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Thai/British actress and cop killer sobs as 20,000 baht bail posted


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Thai/British actress and cop killer sobs as 20,000 baht bail posted



Picture: Thai Rath


BANGKOK: -- Thai/British actress Anna Rees, who killed a cop in 2015, has been released on 20,000 baht bail after her latest bad behavior.


Relatives arrived with the cash to get her out of the Huay Kwang cells as she sobbed about her stressful life, reported Thai Rath.


She was arrested on Sunday after being found drunk in her BMW Z4 car after a rant at a pub in the area. She also hit another car in the

pub's parking lot.


Acting station chief Ekakhom Janthanarat said that the actress had admitted drunk driving though there would be further toxicology tests for drugs the results of which would be announced in three weeks.


If she was also on drugs there will be a further charge to the one already laid for drink driving, Ekakhom said. She has denied taking drugs, he said.


Following a finger pointing rant after her arrest the police have, however, taken pity on the celeb and will not be charging her with defamation and insulting the force.


Ekakhom said that her words were spoken in a state of high stress while she was drunk.


But the case where she killed a cop in 2015, while in itself resolved, will be something that the court will consider when the actress appears, he said.


Anna - also known as Anna Hambawaris - drove her Mercedes-Benz into the parked patrol car of Suphanburi policeman Napadol Wongbandit, 44, on the motorway in Prawet district.


She did not go to jail. Instead she paid an unspecified sum to the parents of the cop and then became a nun for a short while.


Police said the damage to the car she hit in the parking lot in this latest incident would be sorted out this evening.


Meanwhile, Anna sobbed to the press after her release yesterday saying that she was facing personal and family problems and needed a rest. She said that this latest incident was very tiring.


She hoped she would feel better when they see her again.


She said that the collision with the other car on this occasion was as a result of stress making her "unaware of her surroundings".


Source: Thai Rath


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-05-23
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'Relatives arrived with the cash to get her out of the Huay Kwang cells as she sobbed about her stressful life'


Yes, a life of clubbing and driving expensive European cars must be very stressful. Me thinks she's probably had enough of having to pretend to be someone she's not. Most people do this everyday and it does kill a part of your soul forever, but you'll sure have a lot of a friends on Facebook. 


'Acting station chief Ekakhom Janthanarat said that the actress had admitted drunk driving though there would be further toxicology tests for drugs the results of which would be announced in three weeks'


Wow! DNA tests can be done overnight, but gauging exactly how hammered she was will take 3 weeks. That's a lot of time to negotiate a price and come out with "Well, she was only slightly over the limit. Not enough to affect her driving"


These reforms are working wonders.

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"Following a finger pointing rant after her arrest the police have, however, taken pity on the celeb and will not be charging her with defamation and insulting the force."


You can't make this stuff up. It's good... LOL

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This ridiculous piss can wench should be locked up for public protection as a minimum.

After killing a guy through either impaired or merely inattentive should surely have resulted in at least a disqualification.


I would be very interested to hear why any criminal charges were never laid in the previous incident. The legal system is a joke, a sick one at that

Edited by z42
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14 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.

The Death was in 2015.  That has been dealt with. This is a separate incident where she collided with a car in a car park while leaving a pub. No death and no injury. 

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5 minutes ago, wxpwzrd said:

"Following a finger pointing rant after her arrest the police have, however, taken pity on the celeb and will not be charging her with defamation and insulting the force."


You can't make this stuff up. It's good... LOL

Makes sense. They set the bar extremely low for her and what she can get away with when she's dealing with police. Seems finger pointing and killing police officers is okay with them. Hate to see what she'd have to do to them to go to prison. 

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7 minutes ago, kingkenny said:

The Death was in 2015.  That has been dealt with. This is a separate incident where she collided with a car in a car park while leaving a pub. No death and no injury. 

Actually, since she was given a "suspended sentence" it might and should be reinstated. 

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8 minutes ago, kingkenny said:

The Death was in 2015.  That has been dealt with. This is a separate incident where she collided with a car in a car park while leaving a pub. No death and no injury. 

