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What Was On Your Menu This Year?


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So what did you guys have for christmas lunch/dinner this year?

I have not had a traditional christmas lunch for the past five years, last year it was noodles as usual, this year however i managed a t-bone steak with roast potatoe, chicken and mushroom soup and a huge salad.

What was on the menu for everyone else?

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can't remember when I last had a trad Xmas lunch...some years back inna different life. This year I had a cheese, onion and tomato sammich followed by a can of SPC sphagetti...it weren't too bad...did some cooking and put up 2 dozen pickled eggs...waitin' to see what they taste like...

the news of James Brown's death kinda soured my appetite...

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Now I'm used to the fairly small portions, little and often, so if I try to eat a large traditional xmas dinner, I wouldn't get past the starter.

Christmas dinner for me was Nam Dtok and I enjoyed it much more than I would have Turkey with all the trimmings

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pavlova! people eat that stuff??? :D

dinner was fondue with variety of nice homemade sauces....4 of them...some curry flavoured one, soy n honey, and 2 others...dont ask me what went into them..my friend did the cooking...i did the tasting and it was all good :D

served with 2 salads....boiled eggs with gerghin (sp?) or i think thats what it is..and a few other herbs

plus tomatoes and mushroom with lettuce salad. all yummy! is making me crave. dessert was strawberriessssss mmmmmm (but I missed out on that :o )

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Anglo-Thai FUSION lunch...Roast duck with chilli peppers,boiled spuds,rice,carrots,turnips,brussels sprouts ....prick nee koon... and an OXO onion gravy.

pudding was a carrot cake from "Lobinsons" (last visit) with budgens minted ice cream and a touch of flaming brandy....all done by me in the new microwave.(got bells and whistles) :o

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Grilled cheese sandwiches (lots of butter!) a huge green salad and the most fabulous dessert croissant I have ever eaten from St. Etoile bakery at the Emporium ......... a HUGE flaky croissant, covered with dark chocolate and sliced almonds, and filled with something sweet--not sure what but just right--it was awesome!

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Lunch.... er, didn't wake up until 4pm (sleeping off a -slight- hangover). Dinner, chicken and rice (kâao man gài ), very festive :o

khao man gai at 4 pm?...you could sole yer flip flops for a year with that one...only the broth is palatable after 0900 hrs...

Eh?. The old and rightly famous (and filthy) khao man gai shops in Pratunam don't really get going until 9PM.

Then try finding a seat................Lovely stuff.



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