 


Well, if you can't trust a man like that, who can you trust?  Why doesn't he enhance his credibility and provide this proof? 


I think the reason is that the evidence of Russian attempts to influence the election is so overwhelming he would lose what little semblance of credibility he has.

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10 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Ummm... no, they're not all reporting the same thing. Julian Assange is willing to come forward with proof Russia wasn't involved. He's rarely if EVER proven to not come up with the goods. 

Assange is a liar and a criminal. He exposes people's private data more than once and is a criminal.  No credibility at all.




Maher, who was already frustrated by Assange’s defensive blathering, let the comment slide. But as the reporter who broke the original story, I can definitively say Assange looked directly into the camera and lied.


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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

No credibility at all.

The CIA identified Russian officials who fed material hacked from the Democratic National Committee and party leaders to Wikileaks at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin through third parties..

The material followed what was called "a circuitous route" from the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency, to Wikileaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace..


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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

The CIA identified Russian officials who fed material hacked from the Democratic National Committee and party leaders to Wikileaks at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin through third parties..

The material followed what was called "a circuitous route" from the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency, to Wikileaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace..


And yet some would believe a known criminal and liar.  Sad state of affairs for the human race.

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On 5/21/2017 at 2:13 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh puleeze quit the tired and false narrative that she was more popular than Trump.

Between 200 and 230 million voters in the US.

65+ million voted for her

62+ million voted for him

Around 40% didn't vote.

She only got more votes of 60% of voters.

It is impossible to say who would have won the popular vote if 100% voted.


BTW it is IRRELEVANT who got more votes. That's not how the US elected presidents, for very good reasons.

Really not impossible, since there is a lower voting rate among people likely to support democrats. Why do you think Republicans try to put up as many obstacles as possible to voting? 

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MUST WATCH comedic explanation of the trump - Russia connection.

Now, IF trump is impeached, obviously a big IF, it's highly likely it will be related to the trump - Russia connection.

But the story is too complicated for most Americans and trump is all about keeping messages stupid and simple.

Maher from Real Time makes it FUN.





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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

MUST WATCH comedic explanation of the trump - Russia connection.

Now, IF trump is impeached, obviously a big IF, it's highly likely it will be related to the trump - Russia connection.

But the story is too complicated for most Americans and trump is all about keeping messages stupid and simple.

Maher from Real Time makes it FUN.





Funny....and scary.  Especially as some don't see this as true.  Sad times in the US.


The connections are stunning.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

MUST WATCH comedic explanation of the trump - Russia connection.

Now, IF trump is impeached, obviously a big IF, it's highly likely it will be related to the trump - Russia connection.

But the story is too complicated for most Americans and trump is all about keeping messages stupid and simple.

Maher from Real Time makes it FUN.







Funny how things that are completely true and absolutely factual can actually be top comedy. You couldn't make it up...........oh they didn't!

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41 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Trump is still President 


Still ? That is now invoking luck more than any real permanence. 


I am still waiting to go for a dump, I am unsure when it will happen but I know 100% it's passing will be soon, and it won't be pretty. It is quite certain that Dump Meister General Mueller will be along soon and he will make Trump's passing as equally unpleasant - but kind of a must watch :wink: :partytime2:

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You know, I really don't know if Trump will be impeached or resign BUT somebody needs to get that SOB (Presidentially accepted term) out of the White House fast.


Just when we think that some adults may avoid a war that kills several million people, Trump starts to tweet again!




The man is an utter moron. How can ANYONE support this fool?



Trump's tweets undermining his secretary of state follow his attacks Saturday on San Juan's mayor over the Puerto Rico hurricane crisis and come a day after Tillerson said the US had direct lines of communication with North Korea and that he was trying to "calm things down" following months of escalating rhetoric over Pyongyang's continued nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests.




Trump says : "Save your energy Rex we'll do what has to be done" ! Well that shows the Secretary of State travels the world speaking the Presidents message then! World leaders will be yet again aghast. I hope all you Trump supporters are still laughing (that will be a measure of IQ) as you and all the other voters have totally screwed up the world.


If Tillerson and Kelly do not resign then they deserve everything that karma will bring them as a result of their enabling this traitor and madman.

Edited by Andaman Al
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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Tragically true.  Impeachment wasn't designed to be a quick process.

Actually, it's worse news than that.

The system was designed to PREVENT demagogues like trump to be elected in the first place.

The system failed.

Now there is a historic political crisis, unprecedented, and nobody knows how it will end.

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