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Extension or just multiple entry

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I went to immigration for my 90 day report and asked the officer since my visa expires in June and my permission to stay ends in January next year (I traveled out and returned in January) do I need new multiple entry permit in June he said yes.


What I didn't ask is if I do travel at end of this year (visa expired permission to stay stamp valid), when I return will I still be on the same status or will they stamp me back in as tourist?


Bottom line is should I do the extension now or just the entry permit?

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What type of visa do you have?

It seems you may have a non-oa visa that allows a one year entry every time you enter the country up to the enter before date on your visa.

You don't need a re-entry permit until after the enter before date when you enter the country.

You cannot do an extension until 30 days before your current permit to stay ends.

I suggest you do a border hop to get a new one year entry just before the enter before date on your visa to get a new one year entry and then get a re-entry permit keep that last entry valid.

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15 minutes ago, DepDavid said:

Yes I have non-o A visa

I think I answered you questions.

If you don't want to leave and re-enter the country for a new entry you can get a re-entry permit that will keep you current permit to stay valid when you enter the country. You would get a permit to stay up the date in January you have now.

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6 hours ago, DepDavid said:

do I need new multiple entry permit in June he said yes.


If you have an unexpired/valid non-imm O-A visa it allows you multiple entries and each time you do use it to enter Thailand you would be stamped in with a new one year permission to stay.


Once the visa expires, if you want to travel out of the country and return while keeping the balance of your permission to stay, you would need a re-entry permit. Whether you want a single or multiple re-entry permit depends on how often you expect to travel out and in. The expiry date on the re-entry permit you get will match the expiration date on the permission to stay you hold at the time you get the re-entry permit.


If you were to do a border crossing out and in before the visa expires you would get a new permission to stay until May or June 2018 depending on the date you do the border hop. After doing that, if you get a multiple re-entry permit it will also be valid until when the new permission to stay expires. Any time you re-enter using the re-entry permit, your status will remain the same. Just make sure on the entry card, in the space for visa number, you put the re-entry permit number and draw the immigration officer's attention to your re-entry permit.



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1 hour ago, DepDavid said:

I thank you all for the helpful details. One last question: I am close to Chong chom. Will they give me a one year permission to stay stamp if I do a border hop there?

It can be done at any border crossing. Choeng Chom will certainly do it.

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Worked like a charm. 10 minutes in line, a look at the casino, purchase some duty free stuff and back to Thailand with 1 year permission to stay stamp. Off to immigration office this week for multiple entry permit. Thanks for the help.

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