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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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20 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

So a convicted felon says he has proof...... Why do people grasp at straws? Do you not think that there was an investigation into this? How about this wait 4 (well 3 now) years and try again VIA election? That's how these governments run if the party you support does not win going off like a kid in the play ground about it all solves nothing. Put that lost energy into trying to do something when the time comes.


24 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

So a convicted felon says he has proof...... Why do people grasp at straws? Do you not think that there was an investigation into this? How about this wait 4 (well 3 now) years and try again VIA election? That's how these governments run if the party you support does not win going off like a kid in the play ground about it all solves nothing. Put that lost energy into trying to do something when the time comes.

It's going to be a tough year for Trump fans, .....those few who are left.  They're going to get angry daily.  There are serious charges coming at Trump and his cabal from many directions.  The law-breaking charges are not so much fueled by hate for Trump (though that's real), ...but more so based on increasing mountains of proof of law-breaking.  


Most Americans (non-Trump fans, about 82% of Americans) don't like the fact that Russians tangibly interfered with the US election process - to get a Trump win.  Now, evidence is coming out which shows some congressional Republican elections were actively affected by Russian interference - hand in glove with Republican party/candidates.   South Florida is now in the news on that issue.   


Ryan was sent a formal letter by Pelosi, several days ago, asking about that.  Of course, Ryan is too chicken to respond.  He, and the entire Republican cabal are guilty as hell (of colluding with the Russkies), and they're all running scared.  Everything they do and say indicates that. 



13 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Excellent reply. I guess common sense wins again yea. I wish you the best of luck in 3 years. If the economy booms it will likely be harder than most think.  

3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

It's going to be a tough year for Trump fans, .....those few who are left.  They're going to get angry daily.  There are serious charges coming at Trump and his cabal from many directions.  The law-breaking charges are not so much fueled by hate for Trump (though that's real), ...but more so based on increasing mountains of proof of law-breaking.  


Most Americans (non-Trump fans, about 82% of Americans) don't like the fact that Russians tangibly interfered with the US election process - to get a Trump win.  Now, evidence is coming out which shows some congressional Republican elections were actively affected by Russian interference - hand in glove with Republican party/candidates.   South Florida is now in the news on that issue.   


Ryan was sent a formal letter by Pelosi, several days ago, asking about that.  Of course, Ryan is too chicken to respond.  He, and the entire Republican cabal are guilty as hell (of colluding with the Russkies), and they're all running scared.  Everything they do and say indicates that. 



Please if you're going to post numbers post them as facts. Your 18% approval (from the 82%) is hogwash. When people make stuff up it discredits the entire post..... Also get the information for a non Bias source. I have no issues discussing things but numbers pulled out of the air make people irrelevant.





Note:  of the thousands of Russian interferences (on FB, Twitter, etc) in the elections, not one incident of badmouthing Republicans has been mentioned.  All, I repeat ALL, the incidents of interference are negative/false attacks targeted at Democratic candidates.  


Mueller certainly has piles of evidence that only his team know about at this time.  I commend Mueller for being so disciplined, and not responding (like Trump would) at Republican-fueled attacks upon the investigation and upon him personally.   Oh, and Putin is attacking the Mueller probe (by echoing Trump's 'there was no collusion'), as we expected.    



1 minute ago, KhunMhee said:

Please if you're going to post numbers post them as facts. Your 18% approval (from the 82%) is hogwash. When people make stuff up it discredits the entire post..... Also get the information for a non Bias source. I have no issues discussing things but numbers pulled out of the air make people irrelevant.


So, oh sage one, what's the right number?   81%?  83%?


You want to discount my entire missive due to one number?  Your choice.  But the real reason is: the post rings true, and it's the sort of truth that Trump shielders hate to hear.

2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

So, oh sage one, what's the right number?   81%?  83%?


You want to discount my entire missive due to one number?  Your choice.  But the real reason is: the post rings true, and it's the sort of truth that Trump shielders hate to hear.

