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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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With Russia investigation, plenty to see here

"President Trump and his acolytes keep telling Americans to pay no heed to allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in last year's election."


"Actually, the longer special prosecutor Robert Mueller, Congress and the news media look at this scandal, the more Roman candles light up the sky."


"Even as Russia news has been eclipsed in recent weeks by hurricanes and North Korean missile tests, explosive new evidence continues to emerge: At the same time Trump was running for the Republican presidential nomination, his business organization was secretly pursuing a multimillion dollar real estate deal in Russia, an adversarial nation."


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20 minutes ago, iReason said:

Things have gone from bad to worse for Trump officials targeted in Russia probe

"U.S. investigators wiretapped Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman, both before and after the 2016 election, CNN reported Monday, due to their suspicions over his ties to Ukrainian and Russian operatives."


"And in July, after conducting a raid on his Alexandria, Virginia home, prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller also warned Manafort that he’d soon be indicted, the New York Times reported on Monday."


"Flynn, who reportedly has more than seven lawyers working on his core legal team, tweeted out a link to a fund set up to help defray what his benefactors called the “tremendous costs of legal representation.”



May I just interject here, "Lock him up!"

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While I do very much look forward to seeing members of the Trump crime syndicate being hauled off to jail for their many crimes including his odious spawn, it does indeed look like the intelligence community has had it in for Trump.  The republic has indeed come to a parlous state when our hope of saving the democracy depends on that other ongoing criminal enterprise, the CIA, and that long-time violator of civil rights, the FBI. 


It may be the case that the spooks held it against Trump that during the campaign he disavowed the "permanent war" policy announced by Bush/Cheney and endorsed by Hillary Clinton.  Butlike  all the presidential candidates in the past who promised peace (Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon,) once in office Trump switch can't resist rattling the saber.  


Anyway, for that reason or some other, the spooks also intervened in the 2016 election.


Not good. 

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44 minutes ago, iReason said:

"Flynn, who reportedly has more than seven lawyers working on his core legal team, tweeted out a link to a fund set up to help defray what his benefactors called the “tremendous costs of legal representation.”



Now wasn't it Trump and his deplorables saying something like "if he hasn't done anything wrong, why plead the 5th". If he hasn't done anything wrong why get 7 lawyers? I don't get it.................oops, maybe Flynn has done something wrong, and also everyone else lawyered up in the Whitehouse. If I had done nothing wrong, I sure as eggs would not engage someone on 1000 USD per hour when there is no need.   Popcorn!

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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Why not shut the thread?

You have your vote.

Just gives Anti-Trump Supremacists a medium to spout their hate.

Supremacists? That is a typical trumpian (and general fascist) tactic but perhaps an original wrinkle. To accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. Not you personally, I don't know you or care, but the disgraceful racist trump movement.


 trump represents all manner of white resentment (Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, alt-right, non-affiliated angry white people) and you're calling an anti-trump POV supremacist? Nice try. Total B.S. 

If the thread doesn't interest you, I can help you out. Do not read it. Do not post to it. Sorted. 


Speaking of the actual topic, the potential IMPEACHMENT of the clown potus, that is coming along nicely. 



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"The recent news that Robert Mueller obtained a search warrant for the contents of Facebook accounts associated with Russian operatives trying to undermine the 2016 presidential election was a key turning point in our knowledge of his investigation that could transform the scope of the inquiry and the legal strategy of the people in the special counsel's sights."


"It means that Mueller presented evidence to a federal magistrate judge who concluded there was good reason to believe that foreign individuals committed a crime by making a "contribution" in connection with the election and that evidence of such a crime existed on Facebook."


"Mueller's warrant tells us that the special counsel is closing in on specific foreigners who tried to undermine our democracy, that he's serious about going after Russian interference and he is far enough along to convince a federal judge that he has good evidence of such a crime."


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5 hours ago, Meljames said:


At this point in the game the only 'argument' for Trump is to rebuff any statements against his qualifications or fitness to hold office. You're correct he hasn't any convictions, but this is only a rebuff.  Having no convictions is not a qualification for leadership and speaks nothing to his character or ability to hold office, especially since his business(es) have been involved in over 3500 lawsuits and other cases of litigation. Not to mention major ongoing criminal investigations.


If you're a true supporter; instead of being on the constant defense how about putting forth an argument to persuade people to also become supporters, or at least some hard facts showing his abilities and real achievements as leader. Several months ago this would have been a somewhat easy task, as he had some good rhetoric and juxtaposed to Hilary he seemed like a reasonable alternative.


In fighting terms, you're against the ropes throwing weak punches. 

Please read the thread.  My comment that Trump has no criminal record was in response to a post that said Trump had lived a sordid and criminal life.


Why should I try to persuade people here to "support" Trump?  Some, by their own admission, are ineligible to even vote in the US.  I don't see how any Trump supporter would be on the defense, as Trump is president, has been for 8 months.  There won't be another election for another 3 years or so.

