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Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources


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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

I didn't quote you before, but now I will:


" Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians. "


I pointed out the irony of Trump supporters objecting to investigations that have not provided "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that Russia interfered with the election (the intelligence agencies say they did), when Trump for years led a completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about Obama not being a US citizen, in spite of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that he was. 


The Trumpies and fake news birthers are learning that Karma is a b*tch, and I love it.  I think it only fair that the Trump investigation continue until Trump proves there is nothing to it (by releasing tax returns and other financial details, White House visitor logs, meeting and phone transcripts, etc.), just as he dragged on the Obama conspiracy for years after Obama proved there was nothing to that.

I am being critical of but not objecting to the investigations, let them go on, however, with so many being overly zealous and hasty in convicting him despite over some 10 months, all of those investigations have failed to provide one ounce of evidence, factual or otherwise, that has led to a conviction of anyone, let alone the President.  All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him.


When the so called experts, propped up by the papers and the media,  started off with the tapes, which didn't stick, they then progressed to dragging in the women, which failed, then the Russian probe, then the Muslim ban, followed by Hillary winning the popular vote, then Comey's sacking, which the democrats first called for, then on to wanting him impeached, then calling him out for his alleged obstruction of justice, to his now being accused of treason.  Good God, the man is so bad, that he must be guilty of something but heck, with all their experts, they can't find a thing to prove any of it.  But not to worry, they have another 3 years and a bit to try, and believe me the losers will. 


There are many more negative aspects that I have not mentioned but are being bandied around to such an extent that it has developed into a trial by media, with all their so called knowledgeable experts presenting themselves to the world, laughing, grinning, smirking and being just plain downright crude and revolting in their summations of their findings toward the President, his administration and now family. That is why Americans and many in the world now despise the print and television media, as they cannot present an unbiased and balanced report on anything political.


These are the so called experts, who predicted that Mr Trump had no chance of winning and that dear Hillary was going to bolt in.  They

were all made a laughing stock of and no doubt this is just one of many reasons they are out to get him.  They are also dirty that he will not hold press conferences, but delivers what he needs to, to his supporters via rallies and Twitter.  They have even gone so low now, in the dissecting of everything Trump, to criticising the manner in which he shakes hands.  And that is a news story.


If you want to love it, then love it but don't let it yourself be blindsided through your obvious dislike for the man, as it appears to be preventing you from seeing the forest through the trees.  You have you opinion, which I respect; I may be right, I may be wrong, but given your take on the matter, it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong.  Doesn't work that way, but if you feel it does, than what more can one say.:wai: 

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am being critical of but not objecting to the investigations, let them go on, however, with so many being overly zealous and hasty in convicting him despite over some 10 months, all of those investigations have failed to provide one ounce of evidence, factual or otherwise, that has led to a conviction of anyone, let alone the President.  All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him.


When the so called experts, propped up by the papers and the media,  started off with the tapes, which didn't stick, they then progressed to dragging in the women, which failed, then the Russian probe, then the Muslim ban, followed by Hillary winning the popular vote, then Comey's sacking, which the democrats first called for, then on to wanting him impeached, then calling him out for his alleged obstruction of justice, to his now being accused of treason.  Good God, the man is so bad, that he must be guilty of something but heck, with all their experts, they can't find a thing to prove any of it.  But not to worry, they have another 3 years and a bit to try, and believe me the losers will. 


There are many more negative aspects that I have not mentioned but are being bandied around to such an extent that it has developed into a trial by media, with all their so called knowledgeable experts presenting themselves to the world, laughing, grinning, smirking and being just plain downright crude and revolting in their summations of their findings toward the President, his administration and now family. That is why Americans and many in the world now despise the print and television media, as they cannot present an unbiased and balanced report on anything political.


