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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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3 minutes ago, amvet said:

The special counsel is not limiting his inquiry to the Russia investigation that Congress has been pursuing; rather, Mueller intends to scorch the earth as necessary to make a case — any case — on Manafort, for purposes of squeezing him to become a cooperating witness against others, potentially including the president. 



Nothing to do with truth or facts or evidence.  It's another coup attempt like the one thread we have running about JFK.  Mueller is the replacement for the lone shooter and the rifle is his law books.  If Trump was worried he already would have fired him.  Precedent there. 

If Manafort, the Trump campaign manager, had any illegal dealings with Russia, it is a legitimate target for Mueller.  If there are no "truth or facts or evidence" to support collusion, the investigation will state that and this affair will be over.

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

If Manafort, the Trump campaign manager, had any illegal dealings with Russia, it is a legitimate target for Mueller. 

The US attorney's office in the Southern District of New York is investigating President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, for possible money laundering


And if that money finds its way into Trump's campaign or personal coffers, Manafort might become a willing key witness against further targets in exchange for a plea bargain.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:


The dossier has not been published because it has not been released.  Parts of it have been leaked, but the complete dossier has not. 


Something does not have to be true to be published, Trump's claim of the largest inauguration crowds in history were widely published though clearly not true.


The dossier was put together and held by the company Fusion GPS while under contract to an un-named Republican candidate, then the DNC, then the FBI.  It's contents are now part of Mueller's investigation.  Parts that can be legally released will be released once the investigation is finished.



14 minutes ago, amvet said:

Since we are all just guessing with absolutely nothing to base the guesses on I'll bet "The parts that will be released will be innocuous and much like name rank and serial number.  Nothing there that would worry Trump about impeachment."  Not because I like Trump but because people who pay for malicious gossip like this should have their comeuppance.  

Identify the parts of my post that are a guess.

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23 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Like many others, she believed the fake evidence and false conclusions about weapons of mass destruction, and assumed Bush would exhaust diplomatic options before starting a war.  That's quite different from starting World War III.


During the campaign Trump didn't know what the nuclear triad is, and may still not know.  Giving a profoundly ignorant person the ability to start a nuclear war is very scary.

One hand you have Hillary who wasn't bright enough to know fake evidence when she saw it and on the other Trump who is profoundly ignorant.  Darned if you do and darned if you don't I'd say.  I'd say that either one should not have trigger on nuclear trigger.  

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56 minutes ago, amvet said:

You wrote, " Parts that can be legally released will be released once the investigation is finished."

Under the Freedom of Information Act, any parts of the investigation that are not classified will be released upon request.  Requests for release are a certainty.

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As a Brit, I have never really followed American politics(god knows we have enough problems of our own).But these days I find myself switching on the TV in the morning just to see what Trump has tweeted overnight. I have to say I have been alive in the times of a few presidents, the first i really remember was i suppose Nixon because of the scandal.


But I have to say in all honesty I have never heard any of them speak in the way Trump does. He is so infantile, he is 71 going on 17. He is the typical schoolyard bully. He insults Mcain, who suffered so many years of torture, yet there was no chance of Trump being taken POW, he was to chicken to go and serve his country, getting 5 deferements. He says that the NFL players are disrespecting the military and the country, well isn't running away from military service doing the same, and then bragging that instead of dodging bullets in Vietnam, he was dodging VD in New York.


He brags all the time about his family, but I think the first thing he taught his kids from the minute they could speak was, never tell the truth, lie as often as you can, and eventually some idiots will believe it. I am sure that is what he was taught by his father. He liked to brag on the campaign trail about how rich he was, I wonder if he ever thought about paying back all the small contractors who he forced into bankruptcy, when he refused to pay them for work they did for him.


I could go on for hours, but I guess as a brit I will get loads of stick for this post. I can understand Americans not wanting to vote for Clinton, but surely there was a better alternative somewhere. And yet I would bet my house that he gets electe again in 2020.

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On 5/21/2017 at 11:31 AM, KarenBravo said:

Comparing apples and oranges.

Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but, completed his term.

Think of impeachment as a Congressional slap on the wrist.

Happened only twice in the long history of America.  Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.  Hardly a slap on the wrist.  Nixon resigned rather than be impeached. 

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

Bernie Sanders and 118 Democrats voted against the war in Iraq.  It's not nobody knew that Bush and Powell were lying.  I know you don't like him but what has he done that would get Trump impeached?

