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Tougher than ever to take your Thai lady home.....


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On 5/26/2017 at 2:27 PM, MrBanks said:

I see nothing wrong with this, the current threshold is only £18,600 and rises if the spouse has non European children. In my opinion if a person wants to marry someone who is not a British citizen then that person needs to be aware of ALL his or her responsibilities including the financial aspects.

Although the person has to be earning this for the last three years in the UK

What about Brits who have been living and working abroad and are in genuine relationships and want to return with their foreign Wife to the UK ?

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On 5/26/2017 at 6:31 PM, eppic said:


Actually, I am pretty sure this is not true -- I checked into it a couple of months ago.

I am American, my wife is a British citizen. She is currently not working, but raising our small child (British/American) and has only some investment income.

I believe I could settle with her in the UK if we wished, either based on my own income or my assets. At least that's how I read the rule. It would be quite a shock to find otherwise. (We will return to US or UK mostly for child educational purposes).

Not sure if this would change with the new rules as proposed.


Im afraid the bad news is that this is true. The financial requirement is based on the sponsor's income only.  Once in the country, you have to go through the whole process again after 2.5 years and only then does the applicant's income/assets contribute to the financial requirement.

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On 5/31/2017 at 0:27 PM, sanemax said:

Although the person has to be earning this for the last three years in the UK

What about Brits who have been living and working abroad and are in genuine relationships and want to return with their foreign Wife to the UK ?

i  believe  u  can  also  show £60k  in  the  bank and  no  other requirement  financially?

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If you think about it, the rule seems especially harsh for British women (particularly mothers) married to foreign husbands. So, mother raises the child and can return home, but not with husband who supports the family? In our case we would be OK because of adequate assets/ investment income, but many would be royally screwed. I guess she could return and claim benefits? Would that make the xenophobes happy? Bizarre, really.

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When I was in my early 20's and working in Japan for a few years , myself and the Japanese GF moved back to the UK .

    Neither of us had a job or any skills to get a job .

We both found work and worked our way up .

Five years later , we had bought a house outright and neither of us either claimed any benefits and we paid a lot more into the system than we ever received (which was practically nothing )

   We wouldnt be able to do that these days

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On 5/31/2017 at 4:21 AM, Tofer said:

Wow - Racist or what!


Didn't Princess Ubolratana marry a farang?

Not rasist from My/Our side but maybe from a thai side, the word Falang will give you a clue about racism .

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On ‎26‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 10:47 AM, lungnorm said:

Why would anyone in their right mind wish to take their Thai wife to the UK? and expose her to all the crap that drove you to go to Thailand ?

Oh yes. Completely agree.

I was at the London embassy one day and 3 Thai women turned up with their husbands, all with prams. I listened to them and they sounded just like any British woman, and I thought to myself WHY would anyone spoil a nice Thai woman by bringing them to Britain?

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2 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

Not rasist from My/Our side but maybe from a thai side, the word Falang will give you a clue about racism .

The word farang in itself is not a racist expression or derogatory term, it is a perfectly normal categorisation of people from a foreign country wherein their ethnicity Is unknown. Just the same as we in the UK would call people from a different country foreigners.


The comment that farang are below, i.e. not good enough for an educated Thai women is racist.

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