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Selling buffalo

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Hi All


I wonder if someone help me with some info. My wife and I own 30 reasonably fed and healthy water buffalo in the hills south of Korat, near Pak Thong Chai.  This started out as a kind of hobby but now it is getting a little out of hand and we have some personal health problems keeping us mostly in Bangkok that make it increasingly difficult to properly care for them. I would like to sell and my wife goes through the motions of trying but her heart is not in it (I think) and I am trying to figure what to do. She says she asks around the village and got a couple of leads from a neighbor but phone calls were not returned etc etc.


I figure there has to be a market some place and that I could find someone to go there and help with a deal, full service with the buyer coming to pick up, etc.


Any ideas on this? I'd be grateful for suggestions and am open to paying a commission, there must be agents who do this sort of thing. 



Thanks much for suggestions.


Dick M.


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I cannot contribute anything, but if you don't mind can I ask a question ?


Are these types of buffalo commonly used in Thailand for meat, dairy, or simply as beasts of burden (plowing, etc) ? Thanks in advance and good luck.

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There a cattle markets weekly on certain days in most provinces.They cater for buffalo's to.

Find your closest one and make a sign to say you have x amount for sale on farm.There are many middlemen at these markets who have trucks and basically buy and sell from market to market.

If you live in a village find the nearest big town and ask there for a location or call the government livestock department,they would have a list of all registered selling venues. 

Don't expect great prices for a bulk deal,you will have to take what's offered.

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always easy to buy, hard to sell on for ok-good price.

they do fetch good money if you can find the right people...... a fella around here keeps these and he gets a good return on his investment, he sells them to soméone who exports them....??? the large ones go for 50-70,000 baht each or so i have heard.....

if you are not in need of the cash i would take my time and wait for the right money. contacts......

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Farmer Jo about sums it up ,the Thai cattle markets are known  as  Dalart-Nut -Wuw,  finding one is not always easy ,ask around and see if they are any  cattle dealers in your area   your  local  DLD office should know, Gom-Pa-sa-Sat  in Thai .

You are south of Korat if you ever go down Pack Chon/Mortlec  ,that is a big dairy cow area ask at the milk collection  centres  , you will find some contacts  for cattle dealers ,I am in Lopburi a big cow area with lots of cattle dealers. around here.


Problem with cattle markeks are ,you have got to get the  buffalos they, findeing  transport   for cattle  not  aways easy , 30 buffalos you might get them on a  long wheelbase  6 wheel truck ,or it will take 5- 6  cattle  rigged out  pickups a logistical  problem .

 And once your buffalos  are at the market ,cattle dealers will know your hands are tied , you will have to except they price ,or find the cost of taking the animals back home.

Find  some cattle dealers  and sell them  at the farm  , I would say  you would get a better price .

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Thanks much, this helps. I need to find the nearest cattle market to Pak Thong Chai or maybe hire one of my neighbors to do this, then visit, then make a sign etc and visit on market day. Might be an enjoyable project!



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3 hours ago, Swelters said:

Thanks much, this helps. I need to find the nearest cattle market to Pak Thong Chai or maybe hire one of my neighbors to do this, then visit, then make a sign etc and visit on market day. Might be an enjoyable project!



Be careful, you could get your fingers burnt, not knowing the  markets .and  not speaking  Thai.  


Sell them at home less hassle . 

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  • 3 weeks later...

30 buffalo, best bet, go to a cattle market, talk to the middle men say you have 30 buffalo to sell, I doubt if any one will buy all 30, but you could perhaps sell five at a time. Five I think would be all that could fit in a ten wheel truck. One pickup would take one. Buffalo are huge animals.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Tapatalk

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On 5/23/2017 at 11:33 AM, tonray said:

I cannot contribute anything, but if you don't mind can I ask a question ?


Are these types of buffalo commonly used in Thailand for meat, dairy, or simply as beasts of burden (plowing, etc) ? Thanks in advance and good luck.


To make meatballs. No dairy buffalo in Thailand (different breed of buffalo - common in South Asia). Farmers mainly use 2-wheel or 4-wheel tractors. Consequently, Thailand's buffalo population has been declining for many years.  

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         Not so  many  buffalo  nowadays , end up as Look-Chin, meat balls ,the price of  buffalos  has gone up  over the past   few years ,so farmers keep them as a  investment ,never a lot of input  with them ,just keep them ticking over ,and you might even get a calf now and then , some where  at home I have a photo  of some one ploughing  with some buffalos ,up in Issan ,but that was a lot of years ago .

Wifes  son in law  sold about 12  buffalos last year ,cows , bulls. yearlings got about  140 000 baht  ,some of the money he used to buy  a Kwie -Lec , the 2 wheeled walk  behind tractor.for his rice fields 

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