These are the so called experts, who predicted that Mr Trump had no chance of winning and that dear Hillary was going to bolt in.  They

were all made a laughing stock of and no doubt this is just one of many reasons they are out to get him.  They are also dirty that he will not hold press conferences, but delivers what he needs to, to his supporters via rallies and Twitter.  They have even gone so low now, in the dissecting of everything Trump, to criticising the manner in which he shakes hands.  And that is a news story.


If you want to love it, then love it but don't let it yourself be blindsided through your obvious dislike for the man, as it appears to be preventing you from seeing the forest through the trees.  You have you opinion, which I respect; I may be right, I may be wrong, but given your take on the matter, it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong.  Doesn't work that way, but if you feel it does, than what more can one say.:wai: 

"All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him."


Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you.


I am thrilled to see Trump bogged down by his own ineptness because I consider him dangerously unqualified for office.  I am not rushing to judgment on the issue of collusion, I suspect that he was more likely a useful idiot for the Russians to manipulate than someone actively colluding with the Russians.  I'm not so certain that can be said of everyone is his campaign and in/out of his administration.  I think his agenda is bad for America and I'm happy to see his administration bog down in leaks, contradictory administration statements, non-denial denials, and official after official caught in lies and omissions--it prevents him from moving forward on his foolish plans.


More than convicting anyone in the administration of collusion, I want a thorough investigation of the election to identify vulnerabilities to outside interference and fixes to the problem.  I also want traditional standards of ethics and transparency to become law; traditional standards such as detailed financial disclosures including tax returns and putting all holdings into a blind trust.  Drain the swamp Trump has shown that, like so many other swamp critters, he will only do the minimum required to stay within the law, or at least not break it in an easily prosecuted form.


"it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong."


I don't think I'm right about everything, but I am certain that Trump is dangerously unqualified to be President: Nothing he has ever done causes me to question that belief.  Once again, I'm happy to see him stymied by his own incompetence, it's better for America that way.

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6 hours ago, heybruce said:

"All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him."


Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you.


I am thrilled to see Trump bogged down by his own ineptness because I consider him dangerously unqualified for office.  I am not rushing to judgment on the issue of collusion, I suspect that he was more likely a useful idiot for the Russians to manipulate than someone actively colluding with the Russians.  I'm not so certain that can be said of everyone is his campaign and in/out of his administration.  I think his agenda is bad for America and I'm happy to see his administration bog down in leaks, contradictory administration statements, non-denial denials, and official after official caught in lies and omissions--it prevents him from moving forward on his foolish plans.


More than convicting anyone in the administration of collusion, I want a thorough investigation of the election to identify vulnerabilities to outside interference and fixes to the problem.  I also want traditional standards of ethics and transparency to become law; traditional standards such as detailed financial disclosures including tax returns and putting all holdings into a blind trust.  Drain the swamp Trump has shown that, like so many other swamp critters, he will only do the minimum required to stay within the law, or at least not break it in an easily prosecuted form.


"it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong."


I don't think I'm right about everything, but I am certain that Trump is dangerously unqualified to be President: Nothing he has ever done causes me to question that belief.  Once again, I'm happy to see him stymied by his own incompetence, it's better for America that way.


"Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you."


Sorry but not an obvious analogy, it is what I have discerned from watching the MSM and reading the media print, and unlike others on TVF I also read and watch what certain people allege to be "Fake News" thus enabling me to form a realistic and unbiased opinion. But not allowed to quote on here, no doubt to prevent a fair and even debate.  Should be a new Headline.  TVF says goodbye to Free Speech.  I don't agree with some things he has done but I disagree more with the rot being dished out on here and through other media outlets.


Yes, I get annoyed with some of the President's Twitter releases and what he says, sometimes in interviews and without explanation,  however, at least he has the guts to say it as it is and stand up to those who relish in their attempts to demonise him.  Ring a bell?


Why doesn't the media critique everything said by others about the President, doesn't suit their agenda, they just dissect his every word, even to the extent of changing their meanings or just plain making it up just to fuel their hate ridden put down.  Don't believe me, just watch CNN, ABC and CNBC.  If you do and then tell me they are not hateful, biased and do not give Trump a fair hearing, then all I can say is that you deserve each other.