Lol sage. So having false facts then resorting to names is the way you have a discussion? If you look at the poll on the link I posted it was 37% approval. Not saying that's high but it is well and truly higher than 18%. So again I could say a bunch of things with no proof and call it fact. I choose not to because then people will disregard things you say. Your entire missive has no factual proof to support it so yes it's worthless.


Unless he commits a crime he will not be impeached. Getting elected is not yet a crime in the USA. Since he beat Hillary he ought to get some type of medal for saving us all from listening to her drivel as President.


But if it makes the leftists out there feel better to keep up the false hope as long as possible, so be it.


If you look at Bias things like the Rasmussen poll that Trump likes to support you would see he is at 46%. But as this is seen as a very right wing poll I would not believe it. You calling me a sage makes your posts even more un attractive to read. So if you want to calmly and logicaly debate on what good he has or has not done feel free to try again. Facts are easy to find. I posted on the economic growth and that is all I care about. That he looks like a twitter fuelled fool most of the time does not affect my thinking as I need the economic gains to further myself. Everyone has a different view on what the POTUS should be or do. For me it's stepping away from political correctness and working on boosting world economy. My business has gained huge traction since the election and I feel will continue to do so even more in the up coming years. Tis why I am happy SHE did not get elected as SHE would have closed most of it down for environmental reasons

4 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

SO a quote from a leftie website is supposed to TRUMP (you see what I did there) an article from Forbes? I do like your looking for proof but lets look at the validity of the source as well. Forbes is in no way bias its facts on how the economy if moving. If you took the time to find the changes he has done economically rather than just hating him for being him (and his big arse mouth) you would see the growth.   


Truth hurts, this is the reason why Trump needs to lie.

You do not need to dislike him to doubt his claims, you just need to understand the kind of human beeing he is .

Everything is not what he wants you to believe and repeat to keep your faithfull support.  



1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

Only his team, and you apparently.

.....and the guilty parties.  


1 hour ago, Ahab said:

Unless he commits a crime he will not be impeached. Getting elected is not yet a crime in the USA. Since he beat Hillary he ought to get some type of medal for saving us all from listening to her drivel as President. But if it makes the leftists out there feel better to keep up the false hope as long as possible, so be it.

Bill Clinton got impeached for one lie, "I did not sleep with that woman."

Trump tells bigger lies each day, .....and more dangerous.  And, you want to talk about breaking laws?  The list pertaining to Trump and his cabal is long and ugly.  


HRC is more presidential in her worst moments, than Trump is in his finest.  

53 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

.....and the guilty parties.  


Bill Clinton got impeached for one lie, "I did not sleep with that woman."

Trump tells bigger lies each day, .....and more dangerous.  And, you want to talk about breaking laws?  The list pertaining to Trump and his cabal is long and ugly.  


HRC is more presidential in her worst moments, than Trump is in his finest.  

LOL where is this said list? Again just speculation. Haters will look for anything to stir drama. Sad really not saying the man is good PR but he has a business vision for the country and guess what.... It's working. Now unless you both start posting some type of facts I guess I am done trying to get an intellectual debate started.

1 minute ago, KhunMhee said:

LOL where is this said list? Again just speculation. Haters will look for anything to stir drama. Sad really not saying the man is good PR but he has a business vision for the country and guess what.... It's working. Now unless you both start posting some type of facts I guess I am done trying to get an intellectual debate started.

Hmmm, I've been called names, but never 'a hater.'   Maybe that fits, if it's put in the context of 'hating' a person who is denigrating my country (I became a 'naturalized' American at age 12. I recall going to Baltimore from Bethesda, with my dad, to swear an oath in front of a bureaucrat sitting in front of a photo of LBJ hanging on the wall behind him).


I think I'm above 'hating' anyone. 'Pity' may be a better word.  As for Trump, it annoys me that so many Americans were duped into voting for such an immensely flawed character.  Trump has not gained one fan since the election, but instead has hemmorraged fan support weekly.  At this rate, his fan base may dribble down to 11% by June 2018.   Who will those hold-outs be?   White supremacists, gun-lovers, pharma pill-poppers, .....and who else?