Agree with you but 20.000 baht is still a joke.

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40 minutes ago, webfact said:

"unaware of her surroundings".


Too much alcohol will do that to you,I suppose the killing of the policeman,

has been forgotten by her,just a bump in the road of life.

regards worgeordie

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40 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.


You're a little late.  That was last time.  She didn't kill anyone this time.  Just dented up some property.  20,000 bail seems reasonable since I doubt she's a flight risk over some material damages.  (You, on the other hand, could have easily fled the country...)   That's not to say she shouldn't go to jail for repeatedly doing stupid things.  But that should be decided in court at her trial.  


In the meantime, as much as the hang-em-high brigade would love to see her rot in jail 'til then- how would you feel if that was your kid?

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If she's suffering from such "stress" and is so tired, perhaps she needs some peace and quiet time off from her stressful life -- like in a nice quiet, peaceful jail/prison cell -- far away from the booze, clubs, fancy sports cars, etc that inhabit her current daily life.


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9 minutes ago, impulse said:


You're a little late.  That was last time.  She didn't kill anyone this time.  Just dented up some property.  20,000 bail seems reasonable since I doubt she's a flight risk over some material damages.  (You, on the other hand, could have easily fled the country...)   That's not to say she shouldn't go to jail for repeatedly doing stupid things.  But that should be decided in court at her trial.  


In the meantime, as much as the hang-em-high brigade would love to see her rot in jail 'til then- how would you feel if that was your kid?

I'd feel terrible if she were my kid. I've failed her as a parent and a human being. 


Still, not as bad as I'd feel if the police officer she killed was my kid. Gotta look for that silver lining. 

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1 minute ago, rkidlad said:

I'd feel terrible if she were my kid. I've failed her as a parent and a human being. 


Still, not as bad as I'd feel if the police officer she killed was my kid. Gotta look for that silver lining. 


Terrible as you'd feel about being a failure as a parent, your kids are still your kids... 

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Just now, impulse said:


Terrible as you'd feel about being a failure as a parent, your kids are still your kids... 

Yeap, it's always black and white. Kids do wrong and you must stick up for them. Hang on! That might explain a lot why they are the way they are. Spoilt brats. 

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5 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yeap, it's always black and white. Kids do wrong and you must stick up for them. Hang on! That might explain a lot why they are the way they are. Spoilt brats. 


Bailing the kid out of jail to await trial isn't exactly the same as "sticking up for them".  


She obviously has a drinking problem.  If she were my kid, I'd move heaven and earth to try to get her help for that.  And that may mean letting her suffer the consequences of her actions.  But I would still post bail before I'd leave her in a Thai jail to await trial.  (Edit:) Texas jail?  I'd think about letting her cool her jets for a few days...

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20 minutes ago, impulse said:


You're a little late.  That was last time.  She didn't kill anyone this time.  Just dented up some property.  20,000 bail seems reasonable since I doubt she's a flight risk over some material damages.  (You, on the other hand, could have easily fled the country...)   That's not to say she shouldn't go to jail for repeatedly doing stupid things.  But that should be decided in court at her trial.  


In the meantime, as much as the hang-em-high brigade would love to see her rot in jail 'til then- how would you feel if that was your kid?

Sorry but your comments are nonsense, she got a suspended sentence which should have been acted on.

Also talking rubbish about me fleeing the country, when i was on an immigration block.

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Just now, impulse said:


Bailing the kid out of jail to await trial isn't exactly the same as "sticking up for them".  


She obviously has a drinking problem.  If she were my kid, I'd move heaven and earth to try to get her help for that.  And that may mean letting her suffer the consequences of her actions.  But I would still post bail before I'd leave her in a Thai jail to await trial.

Yea, I'm not talking about posting bail. I'm sure she had 20,000 baht herself. 


I have sympathy for alcoholics. I have even more sympathy for alcoholics actively trying to help themselves. What I don't have sympathy for is some spoilt brat killing a police officer while driving hammered and all the antics that came afterwards.