Actually, I think you're already there,  with words "I'm Thrilled",  "He is unqualified", "useful idiot",  "I'm Happy", "Foolish Plans", "Swamp Critters", "Dangerously Unqualified", "Own Incompetence",  need I go on, sounds like the many words that the Anchors and their guests spew forth.  Also, if I may ask, what makes you qualified to degrade the President in such a manner?  Just a thought,  maybe you should apply to be a CNN contributor, you would be welcomed with open arms.


And you want is this and you want that?  You can want all you like but like many others, you will have to wait for the normal progression of the investigations.  And if they fall in favour of the President, will you be happy, of course not, you will just go on and, like others, will look for something else that will enable a spanner to be thrown in the wheels of progress.  :wai:



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After attacking the press for stories on Jared based on anonymous sources, what does the President do? Re-tweet positive stories on Jared, based on anonymous sources.


At least you can say that he is consistently inconsistent.


Trump hates anonymous sources, unless they're in stories favorable to him







Trump retweets report based on anonymous source after blasting anonymous sources



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13 hours ago, iReason said:


You're one of those guys who can't resist interjecting your off-topic Hilary [sic] card as often as you can...


Give it a rest buddy.


Your queen lost on her own character flaws, she's hateful, corrupt and people don't like her. 

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:


Give it a rest buddy.


Your queen lost on her own character flaws, she's hateful, corrupt and people don't like her. 

As you say, give it a rest 'buddy'.


HRC is gone, out the picture. The reality now, today every day at the moment is the disaster Trump.

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:

Give it a rest buddy.


Your queen lost on her own character flaws, she's hateful, corrupt and people don't like her. 


Irony of the first degree:cheesy::cheesy:


My queen? :blink:


Another myopic, binary mindset rear's it's ugly head.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

HRC is gone, out the picture.The reality now, today every day at the moment is the disaster Trump.


No, she's keeps putting herself back in. The disaster we have now is largely due because enough middle of the road voters hated hrc and were willing  to take a chance on trump. Time  HRC and the DNC to quit whining about trump and admit they lost on their own by betting on an unpopular candidate.


If the DNC has any plans on pulling ahead in 2018 they need to face up to the facts. As of last week though, they were still pointing fingers at trump saying 'we were' robbed'.  


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Admittedly she's ahead of the "curve"...




Sources with links to the intelligence community report that Federal Marshals executed two search and seizure warrants at Trump Tower on Friday, May 19.


One of the warrants covered an electronic storage space in Trump Tower. Several electronic items were seized as a result of this search.


The servers and data in Trump Tower, and the items taken from Manafort’s apartment, may form part of the “secure communications channel” that Kushner wanted to establish with Russia. I broke on November 7th that a FISA warrant had been secured on any US person’ in relation to two Russian banks, Alfa Bank – with whom the server was communicating – and SVB Bank. SVB Bank, which had a deal with Sberbank, is implicated in the meeting Kushner had with Gorkov. Further to that, Avi Berkowitz, who was on the Trump Data team, working with Boris Epshteyn and Brad Parscale, formed a go-between for Kushner and the Russian Ambassador.

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Trump personal attorney declines congressional Russia probe request


"President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney has turned down a request to be interviewed and provide documents in the congressional probe into Russian interference into the 2016 election."


"Michael Cohen, who worked at the Trump Organization until January and remains the president’s private counsel, confirmed Tuesday he would not cooperate with congressional inquiries as they examine contacts between Trump’s circle of aides and Russian officials."


"Others include White House senior adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and 2016 campaign advisers Michael Caputo, Roger Stone and Carter Page."


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18 hours ago, Ramen087 said:


Exposing Vladimir Putin's War on America
The above is a direct copy from the website, and how it defines itself...
That makes it look like a credible source of information objectively presented by a journalist of integrity...:wacko:

I think it is highly commendable that someone has the integrity to stand up patriotically for their country whilst so many around them seem to want to give the USA and her allies on a plate to Vladimir Putin.