3 hours ago, KhunMhee said:
4 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

"Kozlovsky said he worked with the Russian intelligence agency FSB, and because he was worried his minders might turn on him, he left behind a "poison pill" during the DNC hack — his passport number and other personal information hidden in a .dat file" (also his visa number to Jamaica)

So a convicted felon says he has proof...... Why do people grasp at straws? Do you not think that there was an investigation into this? How about this wait 4 (well 3 now) years and try again VIA election? That's how these governments run if the party you support does not win going off like a kid in the play ground about it all solves nothing. Put that lost energy into trying to do something when the time comes.

Err, no. The proof will clearly be found in the .dat file that has been left on the DNC server. If that has not already been found, It will be found now, and then what?


Based on this interview alone Trump should be forced to resign. It would happen sooner or later. Trump escapes his minders and sits down with the New York Times again.



Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. ‘Look Very Bad’

It's funny as well. This from the sitting President of the USA.



Mr. Trump disputed reports that suggested he does not have a detailed understanding of legislation, saying, “I know the details of taxes better than anybody. Better than the greatest C.P.A. I know the details of health care better than most, better than most.”

Later, he added that he knows more about “the big bills” debated in the Congress “than any president that’s ever been in office.”



“Another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes,” Mr. Trump said, then invoked one of his preferred insults. “Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times.”

He added: “So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, ‘Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.’ O.K.”



A delve into the mind of a disturbed person - a disturbed person that somehow enjoys 32% of the electorates support. I don't know if it is a reflection on Trump or a reflection on the US as a whole.


So why no investigation of the DRC and their corrupt practices? Their own stand-in chairwoman wrote a book about how rotten the situation was. Billary Clinton conspired with Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein to buy up 80% of the Democrat's massive debt, with the guarantee the nomination would go to Billary. Never a word about any of this in the media. I'm no fan of Trump, but if one case of corruption is investigated, the other should be as well.

Of course the Justice Dept remains a bastion of Obama appointees and Trump has only replaced a few.

The real weakness of the Trump administration is their lack of preparation in having appointees ready to replace all the deep state moles.


I love all these non-Americans sticking their oar in, most likely people who've never been there and have spoken to few actual Americans. They see the country through the distorted lens of the ludicrously one-sided corporate media and/or alt-right lunatics and believe that's what Americans think. They believe ridiculous polls that can be skewed in any direction and lists of "facts" that are made up out of thin air.

When Obama was President there was constant wailing about how he should be impeached or resign or arrested and hung from his heels. In the US, the media of all stripes sells politics in the country as a blood sport, exaggerating and/or just making stuff up to drive up viewership numbers. The likes of WaPo and the NYT issued apologies for their blatant biases during the election yet continue to be openly hostile toward the Trump administration, that he and his people can do nothing right or good ever. It's childish and will backfire as their readership plummets. I canceled my subscription to the NYT after their coverage of the election was so tilted it came off as a hysterical high school rag. And I wasn't alone by a long shot.

13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Based on this interview alone Trump should be forced to resign. It would happen sooner or later. Trump escapes his minders and sits down with the New York Times again.


It's funny as well. This from the sitting President of the USA.





A delve into the mind of a disturbed person - a disturbed person that somehow enjoys 32% of the electorates support. I don't know if it is a reflection on Trump or a reflection on the US as a whole.

“It makes the country look very bad, and it puts the country in a very bad position,” Mr. Trump said of the investigation. “So the sooner it’s worked out, the better it is for the country.” His reply in that article seems valid. He is not getting involved in the mater on a personal level leads one to think he does not fear any findings.


Other than that blurb and the headline the rest is about golf, him staying out of the Hillary Drama. Some accusation that he feels China was sending oil to NK. And he will look to be more strict with China if they continue to aid NK. The last bit he touches off on the investigation and as I said is staying out of it. I guilty person would think to cover and use influence no?