As you noted, Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ.  If lying is grounds for impeachment, then we've got Trump many times over.  But we will probably have to wait for the result of the Mueller investigation, or until his dangerous incompetence becomes so frightening the Republicans fear it more than Trump's base.

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31 minutes ago, heybruce said:

As you noted, Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ.  If lying is grounds for impeachment, then we've got Trump many times over.  But we will probably have to wait for the result of the Mueller investigation, or until his dangerous incompetence becomes so frightening the Republicans fear it more than Trump's base.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury.  When did Trump lie under oath.  Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice a felony and he lost his license to practice law.  When did Trump commit felony obstruction of justice?    

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5 minutes ago, amvet said:

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury.  When did Trump lie under oath.  Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice a felony and he lost his license to practice law.  When did Trump commit felony obstruction of justice?    

I would say firing James Comey on the basis he wouldn't back off investigating Trump's links to the Russians would be getting close to felony obstruction. It will be interesting to see what the special prosecutor has to say, unless he is fired too.

Trump hasn't lied under oath, but that's only because he has not testified under oath - yet. Lying to Trump is as natural as breathing.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just an "alien" amazed it is possible for a psychopath to get himself elected President in the world's biggest democracy. It would be easier to understand if America was fascist or communist.

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9 minutes ago, mogandave said:

More deflection. This is not about President Clinton, it’s about tRump.

The orange buffoon is a proven liar, racist and cheater.

Impeach 45!!!


Bruce asked me "As you noted, Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ.  If lying is grounds for impeachment, then we've got Trump many times over.  But we will probably have to wait for the result of the Mueller investigation, or until his dangerous incompetence becomes so frightening the Republicans fear it more than Trump's base."  


He was in error about the grounds for Impeachment and I corrected him.  If you want to impeach Trump at least you should know why the other two Presidents were impeached,  Hardly a deflection rather it's the topic of this thread. 

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10 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

I would say firing James Comey on the basis he wouldn't back off investigating Trump's links to the Russians would be getting close to felony obstruction. It will be interesting to see what the special prosecutor has to say, unless he is fired too.

Trump hasn't lied under oath, but that's only because he has not testified under oath - yet. Lying to Trump is as natural as breathing.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just an "alien" amazed it is possible for a psychopath to get himself elected President in the world's biggest democracy. It would be easier to understand if America was fascist or communist.

Did Trump have the legal right to fire Comey for any reason at any time?  If so methinks obstruction of justice is not in the equation.  Is Trump being investigated for links with Russia now?  I think he is.  So the investigation has not been stopped.  There is no law against lying nor against firing anyone who works at your pleasure.  Trump could have fired Comey because he was too tall as far as I know. 

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

When did Trump lie under oath. 

Day One?

When he took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that he will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that he take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. 

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2 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Day One?

When he took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that he will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that he take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. 

Law here and lots of lawyers on Thai Visa.  The oath says " will to the best of his ability"  Trump has been described in this thread and almost every thread on Thai Visa as having little or no ability to do anything.  Ergo he is doing great given his level of ability.  Gotcha there eh?

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

Did Trump have the legal right to fire Comey for any reason at any time?  If so methinks obstruction of justice is not in the equation.  Is Trump being investigated for links with Russia now?  I think he is.  So the investigation has not been stopped.  There is no law against lying nor against firing anyone who works at your pleasure.  Trump could have fired Comey because he was too tall as far as I know. 

It never ceases to amaze me how Americans, who are quite rational on a number of subjects, can be completely irrational on others. Trump and the Second Amendment spring to mind. As do the eras of Prohibition  and McCarthyism. No law against lying or firing someone who works at your pleasure? Are we on the same planet?

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4 hours ago, hellyes2oo2 said:




I could go on for hours, but I guess as a brit I will get loads of stick for this post. I can understand Americans not wanting to vote for Clinton, but surely there was a better alternative somewhere. And yet I would bet my house that he gets elected again in 2020.

More input from Brits and people from other countries is EXACTLY what America needs to understand that Trump is no normal world leader. He is grossly unqualified and most of Europe understands this.

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Amvet, Trump himself admitted lying under oath, when he was taken to court when he was accused of discriminating about letting properties to people, he said he had never stopped black people from renting property from him, but when confronted with written evidence,i.e. correspondence with his staff, that no black people can rent property. he admitted he may have been wrong in the evidence that he gave in court, and he was fined for making a false statement. they were told to tick a box marked "C" if any coloured people applied for a property, "C" standing for coloured, and they immediately rejected.