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7 hours ago, mesquite said:

Hilarious.  If Trump had led a "sordid, criminal life" NBC would have fired him years ago.

It's past time to get used to President Trump.  He will be around for 7 years, 4 months more.


6 hours ago, iReason said:



Stellar example of an acolyte once again displaying foot in mouth syndrome.

Well done!



NBC Officially Fires Donald Trump From ‘Celebrity Apprentice’

"BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — NBC entertainment chairman, Bob Greenblatt, had two words Thursday on whether Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump would ever return as host of "The Celebrity Apprentice:" Absolutely not."


"Greenblatt said that the show will not be back next season, but will return in the future with a new host."


"NBC cut ties with Trump in June days after he made critical comments about Mexican immigrants and NBC canceled its airing of the Miss USA pageant, which Univision also decided not to air."




Donald Trump’s All-Consuming Obsession with TV Ratings: A History

"It started with The Apprentice, which Trump claimed was the No. 1 show on TV for years after it stopped cracking the top 20."


"At the entrance to Mar-a-Lago, a framed printout of a TV Guide ratings chart decorates the wall,

showing The Apprentice at No. 1."


"It’s an old chart, citing just one episode’s performance—the Donald Trump–hosted reality show was the seventh-most-watched program on television in its first year, but didn’t even crack the Top 10 in subsequent seasons."



"one episode’s performance"

Just another in a long history of LIES.


In your haste to fawn, you forgot #MAGA!



P.S. You really should do your research on his well documented, sordid, criminal underworld associated life.

Well documented on this very thread in fact. :thumbsup:

Do you ever read the stuff you post?  Sure Trump was fired after he became a candidate for president, for political reasons!  Again, where is the evidence of Trump's criminal record?  Convictions, dates, offenses.  There are none.  Trump has NO criminal record.  He is not a criminal.


Maybe it's time to start dealing in facts.  And the facts are at the end of the day Trump got 304 electoral votes and Clinton got 227.  Trump won.  And that is the main issue with the Trump haters here.  Everything else stems from that.

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7 minutes ago, Meljames said:


In truly shows how you have based your decision for this election not on research or information gathered through the news but the basest of emotions.  Odd thing is in the end the one you've voted for is working against your best interest. Unless of course, seeing the Trump business' net worth go up in value is what you're hoping for.


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Actually the member you were addressing has no best interest skin in the game in the U.S. presidency.  He's a Brit. It's interesting that so many obviously very right wing Brits, Canucks, and Aussies are so enamored of the perverted clown potus.

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4 minutes ago, Meljames said:


I was a very much against GWB and his methods used for the Iraq invasion. At the time there were   intelligent discussions and arguments by people on forums etc, supporting him in the invasion. Although I never came around to their side of things, I accepted their view point and respected their opinions; many of them anyway.


I've yet to hear any Trump supporter put forth any argument or opinion based on reason or fact. The discussions devolve quickly into school yard mentality of 'yeah but, he started it' or 'I know you are but what am I?'So now you've decided you can't win;why try and you want to take your ball and go home.


In truly shows how you have based your decision for this election not on research or information gathered through the news but the basest of emotions.  Odd thing is in the end the one you've voted for is working against your best interest. Unless of course, seeing the Trump business' net worth go up in value is what you're hoping for.


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Maybe you ought to start reading the posts.

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6 minutes ago, mesquite said:


Do you ever read the stuff you post?  Sure Trump was fired after he became a candidate for president, for political reasons!  Again, where is the evidence of Trump's criminal record?  Convictions, dates, offenses.  There are none.  Trump has NO criminal record.  He is not a criminal.


Maybe it's time to start dealing in facts.  And the facts are at the end of the day Trump got 304 electoral votes and Clinton got 227.  Trump won.  And that is the main issue with the Trump haters here.  Everything else stems from that.

trump won. Yes. It isn't the first time in history that a dangerous unhinged authoritarian demagogue has been legally elected. Or in this case, possibly legally elected. Wait for the investigations to finish before being so sure about that. 

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30 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Sure Trump was fired after he became a candidate for president, for political reasons! 

Again, where is the evidence of Trump's criminal record?  Convictions, dates, offenses.

Trump won.  And that is the main issue with the Trump haters here.  Everything else stems from that.

Hallucinating? Seeing things on the page that aren't there?


"his well documented, sordid, criminal underworld associated life."

Look into it. Right here on this thread.


No need to go into all of the documented sordid legal affairs that he bought his way out of.

The acolytes simply ignore these facts, among many others.


"Trump won. And that is the main issue with the Trump haters here. Everything else stems from that."

No, that's just myopic platitudes that the acolytes (((echo))).

In their narrow-minded uninformed defense, that's what they think and believe.


No worries, the wheels of Justice are turning and it will all come out in the wash. :thumbsup:

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Cohen, close Trump business adviser, to testify in Senate on Tuesday

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Cohen, one of President Donald Trump’s closest business advisers, said on Sunday he would testify on Tuesday to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, as the panel investigates alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election."