I remember before going out on a particular mission in the Gulf War, we were in a big pre mission briefing and working with the US Marine air assets and before we left the meeting to commence the mission everyone was feeling gung ho and psyched up and amongst a few 'war cries' the Marines gave someone shouted  " For God, Country and Corps". We were told we may take heavy casualties and those guys were happy, knowing they may not come back to die for God, COUNTRY and Corps, in that order.  What have we now come to when people will so easily squander the core values of men who are willing to die for their country for political and personal gain, and in the case of Trump administration followers - for nothing, no gain whatsoever and no reason. What Trump and the Republicans have become will be like a bloodstain on the constitution and the US flag for decades and when the deeds of Trump and his close circle are finally and truthfully unveiled, Trump followers will feel sick and embarrassed that they threw their patriotism in the sewer.

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18 hours ago, Ramen087 said:


Exposing Vladimir Putin's War on America
The above is a direct copy from the website, and how it defines itself...
That makes it look like a credible source of information objectively presented by a journalist of integrity...:wacko:


She is more of a blogger than a journalist even though she has worked for News Corp. in the past And she has some amazing sources, for a ex-MP (Conservative).


Her breaking stories have, for the most part, been proven to be accurate. Much as Trump used Giuliani and his connections with the NY FBI to leak dirt on Hilary, someone is using Louise as a conduit for details of the many, many, many, many, many on-going investigations into the Trump world. 


Obviously if her take frightens you maybe best to avoid it?

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1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:

She is more of a blogger than a journalist even though she has worked for News Corp. in the past And she has some amazing sources, for a ex-MP (Conservative).

Her breaking stories have, for the most part, been proven to be accurate. Much as Trump used Giuliani and his connections with the NY FBI to leak dirt on Hilary, someone is using Louise as a conduit for details of the many, many, many, many, many on-going investigations into the Trump world. 

Obviously if her take frightens you maybe best to avoid it?

I'm not frightened, and she is nothing but a blogger...that's the point.

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2 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I'm not frightened, and she is nothing but a blogger...that's the point.

Well let her blog away then. Her reporting is far more credible, patriotic and American than Fox, Brietbart, Info Wars and Limbaugh and whatever other outlets are classed as prime unobjective media by Trump followers.


Trump could do so much damage to the world economy and security that in years to come we will commemorate the day he was finally brought to justice with the same cry we have used from the world wars - 'Lest we forget'. Never again.

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36 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

... Trump followers will feel sick and embarrassed that they threw their patriotism in the sewer.

So Trump was partly right.  He and his followers are indeed swamping the drain.

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On 30/5/2560 at 9:16 AM, Si Thea01 said:



Funny how that when CNN, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and Times and many others bringing to the fore the possibility of the POTUS or other members of his administration being held to account for treason, that some on here are carrying on with the same story line.  Now, if you want you adopt this approach, fine, that is your right but please do so with evidence and not just unproven allegations and hearsay. 


Also understand what is required to convict someone of such an offence, not just proffer what has been heard or throw some mud, hoping some will stick,  as to do so makes one look foolish, however, it does gather a few likes from those of similar thoughts.  Maybe that was the desired effect because there is certainly nothing, at this stage, to sustain that outlandish and other scurrilous allegations.  If there was, then certainly many would be before a grand jury or even charged and before the courts, so why is this so?



US politics have now deteriorated to the extent that a federal judge blocked Trump's latest immigration halt, not on the content or intent of the ACTUAL edict, but because the judge didn't like what Trump had been saying in the election campaign.

Seems that the anti Trumpers don't need real evidence to convict anymore. They can just make any old thing up and put it out as a "fact", and credit an "unnamed source" as "proof".