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27 minutes ago, hellyes2oo2 said:

Amvet, Trump himself admitted lying under oath, when he was taken to court when he was accused of discriminating about letting properties to people, he said he had never stopped black people from renting property from him, but when confronted with written evidence,i.e. correspondence with his staff, that no black people can rent property. he admitted he may have been wrong in the evidence that he gave in court, and he was fined for making a false statement. they were told to tick a box marked "C" if any coloured people applied for a property, "C" standing for coloured, and they immediately rejected.

This thread is about impeachment.  You have to be the President and commit perjury while you are the President. 

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41 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

More input from Brits and people from other countries is EXACTLY what America needs to understand that Trump is no normal world leader. He is grossly unqualified and most of Europe understands this.

It actually makes America want to support Trump more.  Remember Piers Morgan.  Americans hated him for ranting on and on about gun control and how stupid Americans are.  Those Americans who know where Europe is think Europeans are incredible inept and can hardly find their way to the toilet let alone govern.  Every time a Brit talks about gun control on CNN the National Rifle Association gets 10 more members.  Every time a European makes a snide remark about Trump another rich guy from Alabama cancels his vacation to France.


Americans are taught that the best and brightest escaped from Europe and built the largest strongest nation and economy in the world in the new country.  

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1 hour ago, bazza73 said:

It never ceases to amaze me how Americans, who are quite rational on a number of subjects, can be completely irrational on others. Trump and the Second Amendment spring to mind. As do the eras of Prohibition  and McCarthyism. No law against lying or firing someone who works at your pleasure? Are we on the same planet?

You are showing your ignorance of American legal language.  The constitutional reality is that, if a government official is clearly placed within the Executive Branch, that official serves at the pleasure of the President, and can be fired “at will.” That is very much in line with what the Supreme Court has ruled over the years, to preserve the power of the President to be fully in charge of the Executive Branch.  (at your pleasure is legal language (jargon) in America)


I wasn't being funny I was being accurate in legal parlance. 


You think America is odd because of Prohibition and McCarthyism.  We think you are tragically flawed because of Hitler, the Holocaust, Stalin, Penal colonies and not showering and changing your socks.


You see there is quite a cultural divide as you thought I was being crude saying, "at your pleasure" when I was using the correct terminology for the Director of FBI's job.  


While I'm on it.  You misinterpret almost all of my posts because you think I'm pro Trump.  I'm not.  I feel insulted because people from the Europe are critical of America without knowing enough to make a valid judgement about what they are criticizing.  Oh you think you do, but like your misinterpretation of "at his pleasure" you misinterpret our entire political landscape.  The same as Japan did by attacking Pearl Harbor.  A gross misinterpretation of American strength and will and Japan was crushed as a result.  It's about to happen to another Asian nation who has no knowledge of history.  

Edited by amvet
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43 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Can all regular contributors on here regardless of what side of the fence you sit PLEASE STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. It was predicted the thread would be hijacked - and it has been. He never stops until he is ignored.

Kind of like impeaching Trump.  Can't win in an election fair and square so the only resource is to try a legal coup and figure out a way to impeach with no valid legal basis.  Instead of impeachment you should be trying to figure out how to get a strong enough candidate to defeat the man you dislike so much in the next election.  If you don't have the smarts to debate me your only recourse is to convince others not to debate the facts and rely on personal attacks.  There are two sides to this debate impeach Trump and don't impeach Trump.  I guess personal attacks are allowed on the don't impeach trump side.  

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4 hours ago, amvet said:

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury.  When did Trump lie under oath.  Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice a felony and he lost his license to practice law.  When did Trump commit felony obstruction of justice?    

Firing Comey about "that Russia thing" qualifies as obstruction of justice.  Had Trump fired Comey for being too tall, as you suggested, he might be fine (assuming anyone believed him, which is unlikely.  However since Trump admitted that Comey was fired for the Russian thing (investigation) it qualifies as obstruction of justice.


All that is necessary to get Trump to lie under oath is to get him to testify under oath, he is incapable of telling the truth and will perjure himself repeatedly.

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11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Only partially correct, a Republican candidate paid for the initial research.  Also, it's DNC.  Also, so what?

so what?  they are HYPOCRITES so don't join them. Also being a pedantic grammar Nazi doesn't help.


The DNC paid for the dirt and hid that fact trying to fool us all that it was independent.


Trump 1 DNC 0

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