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Stressed doctors call for shorter hours


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I spent nearly 3 months in Mission Hospital on Phuket. 2 of those we in intensive care. I saw the specialist Doctor looking after me every day apart from one. Several times he came in the late evening if I had a fever or other crisis. 


They do work very hard and for long hours. 


I owe the intial surgeon at Phuket International Hospital (as it was then) for saving my life.  I credit the Mission Doctor with keeping me alive and making sure  I could go home,


The nurses were wonderful but stretched as they had so many patients...but it didn't stop them from popping back in to say hello and check.


The one thing I do object to though is the early morning medecine rounds.... 4 years later I still wake at 05.30!!


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I spent nearly 3 months in Mission Hospital on Phuket. 2 of those we in intensive care. I saw the specialist Doctor looking after me every day apart from one. Several times he came in the late evening if I had a fever or other crisis. 
They do work very hard and for long hours. 
I owe the intial surgeon at Phuket International Hospital (as it was then) for saving my life.  I credit the Mission Doctor with keeping me alive and making sure  I could go home,
The nurses were wonderful but stretched as they had so many patients...but it didn't stop them from popping back in to say hello and check.
The one thing I do object to though is the early morning medecine rounds.... 4 years later I still wake at 05.30!!

Always remember its much appreciated if you leave a tip for the nursing staff.
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As has been said a lot of doctors have they own clinics on the side, certainly the case  around here  where I  live ,whant to see a doctor and  do not whant to go to the local  hospital , go to the clinic , which  are  only open in the evnings .

So that means  a lot of doctors  will only work an  8 -9  hour  day  so thay can get to they evning clinics ,which I would say  will make them a lot more money than working at  the local  hospital .

I would say these  doctors would be the more experienced doctors ,the ones most needed at the hospitals , it will probaly be like the hospital   junior   doctors  doing  the long hours.  

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10 hours ago, kickstart said:

As has been said a lot of doctors have they own clinics on the side, certainly the case  around here  where I  live ,whant to see a doctor and  do not whant to go to the local  hospital , go to the clinic , which  are  only open in the evnings .

So that means  a lot of doctors  will only work an  8 -9  hour  day  so thay can get to they evning clinics ,which I would say  will make them a lot more money than working at  the local  hospital .

I would say these  doctors would be the more experienced doctors ,the ones most needed at the hospitals , it will probaly be like the hospital   junior   doctors  doing  the long hours.  

You are absolutely correct.


The younger doctors and interns bear the heavy load by being used and abused but they can't complain or maybe get bad reviews.


The older doctors can drag their feet during work because senior government employees are almost impossible to fire, and when they forced the interns to work their asses off for almost no pay they go to their own clinic in the evening and start earning the big bucks. Its the same with government employees all around, once you are settled in you can start spending time figuring out how to do less on a day; come in late, leave early, take long breaks, get interns to do your job, get nurses to do your job, etc. 


The last government hospital my wife worked at had one senior doctor coming in around 10AM every day, while working hours started at 7AM or 8AM. And of course nobody could say anything as that would mean the person loses face and you might lose more.

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