Now she's been caught drink driving 'again'. She could have killed another person. Yet people are supposed to not be angry with her? You want the first feeling from people to be sympathy? This explains so much as to why she is the way in the first place. Soft parenting and useless policing. She's a turd. A massive turd. 

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51 minutes ago, kingkenny said:

The Death was in 2015.  That has been dealt with. This is a separate incident where she collided with a car in a car park while leaving a pub. No death and no injury. 


Shame she didn't learn a thing. Luckily no-one died this time or the other times she drank and drove.


Anyone with any sort of conscience would stop drinking and driving after killing someone.

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get help woman, you are a menace when on the piss and driving.


who is going to be her next victim? school children at a bus stop, mama noi at her food cart or if lucky a purely innocent lamp post.


lock her away land of do nothing.

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yea, I'm not talking about posting bail. I'm sure she had 20,000 baht herself. 


I have sympathy for alcoholics. I have even more sympathy for alcoholics actively trying to help themselves. What I don't have sympathy for is some spoilt brat killing a police officer while driving hammered and all the antics that came afterwards.


Now she's been caught drink driving 'again'. She could have killed another person. Yet people are supposed to not be angry with her? You want the first feeling from people to be sympathy? This explains so much as to why she is the way in the first place. Soft parenting and useless policing. She's a turd. A massive turd. 


You're confusing my support for a bail system that allows people to be released to await trial with support for her on a personal level.  The 20,000 isn't a fine or restitution.  That will be decided later.  I hope it's a whopper- if only to shock her into getting help.  And I think the results of her previous trial were a tragedy for the Thai people- especially the victim's family. 


But given the conditions in the Thai jail system, and the high probability that some cops are probably still a little cheesed off at her, I think it was wise to grant her bail.


That 20,000 bail is just to guaranty she shows up for trial.  Given her history of showing up for trial even when she was charged with killing a cop, I think it's a reasonable amount for bail.  (And what I think is immaterial anyway)  It's not close to an adequate punishment, and certainly won't deter her from future stupid behavior.  But that's what the trial is to decide.  After the drug test results are in.  I'll hold off my judgment of "Thai justice" in this case until we see the results of the trial.  I honestly expect to be disappointed (outraged?) yet again.  


But I like to delay my feelings of outrage until they're justified...  Just too hard on the system to be outraged all the time.

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Just now, impulse said:


You're confusing my support for a bail system that allows people to be released to await trial with support for her on a personal level.  The 20,000 isn't a fine or restitution.  That will be decided later.  I hope it's a whopper- if only to shock her into getting help.  And I think the results of her previous trial were a tragedy for the Thai people- especially the victim's family. 


But given the conditions in the Thai jail system, and the high probability that some cops are probably still a little cheesed off at her, I think it was wise to grant her bail.


That 20,000 bail is just to guaranty she shows up for trial.  Given her history of showing up for trial even when she was charged with killing a cop, I think it's a reasonable amount for bail.  (And what I think is immaterial anyway)  It's not close to an adequate punishment, and certainly won't deter her from future stupid behavior.  But that's what the trial is to decide.  After the drug test results are in.  I'll hold off my judgment of "Thai justice" in this case until we see the results of the trial.  I honestly expect to be disappointed (outraged?) yet again.  


But I like to delay my feelings of outrage until they're justified...  Just too hard on the system to be outraged all the time.

I think there's every reason to outraged. This is the rich and powerful taking advantage of the system because it's allowed.


Now she has been given 3 weeks to wait for her breathalyzer/blood sample test to be concluded. She will not be punished for this the same as last time. By more people being outraged, there's more chance authorities might do their job. Meaning less chance of people being killed by some selfish, abhorrent drunk driver. This is yet another predictable story. 

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A rich Thai-girl, who is even studying. The definition of what many male farangs call a "good girl". One of those you should go for, if you are looking for a Thai-woman.


I would rather marry a Isaan Bargirl shooting ping pong balls at me, than hang around that hi-so drama queen. 

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