What they don't seem to realise in their hatred of Trump, is that ( IMO ) whatever they do now will come back to haunt them if they get a Democrat president in next time. Also, given that Trump will probably get another SCOTUS appointment in, the SCOTUS won't be sympathetic to them. If Trump accomplishes nothing else in his time, at least he will have secured the main and most important objective- preventing the liberals taking over the SCOTUS.

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16 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



These are the so called experts, who predicted that Mr Trump had no chance of winning and that dear Hillary was going to bolt in.  They

were all made a laughing stock of and no doubt this is just one of many reasons they are out to get him.  They are also dirty that he will not hold press conferences, but delivers what he needs to, to his supporters via rallies and Twitter.  They have even gone so low now, in the dissecting of everything Trump, to criticising the manner in which he shakes hands.  And that is a news story.



This morning I had the unfortunate experience of watching some so called expert pontificate on BBC as to why Trump was so bad. It was so ludicrous and obvious that the BBC are just as much in the "hate Trump" camp as MSNBC and all the other biased media.

By their partisan attacks on Trump, even the BBC have surrendered any pretense that they are a responsible news organisation, without any attempt to provide truthful and unbiased reporting.

The sad thing is that most of the people watching the BBC probably believe it.

Sad to see that even the once mighty BBC reduced to the status of a red top scandal rag.

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

As you say, give it a rest 'buddy'.


HRC is gone, out the picture. The reality now, today every day at the moment is the disaster Trump.

HRC gone :cheesy:.

She's all over the media with her sore loser speeches about Trump. Latest was ruining a commencement ceremony with her whining.

Also let's not forget her interview in which she blamed the Russians for her losing- Of course, she did nothing wrong :passifier:.

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

US politics have now deteriorated to the extent that a federal judge blocked Trump's latest immigration halt, not on the content or intent of the ACTUAL edict, but because the judge didn't like what Trump had been saying in the election campaign.




Trump travel ban on shaky ground


"The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals not only refused to reinstate Trump’s temporary ban on nationals from six majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States, but also dressed down the government in its decision for asking the court to

"blindly refer to executive power" and uphold an order that "drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination."




Please try to keep up.


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25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

...even the BBC have surrendered any pretense that they are a responsible news organisation,

without any attempt to provide truthful and unbiased reporting.


Just making stuff up and weakly attempting to state it as fact.


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This morning I had the unfortunate experience of watching some so called expert pontificate on BBC as to why Trump was so bad. It was so ludicrous and obvious that the BBC are just as much in the "hate Trump" camp as MSNBC and all the other biased media.

By their partisan attacks on Trump, even the BBC have surrendered any pretense that they are a responsible news organisation, without any attempt to provide truthful and unbiased reporting.

The sad thing is that most of the people watching the BBC probably believe it.

Sad to see that even the once mighty BBC reduced to the status of a red top scandal rag.

In summary, you saw something on BBC that you didn't like, you provide no details other than that it involved Trump, and you give this as evidence that the BBC is not a credible news source.


You'll have to do a lot better than that.

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7 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


"Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you."


Sorry but not an obvious analogy, it is what I have discerned from watching the MSM and reading the media print, and unlike others on TVF I also read and watch what certain people allege to be "Fake News" thus enabling me to form a realistic and unbiased opinion. But not allowed to quote on here, no doubt to prevent a fair and even debate.  Should be a new Headline.  TVF says goodbye to Free Speech.  I don't agree with some things he has done but I disagree more with the rot being dished out on here and through other media outlets.


Yes, I get annoyed with some of the President's Twitter releases and what he says, sometimes in interviews and without explanation,  however, at least he has the guts to say it as it is and stand up to those who relish in their attempts to demonise him.  Ring a bell?


Why doesn't the media critique everything said by others about the President, doesn't suit their agenda, they just dissect his every word, even to the extent of changing their meanings or just plain making it up just to fuel their hate ridden put down.  Don't believe me, just watch CNN, ABC and CNBC.  If you do and then tell me they are not hateful, biased and do not give Trump a fair hearing, then all I can say is that you deserve each other.