So I ask where in this interview did he say anything that should make him resign?

4 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

all the deep state moles.

"Fake News, Fake Media and Deep State". President Bannon's legacy is going to live on for years.


I am all for further investigations, but that is no excuse for a "but but but Hilary" cry. Trump and his enablers must face whatever crimes they have committed. Those crimes will not be made up or fabricated, they will either be real or there will be no charges. If they are real then you do the crime, do the time - no excuses. As regards Clinton, go ahead have an investigation, if she is guilty then she must face up to that as well. But the Republicans did have 4 investigations into the emails and Benghazi and despite wanting to nail her they could not find anything. Is that because she did nothing or because of the utter incompetence of the Republican committee's?  A bit like tossing a coin for a million dollars saying 'best of 3 wins', and then 'no, best of 5 wins', 'no best of 7 wins'.

1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

"Fake News, Fake Media and Deep State". President Bannon's legacy is going to live on for years.


I am all for further investigations, but that is no excuse for a "but but but Hilary" cry. Trump and his enablers must face whatever crimes they have committed. Those crimes will not be made up or fabricated, they will either be real or there will be no charges. If they are real then you do the crime, do the time - no excuses. As regards Clinton, go ahead have an investigation, if she is guilty then she must face up to that as well. But the Republicans did have 4 investigations into the emails and Benghazi and despite wanting to nail her they could not find anything. Is that because she did nothing or because of the utter incompetence of the Republican committee's?  A bit like tossing a coin for a million dollars saying 'best of 3 wins', and then 'no, best of 5 wins', 'no best of 7 wins'.

Bolded is well put and I agree.

7 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

I love all these non-Americans sticking their oar in, most likely people who've never been there and have spoken to few actual Americans. They see the country through the distorted lens of the ludicrously one-sided corporate media and/or alt-right lunatics and believe that's what Americans think. They believe ridiculous polls that can be skewed in any direction and lists of "facts" that are made up out of thin air.

When Obama was President there was constant wailing about how he should be impeached or resign or arrested and hung from his heels. In the US, the media of all stripes sells politics in the country as a blood sport, exaggerating and/or just making stuff up to drive up viewership numbers. The likes of WaPo and the NYT issued apologies for their blatant biases during the election yet continue to be openly hostile toward the Trump administration, that he and his people can do nothing right or good ever. It's childish and will backfire as their readership plummets. I canceled my subscription to the NYT after their coverage of the election was so tilted it came off as a hysterical high school rag. And I wasn't alone by a long shot.

Yup the NYT is very Dem bias. But you have to admit it took a lot of balls for Trump to let them interview him amidst the allegations of the Russian connection. I gotta say to me it shows he is willing to let himself be faced by his worst critics and walk away un scathed. 

4 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

I love all these non-Americans sticking their oar in, most likely people who've never been there and have spoken to few actual Americans. They see the country through the distorted lens of the ludicrously one-sided corporate media and/or alt-right lunatics and believe that's what Americans think. They believe ridiculous polls that can be skewed in any direction and lists of "facts" that are made up out of thin air.

When Obama was President there was constant wailing about how he should be impeached or resign or arrested and hung from his heels. In the US, the media of all stripes sells politics in the country as a blood sport, exaggerating and/or just making stuff up to drive up viewership numbers. The likes of WaPo and the NYT issued apologies for their blatant biases during the election yet continue to be openly hostile toward the Trump administration, that he and his people can do nothing right or good ever. It's childish and will backfire as their readership plummets. I canceled my subscription to the NYT after their coverage of the election was so tilted it came off as a hysterical high school rag. And I wasn't alone by a long shot.

Well as the US keeps sticking it's oar into global foreign policy which has a direct effect on the lives of those 'non-Americans' then they have every right to stick their 'oar' in. I have lived there, I have flown side by side with them in a war and I am entitled to my view or opinion on any subject matter I choose. 