"Cohen confirmed that he would testify to the committee on Tuesday and said he did not know whether it would be in a closed session or public."


"Cohen said previously he had received a subpoena from at least one of the congressional committees investigating what U.S. intelligence has determined were Russia’s efforts to influence the election on Trump’s behalf, and whether Trump associates colluded with Russia."


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Deutsche Bank CEO won't reveal whether the bank has talked with Mueller about Trump

"Germany's largest bank reportedly expects subpoenas or requests from authorities investigating potential coordination between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Russian government."


"But until there's a binding request, his bank won't give anything up,  Deutsche Bank CEO John Cryan told CNBC."


"The German lender has done business with the current U.S. president for decades, and there have been hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of loans made to Trump businesses through a Deutsche Bank unit, according to multiple reports."


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7 minutes ago, mesquite said:

This is all we need to determine if Trump is a criminal

Still defending Trump's lack of criminal convictions. Can you show some of the things Trump's done since taking the oath that shows he's a skilled political leader and is moving the US forward?

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Trump team 'fear White House staff wearing wires' to collect evidence for Mueller's Russia investigation

"Almost every senior official in the White House has retained a criminal defence lawyer."


“The uncertainty has grown to the point that White House officials privately express fear that colleagues may be wearing a wire to surreptitiously record conversations for Mr Mueller.”


"It has been reported that among the White House staff, and former staff, Mr Mueller intends to interview, are White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, former chief of staff Reince Priebus, Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s spokesman Josh Raffel, deputy White House counsel James Burnham, and Mr McGahn, the White House counsel."


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Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns 

"Mueller would be engaged in malpractice if he didn't" already have access to the president's tax returns, a member of Congress on one of the congressional committees looking at Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election told me."


"I believe Mueller has already obtained tax returns in the Russia investigation," Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor in the Securities and Commodities Fraud Section of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Chicago"


"Title 26, United States Code, Section 6103(i)(1) provides for tax information to be obtained upon the grant of an ex parte order by a Federal district court judge or magistrate judge for use in criminal investigations."



Rule #1: Follow the money.

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9 minutes ago, Meljames said:

That's a copy and paste from White House.gov.(WhiteHouse.gov) My question was directed to you personally not the WH. Precisely what has Trump done that you support and shown the qualities that you look to in a a leader.


As far as your list goes, I could easily paste something from WAPO or NYT or CNN that refutes it. That's not a discussion though is it; just a battle of who can Google the best written article to prove their point.





Your question was, "Can you show some of the things Trump's done since taking the oath that shows he's a skilled political leader and is moving the US forward? "  which I answered and now I am done with that. 


Back to the topic.


Trump will not be impeached or forced to resign as the poll results show and in fact the Trump will not be impeached or resign position has grown since the poll was reopened.


Still waiting for that evidence of criminal conduct.  A case number and disposition (as in guilty) is all we need.  Or proof that Trump was incarcerated like Rod Blagojevich or Ray Nagin as I pointed out.


All we need is one conviction and then we can shout from the rooftops that Trump is a criminal, without looking like complete morons.


Someone, anyone, please, give us that one criminal conviction.

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55 minutes ago, mesquite said:

give us that one criminal conviction.

Really ,that's all you got.


Like I mentioned earlier, Trump fans are unable to substantiate their support for the man.Your only claim that he's a legitimate leader is he has no criminal convictions. Your repeated postings and lack of substance only reinforces my earlier post.

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Trump Jong-un has now terminated his Secret Service protection.  Must be afraid that SS agents would be giving testimony during his upcoming trial, which might not be that far off now that Manafort is soon to be charged.  It can't be long after that that Manafort starts telling what he knows about Trump.




The noose tightens.

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The poll results are now VERY dated.

Not that I would place any value on any unscientific poll on a forum like this, but in this case even more meaningless.

Some serious things are happening now with the investigations that weren't happening when people voted. So the impeachment chances do go up especially after 2018.



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On 7/27/2017 at 3:45 PM, mogandave said:


Most everyone benefits directly or indirectly from a strong market.

That said, recent growth is due to the sound economic policies put in place during eight years of the Obama Administration, not by a few months of chest-beating by an orange-headed buffoon.


History tends to repeat in cycles. The first great depression was preceeded by years of corporate consolidation and stock market boom which was based on false speculation and corporate manipulation which lead to the eventual crash. 

The old middle class was created with job creation by FDR, the buck stops here Truman and yes Eisenhower along with strong unions able to negotiate good contracts. They all had high taxes on the extremely wealthy, I am not sure but I seem to recall Ike made the highest taxes of something like 90%. 

Republicans with their tax breaks for the elite create recessions and democrats have traditionally cleaned them up, however, there are few democrats left, the party has become republican light. 

Just like in the 1920's the stock market has enjoyed years of growth based on fake statistics making Banksters and CEO's even wealthier. (as well as the congress critters they own). The wall is ready to collapse again. 



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