Actually, I think you're already there,  with words "I'm Thrilled",  "He is unqualified", "useful idiot",  "I'm Happy", "Foolish Plans", "Swamp Critters", "Dangerously Unqualified", "Own Incompetence",  need I go on, sounds like the many words that the Anchors and their guests spew forth.  Also, if I may ask, what makes you qualified to degrade the President in such a manner?  Just a thought,  maybe you should apply to be a CNN contributor, you would be welcomed with open arms.


And you want is this and you want that?  You can want all you like but like many others, you will have to wait for the normal progression of the investigations.  And if they fall in favour of the President, will you be happy, of course not, you will just go on and, like others, will look for something else that will enable a spanner to be thrown in the wheels of progress.  :wai:


I agree the analogy between the birther movement and the investigations into Trump is far from perfect.  Obama went above and beyond the law in proving he was born in the US, however the birthers, led by Trump, wouldn't accept the proof because it wasn't what they wanted to believe.  Trump is doing the minimum required by law in terms of transparency and ethics, and his 'defense' against accusations from credible news sources is to attack the legitimate media.  This defense is working with some people.  Trump famously said during the campaign "I love the uneducated".  No doubt he still does.


"unlike others on TVF I also read and watch what certain people allege to be "Fake News" thus enabling me to form a realistic and unbiased opinion."


From the context, I assume you are referring to the fringe media; the sites that get their facts from the legitimate news, edit and supplement these facts with speculation and 'facts' from questionable sources, and use them to pose conspiracy theories.  I hope you realize this is not news, this is at best opinion and at worst propaganda.  These are not good sources for forming unbiased opinions.


"Why doesn't the media critique everything said by others about the President, doesn't suit their agenda...."


The media critiques anyone and everyone in the public eye.  The media also has cooking programs, cartoons for children, movies both good and bad, etc.   Let's limit this discussion to information and misinformation sources:


The news reports on what the President and other influential people say, because these statements have the potential to influence world events.  Credible analysts give opinions on statements and events based on experience and relevant knowledge.  Pundits, which many people confuse with news, give infotainment, or opinutainment, summaries on events based more on biases than facts.  Every fringe media site I've seen referenced here on TV falls into the pundit category.  That is a mistake, television comedians do a better job of researching facts than most pundits.


I get news from credible news sources, the ones that have spent decades building a reputation for largely accurate reporting and print retractions when they make mistakes.  I also consider the opinions of qualified experts and analysts.  I avoid pundits and infotainment programs.  What kind of sources do you use?


"watch CNN, ABC and CNBC.  If you do and then tell me they are not hateful, biased and do not give Trump a fair hearing..."


I get most of my news from reading "The Economist" every week, going through the BBC news app top stories several times a week, and following up on interesting headlines from credible sources I come across on the internet.  I sometime channel surf between news channels on television, but that isn't my primary news source.  I have never encountered hateful, biased views about Trump on CNN, ABC and CNBC that compare to the hateful, biased views about Obama and the Clintons on Fox, but I ignore all of them equally.


"Also, if I may ask, what makes you qualified to degrade the President in such a manner?"


I am expressing my opinions, and I am allowed to express these opinions because I am a US citizen.  In my opinion I am not degrading Trump, Trump is degrading the Presidency. 


But since you bring up the subject of qualifications, what makes Trump qualified to be President, other than the electoral college victory?  He has spent decades marketing the name Trump, and he has marketed his way into the White House.  However before and since becoming President he has done nothing to demonstrate he is qualified for the job.


"you will have to wait for the normal progression of the investigations."


I agree, and I'm happy to do so since these investigations are preventing Trump from proceeding on an agenda that is bad for America.


"And if they fall in favour of the President, will you be happy, of course not, you will just go on and, like others, will look for something else that will enable a spanner to be thrown in the wheels of progress."


I don't consider Trump's agenda to be progress, so I will support any spanners that can be thrown in the wheels.  However your statement accurately describes what Republicans do when there is a Democratic President, so you should be used to it.


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