You cancelled your subscription to the NYT,  maybe that's what DJT means by the failing NYT. I wonder how many people took out subscriptions though? Funny if the NYT is failing and if POTUS thinks they are so biased how he simply cannot resist giving them private, unrehearsed interviews.

1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

"Fake News, Fake Media and Deep State". President Bannon's legacy is going to live on for years.


I am all for further investigations, but that is no excuse for a "but but but Hilary" cry. Trump and his enablers must face whatever crimes they have committed. Those crimes will not be made up or fabricated, they will either be real or there will be no charges. If they are real then you do the crime, do the time - no excuses. As regards Clinton, go ahead have an investigation, if she is guilty then she must face up to that as well. But the Republicans did have 4 investigations into the emails and Benghazi and despite wanting to nail her they could not find anything. Is that because she did nothing or because of the utter incompetence of the Republican committee's?  A bit like tossing a coin for a million dollars saying 'best of 3 wins', and then 'no, best of 5 wins', 'no best of 7 wins'.

You're a bit naive about how things work inside the Beltway. Both Democrats and Republicans, and I'm neither, will cut deals as it suits them. Reps from both parties may have more in common with each other on a local or regional level than with members of their own party. US politics is about money and influence. The main goal of all congressmen and congresswomen and senators is to stay in power and get re-elected. Sadly, there is no term limit in either house. How they manage to stay in office often crosses party lines and is usually influenced by well funded lobbyists. What you see on TV of the two chambers is pure theatrics. The real deal making goes on behind closed doors. Investigations into allegations made against Hillary were soft-pedaled by Obama ally and FBI director at the time, Bill Comey. That was pretty clear. And current investigator Robert Mueller's past record must bring into question whether he has conflicting interests. So yes, let's have investigations all round and who knows, one of them may actually get somewhere. But cutting deals are pretty much SOP in DC, as various investigations into Bill "Bubba" Clinton and other commanders in chief have shown.

2 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Yup the NYT is very Dem bias. But you have to admit it took a lot of balls for Trump to let them interview him amidst the allegations of the Russian connection. I gotta say to me it shows he is willing to let himself be faced by his worst critics and walk away un scathed.

It is not 'balls', it is stupidity and it is his out of control ego. Do you seriously think he is walking away 'unscathed'? Every time he does this he shaves off another point or two from his supporter/approval base.

2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well as the US keeps sticking it's oar into global foreign policy which has a direct effect on the lives of those 'non-Americans' then they have every right to stick their 'oar' in. I have lived there, I have flown side by side with them in a war and I am entitled to my view or opinion on any subject matter I choose. 


You cancelled your subscription to the NYT,  maybe that's what DJT means by the failing NYT. I wonder how many people took out subscriptions though? Funny if the NYT is failing and if POTUS thinks they are so biased how he simply cannot resist giving them private, unrehearsed interviews.

Let me play Battle Hymn of the Republic for you. If you do know Americans who are serving or that have served, you'd know boasting about one's own military service is what's called "Sellin' wolf tickets."

3 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

You're a bit naive about how things work inside the Beltway.

 Not as naive as you it appears:


3 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

Investigations into allegations made against Hillary were soft-pedaled by Obama ally and FBI director at the time, Bill Comey. That was pretty clear. And current investigator Robert Mueller's past record must bring into question whether he has conflicting interests.

 Are you a Fox News viewer? The only conflict of interest Mueller has is he is a true patriot and despite everything he is finding out he must tell all. It would protect the superficial interests of the USA far more if Mueller just buried all this, that is his conflict of interest - he cannot, he must ensure the truth comes out.

4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

It is not 'balls', it is stupidity and it is his out of control ego. Do you seriously think he is walking away 'unscathed'? Every time he does this he shaves off another point or two from his supporter/approval base.

If you believe approval ratings sold by the NYT any more than those put out by Alex Jones and his nut cases, I don't know what to tell you. The media on all sides serve as PR hacks for vested interests that couldn't care less about "America" or "the people."

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